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Read books online ยป Education ยป A.N.Ross' guide to Greek Legends by A.N.Ross (mobile ebook reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA.N.Ross' guide to Greek Legends by A.N.Ross (mobile ebook reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author A.N.Ross


Zeus is the Sky god and the king god he lead his brothers (Poseidon and Hades) and his sisters (Hera, Hestia, and Demeter) againest the Titens and their father Cronus. While his siblings were eaten by their father as children Zeus' mother Rhea saved him by hiding him and tricking her husband into swallowing a stone.
When Zeus became an adult he tricked his father into drinking a cup of Poison which caused him to vomit up Zeus' six siblings. They emerged as full grown gods and goddesses. So the war between titens and gods begain.
The gods won with help from the brothers of the Titens the famous one eyed giant blacksmiths the cyclops.
The giants were imprisoned in the earth with the other orginal children of Uranus and Gaia. They willing crafted weapons for the gods. They made Zeus' lighting bolt, Poseidon's trident and Hades' Helm.
These powerful weaopns helped the God's over throw the titens most titens including Cronus were imprisoned in the deepest part of the underworld. Zeus became the sky god and lived on Mount Olympus.
He married Hera and they had many children who became gods. Zeus is also the father of many demi-gods two of the most famous were Heracles and Perseus. Zeus had many god wifes but Hera is the most famous.
His symbols are the lighting bolt, the eagle, the bull and the oak.
When he fell for a human women he would take the form a bull or a shower of golden rain. He created five races of humans in five diffrent ages they where the Gold race, the Siiver race, the Bronze age, the race of Heroes, and the Race of Iron.
He is the most powerful of the gods and he is able to show great anger.


Poseidon is the god of the sea, He, his brother Hades and their three sisters were eaten by their father Cronus the king of the Titens, they freed from their father's stomach by their brother Zeus. Poseidon's weapon that was made by the cyclops was his trident.
His trident could make the earth shake by just by striking the ground and control the winds and tides.
When they claimed victory over the Titens he became the god of the sea and earthquakes. He married Amphitrite the goddess of salt water. He had a chaireot that was pulled ether by dolphins or the horse fish hybrid hippocampus his legend says he lived in ether in Atlantis or a coral palace.
His son Triton was human on top but implace of legs he had a fish tail. He blew thru a couch shell. He was the first triton which are both male and female.
He is the lord of sea beasts an example of this is when he sent a sea serpent to attack the kingdom of Ethiopia. He is friend with the nereids in fact Amphitrite is a nereid.
In the legend of odyssey he sent Odyssey and his crew far of course from home. He is the father of many hereos he also had many consorts.
His symbols are The trident, a fish, a dolphin, a horse and a bull.


Hades is one of many gods that don't live on mount Olympus. He rule the underworld and the dead. His gift from the cyclops was his helm of darkness that causes it's wearer to disapper into the shadows. He Forced Persephne the daugter of Demeter the harvest goddess to be his wife. He feed her some poppie seeds that ment she had to return to him in winter.
His three headed hound Cerburus is the guardien of the underworld. He taught humans how to respect the dead.
He commands the spirit of the dead and doesn't let anyone go back to the mortal relem. Only three people have escaped the underworld Heracles, Pindar and Hermes. When Perseus went to slay Medusa Hades let him borrow his Helm of darkness. Pindar convince him relese his wife wife his singing. And He has a chairot drawn by jet black stalions. His Helm is also known as the cap of invisibility and the cap of Hades.
His symbols are the helm of darkness., Cerburus, the key of Hades, crpress, and Narcissus.


Hera is on of the three sisters of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. She was eaten by Crouns as a baby and when Zeus freed them she was a full grown goddes. When the Titens were defeated she married Zeus and became the first quenn of the gods. She is also the goddes marriage.
Hera is famous for hating the most famous demigod Heracles when Heracles even dough he was named after her. One night after Heracles and his half brother Iphicles were asleep in the sheild that was their bed. Hera sent two serpents to kill Heracles without a care for Iphiles. But Zeus saved his son by sending a bright light to wake the young demi-god up. Heracles then strangled the serpent.
Hera as tormented Heracles more then once. She made him work for his cousin when she spoke thru the oracle of Delphi. She spoke thru the king and gave Heracles the most dangerous of the twealve labours. She sent him to slay the Nemain lion and she sent the giant crabs that helped the hydra. She also tricked the Amazons into attack Heracles. After Heracles completed the twealith labour Hera just ignored him.
Her symbols are the pomegranate fruit, a peacock feather and a Diadem.
Hera is very vengful againest Zeus lovers and offspring but also to mortals that earn her anger.


Demeter is the goddess of the harvest and she is one of the children of Cronus and Rhea. She is also mother of Persephone Hades' wife. She brought the crops every month then when Hades took Persephone to the underworld she made the three months of winter cold and harvestless.
Thats how winter began. She is a symbol of the crops cycle brith, life, and death in other words the seasons themselves.
Harvesters pray to her and Zeus for a healthy harvest. She taught men how to plow the Earth for crops and how to plant.
Her symbols are the torch, the lion, the cornucopia, and sheaves of weat.



Publication Date: 05-03-2011

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Free ebook ยซA.N.Ross' guide to Greek Legends by A.N.Ross (mobile ebook reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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