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Book online «MY SCHOOL by Dr .Nilesh Gopal das Joshi (reading books for 7 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Dr .Nilesh Gopal das Joshi

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of representatives from teaching units. This system tries to ensure that all interests are fully represented in the organization of the school.


Participatory and Non-Participatory Management

Educational Management is an organizational behavior system for the purpose of improving the learning situation of children. It aims at facilitating the release of the human potential of the organizational members that makes available a more competent staff to conduct human interaction that is called education. It is participatory and non-participatory management system that determines how best human potential can be released.

Non-Participatory Management

Non-participatory Management system believes in managing its affairs without participating with the group-members involved in the process. Here, the management uses its power, position and authority to get people to do things as they think. The authorities here feel that they know what a good learning situation is and they have insight as to how the educative process can provide right learning. The management system takes the decision and tells the staff what to do. It exercises dictatorial types of control.

But the management system gives suggestions, formulates policies, recommends courses and textbooks, and suggest solutions to educational problems. Here the power has been centralized. Such non-participatory attitude suppresses initiative and originality. It also develops fear and distrust and tends to discourage the best persons who are intellectually honest, independent, original and resourceful. It limits the potential accomplishment of the group.

Participatory Management

Participatory management system likes to be assisted by the group members to plan together for programme improvement. As problems arise in the organization of the group, the management authority thinks of ways in which the group can attack the problem. The management authority participates in the discussions, exercises their full intelligence and gives the group the best thoughts. Whenever possible, decision is delayed until consensus is reached.

Group power is the total capacity of the staff, centered upon the attainment of definite goals and operating through relationships built under the guidance of the management authority. The participatory management system follows the “power with’ concept, where the leader is able to build group loyalty, a sense of personal responsibility for the accomplishment of group goals. They create co-operative working relationships with the members of the staff rather than personal control over the actions of individual members.





“The sum of the values, cultures, safety practices, organizational structures within an institution, teaching practices, diversity, leader-teacher relationships, parent-teacher relationships, is the concept of institutional climate.”

Institutional climate also called organizational climate, thus refers to the enduring quality of the internal environment that is experienced by the members of an organization. It is the human environment in which the employees work.

Meaning of Institutional Climate:

The institutional climate or climate of an educational institution is basic requirement of an educational institution and is the basis of health of a school. The cause is that the smooth functioning of an educational institution or school depends on the maintenance of discipline and co-ordination among the different persons such as head of the educational institution, teachers, students and other staff of the educational institution or school. The climate is the process while health is its end product which is also the result of growth and development of an institution.

Features of Institutional Climate

Each organization has its own climate. It consists of a set of characteristics that describe an organization to distinguish it from other organizations. One cannot see it, but can experience it Organizational climate influences motivation, performance and job satisfaction.


            According to Norris Haynes “Institutional Climate is the sum total of a dynamic interaction among the psychosocial, academic and physical dimensions of the school environment”.

            According to C.G. Michel “Organizational climate is the result of interpersonal behavior, attitudes, perceptions and values of the individuals who are working in the organization”.

Characteristics of Institutional Climate

General Perception

Organisational climate is a general expression of what the organization is. It is the global view which people have about organization’s internal environment within which they work.

Qualitative and Unmeasurable Concept

Organizational climate is a qualitative concept. One cannot see it, but it can be experienced.

Unique and Distinct Identity

Organizational climate gives a distinct identity to the organization. It consists of a set of characteristics that describe an organization to distinguish it from other organizations.

Relatively Enduring Quality

Organizational climate represents a relatively enduring quality of the internal environment that is experienced by the organizational members.

Multi-dimensional Concept

The various dimensions of the organizational climate are individual autonomy, authority structure, leadership style, pattern of communication, degree of conflicts and cooperation etc.


Each organization has its own climate. This climate contributes significantly to its well-functioning.


Organizational climate influences motivation, performance and job satisfaction.

Components of Institutional Climate

The institutional climate is the basic requirement of an educational institution and is the basis of health of a school. The smooth functioning of an educational institution depends on the maintenance of discipline and co-ordination among the different persons such as head of the institution, teachers, students and other staff of the institution. The climate is the process while health is its end product which is also the result of growth and development of an institution.


Maintenance of discipline:

Discipline is a mode of life in accordance with certain rules and regulations. It is a sort of self-control, reflected in public actions. The modern concept of school discipline stresses self-discipline and social disciplines. Its only through discipline that man can attain power.

Principles for maintaining discipline:

The following principles should be obeyed for maintaining discipline in the educational institution of school:

(i) The base of discipline should be love, trust and goodwill.

(ii) Discipline should be based on co-operation.

(iii) The entire climate of the educational institution of school should be made beautiful and coordinating.

