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Book online «MY SCHOOL by Dr .Nilesh Gopal das Joshi (reading books for 7 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Dr .Nilesh Gopal das Joshi

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that such context gets to the right students.

The Staff Personnel Functions

The education administrator is the leader of the organization who has staff under him/her to manage as subordinates. They cannot make or manage the organization alone. They have to harness the potentials of their staff to their advantage. He/she should place the necessary structures and allow his/her colleagues to participate in the organizational governance. Under a good organizational climate, discipline and harmony naturally emerges.

The Student Personnel Functions

The educational administrator also has the responsibility to manage the students put under their care effectively. The students are in their formative years. The administrator should have the grasp, full knowledge and understanding of the various stages of students’ developments and their relevant needs. This is done by providing relevant structures and programs capable of directing and shaping their academic and moral values.

Students have advanced from passive on-lookers to active participants on issues and programs that affect them, especially with the formation of student-union governments and other such bodies existing in educational institutions today. Students should participate in decision-making and governance especially in decisions that affect their well-being.

Extra-curricular activities as well as adequate health services, moral and civic orientations, discipline and adequate inter-personal relations should be maintained.

Financial and Physical Resources Functions

The administrator has to be quite knowledgeable in finance management as this is one of the most crucial functions. They have to start with budgeting by properly articulating the cash inflow and outflow in the system. The prudent education administrator creates alternative strategies for cash inflow. The education administrator distributes the available resources among the competing needs in his organization preferentially. His/her financial management has to be apt and his accounting and financial reports straight.

The educational administrator is responsible for the procurement and maintenance of educational plants and facilities. His/her procurement and maintenance of these infrastructures have to be properly planned and programmed. He/she determines the level of their usage or wastage.

The education administrator endeavours to promote school community relations through the participation of the school in community activities and projects, and community participation in some aspects of school life.

The P.T.A. and other stake-holders in the school should join hands with the administrator to formulate policies and reach major decisions as the situation demands. Once the community is in harmony with the school organization, some measure of success in guaranteed.

The educational administrator must be constantly alert to the objectivity with which the community perceives its school and must interpret this into special implication. The education consumer is the public and to a large extent determines what goes on in the school organization.

And therefore, the education administrator identifies what the education consumer wants from education and provides them accordingly.

The School Community Relations Functions

The community is the next-of-kin of school organization, and requires a joint responsibility of the administrator and the community. Although the school serves the community, it is the function or duty of this administrator to make the first move of positive relationship with the community. The educational enterprise is an open system. A social organization thrives on effective interrelationships within it and with its relevant publics.

Principles of school administration

Curriculum is a means to pupil’s growth

Respect for the personality of the members if the staff


Sharing responsibility


Principle of relative values

Professional growth of the staff

Principle of optimism

Student participation

Principle of flexibility


School management is the operational side of the principle for the realization of the objectives. PAUL MOUNRE – School management, as a body of educational doctrine comprises a number of principles and precepts relating primarily to the techniques of classroom procedure and derived largely from the practice of successful teachers. school management Is to forecast to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate, to motivate and complement school.

Characteristics of school management

School management as an organised structure to fulfil certain objective

School management as an embodiment of ideals School management as a lens

School management as the coordination of various elements of the school

School management Is dynamic

Principles of School Management

1.The policies of the school have been developed according to educational principles, government policies and the goals of elementary school education.

2. Reinforce administrative organization, maintain job responsibilities and boost work efficiency.

3. Follow a democratic approach, make personnel, funds, opinions, rewards and punishment public in an attempt to lead the school toward united and harmonious direction.

4. Strengthen personnel management, increase employees’ motivation. Look, listen and understand more. Promote a focus on mobile management.

5. Emphasize delicate campus planning, improve working environment, and inspire employees’ professional spirit.

6. Encourage in-service teacher education to improve teaching methods and counselling skills in order to more effectively implement educational functions.

7. To respect and serve rather than manage.

8. Focus on teachers’ sense of honour and responsibility. Focus on research, experimentation, innovation and the teaching profession.

9. Invigorate teachers’ spirit and stimulate educational renovation.

10. Enhance teaching equipment and make good use of social resources in order to create modern well-developed citizens.

11. Incorporate the five main themes of education, and teach students in accordance with their aptitudes to maximize their talents.

12. Focus on the planning and delivery of special education services.

13. Strengthen life education, moral education, and traffic safety education in order to develop a harmonious atmosphere.

