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Read books online » Education » Good Tips To Stay Out Of Trouble At School by smartcookie (english books to improve english .txt) 📖

Book online «Good Tips To Stay Out Of Trouble At School by smartcookie (english books to improve english .txt) 📖». Author smartcookie

Chapter One “Ways not to get in Trouble at School”

*I know this is probably boring and you don’t care about how not to get in trouble at school but it could improve your influence on school and on others.

Tip One:
“For the class clowns” * When you get to school, before class starts get all the laughter out of you before you enter class.
*During teaching don’t disrupt the teacher or the class, because some one could have something important they want to learn but they can’t because you are talking.
* Always sit in the front of the class away from the friends that you talk the most around; I’m not saying its not good to talk around friends but it would be a better choice.
*If you want to make a joke about someone or the teacher or not obey don’t do it, just be a good student and other teachers will respect you.

Tip Two:
“For the talk backers”
*If a teacher ever says you were talking during class don’t argue just say I’m sorry; If you do this it want get you in any trouble.
*Also if you are accused for someone else’s trouble causing just say okay I’m sorry but if you can’t do that. PLEASE DON’T TALK BACK TO THE TEACHER.
*I have known a few people that talk back to the pictures and it just gets them dentition or kicked out of the class.

Tip Three:
“For the people who are good in school”
*If you are like any of these people or worst or just any kind the (eye roller, back talker, profanity user, class clown, bully, or anything else and you respect your teacher they will respect you more.
*If you think it’s cool it’s not it may be fun at first but in the future you’ll probably regret doing it SO STOP IT NOW!
*If you stop you could become a model student for everyone else.
*You could also be respected by others and make more friends than you think.

You don’t have to change your ways or stop having fun just remember limit yourself every so often.

*Remember always be your best and gain respect instead of making your teachers hate you because one day they could be your best friend that helps you with something that you couldn’t have accomplished with out them.


Publication Date: 11-10-2010

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To every person who has a diseas or cancer May the lord heal you.

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