(iv) The children should be imparted knowledge about the importance of discipline.

(v) Adequate liberty and facilities should be given to students and teachers for ensuring their duties in the school.

(vi) For maintaining discipline, punishment should not be used.

(vii) The guardians should be encouraged for making family life beautiful and comfortable.

(viii) Various creative activities should be given place in the school programme.


Co-ordination in management:

It is the process of putting things together in a harmonious relationship so that they may function effectively. Co-ordination is required in all fields of administration such as planning, organization etc. It is also needed in respect of purpose, time and place of the various activities like laying down policies, preparing the budget, selection of staff and development of the curriculum etc. Co-ordination depends on the nature of the particular problem, circumstances and availability of resources and the final goal. The administrator should possess a good skill for harmonizing all these diverse relationships.

Factors of Co-ordination: Co-ordination has the following three factors:

(i) There are different parts and aspects of the programme, such as the staff, parents, students, curriculum etc.

(ii) There are the means of co-ordination, such as the rules, regulations, customs etc.

(iii) There are the climate, the environment and the powers of co-ordination. The administrator, for each particular situation, has to decide which parts, which methods and what powers he is going to use.

Stages of Co-ordination: Co-ordination is required at two stages:

(i) In the beginning of the administrative process, co-ordination is used to prevent the breakdown of the organisation.

(ii) During the process it is used to remedy the conflicts and maladjustment. It starts with establishing a unity and restores this unity whenever the purpose, the structure and the process is threatened. Hence, it is both a preventive and a curative measure.


Growth and development:

Education is a process of development. Educational institutions are established for human development. Kothari Commission ( 1964-66) has stated that destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom. The schools and classrooms are responsible for social, national and personal development. It is the duty of principal and teachers to create suitable environment for the growth and development of children. The main focus of school management is to bring desirable behavioral changes among children.

The growth and development are made in the following areas:

(i) Growth and development of children

(ii) Growth and development of teachers and

(iii) Growth and development of school.


The smooth functioning of an educational institution depends on the maintenance of discipline and co-ordination among the administrative, supervisory, teaching and non-teaching personnel. The reason is that the maintenance of discipline and co-ordination creates the academic climate of an educational institution which leads to the growth and development of the educational institution.

The climate of an educational institution is the basic requirement and is the basis of health of an educational institution. The climate is the process while health is its end product which is also the result of growth and development of an institution.

It has been properly observed that there is the need of three factors in bringing smooth functioning of educational climate of an educational institution. Among these three factors “Maintenance of Discipline” is the first and foremost one.

Dimensions of Organisational Climate:

The important dimensions or components which collectively represent the climate of an organisation are as discussed below:

Dominant Orientation:

Dominant orientation of the organisation is an important determinant of climate and it is the major concern of its members. If the dominant orientation is to adhere to established rules and regulations, the climate is characterised by control. If the orientation is to produce excellence the climate will be characterised by achievement.

Inter-Personal Relationships:

The interpersonal relationships in the organisations are reflected in the way informal groups are formed and operated. The informal groups may benefit the organisation also, but in some cases it may displace the goals of the organisation.

Conflict Management:

In the organisation, there can always be inter-group as well as intra group conflicts. The organisational climate will depend upon how effectively these conflicts are managed. If they are managed effectively, there will be an atmosphere of cooperation in the organisation. If they are not managed properly there will be an atmosphere of distrust and non-cooperation.

Individual Autonomy:

If the individual employees are given sufficient freedom to work and exercises authority, it will result in efficiency in operations. The autonomy will lighten the burden of higher level executives.

Organisational Control System:

The control system of the organisation can be either rigid or flexible. Rigid control will lead to impersonal or bureaucratic atmosphere in the organisation. There will be minimum scope for self regulation.

Organisational Structure:

The organisational structure serves the basis of inter personal relations between superiors and subordinates. It clarifies as to who is responsible to whom and who is to direct whom. If there is centralisation of authority, the participation in decision making by the subordinates will be very less. On the other hand, if there is decentralisation of authority, there will be an atmosphere of participative decision making.

Task Oriented or Relations Oriented Management:

The dominant style of managers will also affect the organisational climate. Task oriented approach means that the leadership style will be autocratic. The employees will have to show results or face the punishment. The employee morale will be low in the long run.

If the managers are relations oriented, the climate will be considerate and supportive. There will be team spirit in the organisation because the needs and aspirations of the workers will be given due importance.

Rewards and Punishments:

The system of rewards and punishments is also an important component of organisational climate if the reward system is directly related to performance and productivity, there will be an atmosphere of competition among the employees. Everybody will like to work hard and earn more reward in the form of promotions and pay rise. If there is

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