14. Develop good relationships with communities, make use of social resources, and continue school development in order to make the school a centre of community development.


Thus, we can differentiate between school organization, management & administration as:

School organization

It is the pre- execution stage

It provides resources

It defines and determines the function of the school programmes and activities

It provides a machine or set-up for doing work.

It stands for an organised body or system or structure or frame.

It is concerned with provision of material, human facilities, institutional plan and other facilities and services required for running a school

School administration

It is the execution stage.

It is the management of these resources.

It is basically concerned with the efficient execution of these programmes and activities.

It deals with the functioning and operation of the machine or set-up.

It stands for running, handling, conducting or controlling of an organization. It means getting things done.

It is the process of integrating the efforts of human resources and of utilizing appropriate materials and services to draw maximum educational benefits from the available resources.

It is the top level of the school organization with the decisive functions.

It is responsible for determining the policies and objectives of the organization or the firm.

The administration includes the principal and head of department.

It is mostly office oriented with little or no participative culture

It is also result oriented and more accountability is emphasized

Administration means implementing the broad policies laid down by the management

School management

It is the middle level executive function.

They implement the policies and objectives as decided by the administration

It is democratic, participative in nature. It encourages involvement of all functionaries.

It is result – oriented and accountability is emphasized

Management is mainly deterministic in nature and lays down broad policies, programmes






Management – Meaning and Definition

Management is an essential part of any organization and the success of any organization depends largely on the quality of management.

Harold Koontz defined management as the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups.

Adesina (1990) defined management as the organization and mobilization of all human and material resources in a particular system for the achievement of identified objectives in the system.

According to Henry Fayol, to manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to coordinate and to control. Donald J. Clough defines management as the art and science of decision making and leadership.

 Management simply means act of steering and organization or system towards certain predetermined objectives through systematic procedures. It also means act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. The term management has widely been used to refer to the person or group of people who performs the act of management.

Management in organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling to achieve a goal.

Aims and Objectives of Management

The country has placed boundless trust in the educational system. People have a right to expect concrete results. Therefore, the school management should try to fulfil the following objectives:

The school life should be organized in such a way that it can provide social life to the students so that they may learn to live together and develop outstanding characteristics of an ideal citizen. The allocation of resources such as finance, equipment and staff should be properly made. Attempts should be made to make the school a community center. Teachers and students should be allowed freedom and should be encouraged to take initiative in different school activities. Co-curricular activities should be organized While implementing some important policy matters, all the interested parties of the school should be duly consulted. Instructional strategies should be planned keeping in view the needs, interests and aspirations of the students. To get effective results in teaching-learning activities, human and material resources must be properly used. Students should be trained to develop scientific attitude towards life and its problems. Students should be trained to develop a sense of ethical judgement and aesthetic appreciation based on right philosophy of life. Students should be provided with such education which will help them in getting vocations according to their abilities and aptitude. The headmaster should supervise the work of the teaching and non-teaching staff members and allot them work on the basis of their worth, interest and aptitude. The headmaster should maintain a cumulative record card to study the progress of the students in academic and non-academic fields. There must be adequate provision of financial resources which should be properly utilized by adequate budgeting process. There must be provision to discover the innate potential of the students. Principles of democratic administration should be followed in all fields of work. Persons involved in school management should have freedom to work in all fields of life objectively, fairly and justly. Efforts should be made for the efficient use of the school machinery. All the organizational agencies of the school should be inspired to work with a team spirit to achieve the fixed objectives.

For the achievement of the above aims and objectives, the school management system should work systematically and efficiently.

Educational Management- Meaning and Definition

Educational management is the implementation of management principles in educational field. So, as the name implies, Educational management operates in educational organizations or institutions.


It is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of an institution by utilizing human and material resources effectively and efficiently so as to accomplish functions of teaching, research and extension. It also refers to an organized body of professionals that includes Principals, teachers and other educational professionals who takes decisions on human resources, finance, equipment and materials for achieving certain pre-determined educational goals of any educational institution.

So, educational management is a very complex human initiative in which several resources of an educational institution are brought together and made available to achieve and realize the desired educational goals. Thus, educational management suggests the practical measures for ensuring the educational system to work for accomplishing the goals of an educational institution.

Definitions of Educational management

There is no single accepted definition of educational management as it has developed from several disciplines like sociology, economics and political science. But some specialists have proposed their views in the form of definitions for educational management which are:

“Steering an educational institution towards specified objectives through certain processes” – Paul Monroe “Theory and practice of the organization
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