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Book online «The History of The Wolf by Forest Ostrander (good ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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spirit guide...."Wolf spirit guide is a shape-shifter he adapts to the energies of the forest, Wolf is a pathfinder by nature led by his intuition deep into the dark forests he knows the way."


Wolf is a powerful totem when you are feeling lost and do not know where to go...he guides you, he will be your protector as you make your journey on a new unexplored path, as you gain inner sight, wisdome, experience and confidence you will bond with the Wolf becoming on of the pack, or he on of yours. But to venture into the forest means that you must be willing to face your own deepest fears. Wolf must venture deep into the forest to find what he requires for sustenance and growth, long ago he cast away his fear of the unknown. He has faced and conqured his deepest fears and now he walks the forest at night with supreme confidence, this trait bears powerful meaning if you choose to call upon the Wolf totem.




Wolf brings the gifts of... self reliance, endurance, keen intelligence

Wolf brings the energies of... freedom and Companionship

Wolf bings the magic of... extrodinary intuition and telapathy



As the supreme hunter of the forest, Wolf power animal teaches us how to find the resources we need, to be resourceful and to use the resources wisely, to keep moving forward, to keep evolving. Wolf symbolism and totem teaches us to assess each situation and adapt as needed, always ready...always prepared.

Wolf spirit animal is so very intuitive that he can sense your movements~anticipating your every move, he reads your mind as he is telepathic, you can learn this by bonding with his energy.

Wolf symbolizes the meaning of freedom, he is free to roam the vast valleys and mountians of the forest, he is capable of shape-shifting and walking the Spirit relm, he can teach us how to do the same.

Wolf is a great teacher, he is loyal and loving to his family, the family he hunts together with exquisite intuitive abilities they move together as one. As a family, there is order within the pack, each shows tremendouse descipline, and there is much delite in playing with young pups. All of the wolves in the pack protect and guard the family.

Wolf symbolism and meaning can teach keen intuition and can help you see and sense the unseen, having a deep awarness and perception of all that is around. The wolf can sense people and other animals for many miles around, he knows his terrain well. Wolf totem medicine of perception appears now to teach you how to discern others as you tap into the inner wisdom, strength and the relm of the beyond what is seen, knowing what is best for you and what to avoid.


Lone wolf symbolism and meaning...

Lone Wolf is strong beyond measure, he is the embodiment of the wild spirit surviving on his own. He is learning many things about himself, he is learning the balance of freedom and the need for family of his own. He is magical and majestic in his essence, in his freedom he roams the forest strong yet he seeks a mate, he yearns for a mate...a pack of his own. He is on his greatest hunt, he has within him the endurance to keep going until the journey bestows upon him the great gift that he seeks...and a new legacy of the forest.


Wolf symbolism for howling at the moon...

When Wolf is howling at the moon, this symbolizes that he or she is calling upon the guidence of the Great Spirit to awaken the mystical insights and intuition to locate the path of its heart desires. When you gaze upon the moon your are indeed doing the same, and Wolf spirit guide can be at your side as a totem spirit guide to amplify your requests.


When Wolf appears for you...

Wolf totem is asking for introspection, to face your depest fears...the fears that are holding you back from taking the journey that will lead you to your greatest destiny...freedom.


Wolf...shapeshifter, pathfinder.

Totem Wolf Symbols: Wolf Meaning and Symbolism



Totem Wolf Meanings and Symbolism

To understand totem wolf symbols, one must first understand the heart of the Wolf.  This takes time because the Wolf has had to endure many false stereotypes, misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Not at all the picture of ferocity or terror, the Wolf is a creature with a high sense of loyalty and strength.  Another misconception is that of the "lone wolf."  To the contrary, the Wolf is actually a social creature, friendly, and gregarious with its counterparts.

The Wolf is an incredible communicator.  By using touch, body movements, eye contact as well as many complex vocal expressions - the wolf makes his point understood.  Those with totem wolf symbols are of the same inclination - they are expressive both vocally and physically.  Those who have the wolf as their totem animal are naturally eloquent in speech, and also have knack for creative writing.

A quick-list of totem wolf symbolic attributes include...

Totemic Wolf Meanings:

Loyalty Cunning Generosity Intelligence Friendliness Compassionate Communication

Totem wolf symbols belong to those who truly understand the depth of passion that belong to this noble creature.  The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.  

Further, the Wolf possess a high intellect, and have been observed using strategies about hunting, habitat and migration.

In history, the totem Wolf symbol appears with the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.  Legend has it that the two founding brothers were raised and suckled by a she-wolf.

In Norse mythology, the Wolf is a symbol for victory when ridden by Odin and the Valkyries upon the battlefield.

As a Celtic symbol,  the Wolf was a source of lunar power.   Celtic lore states that the Wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it at each dusk so as to allow the power of the moon to come forth.

In Asia, the wolf guards the doors that allow entrance to heavenly, celestial realms.  The Wolf is also said to be among the ancestry of Genghis Khan.

When this gracious creature appears to us, and serves as a totem in our lives, the Wolf beckons us to ask these questions:

Potential Questions Your Wolf Totem May Ask You:

Are you thinking about a different form of education? Are you being a true friend, and are your friends being true to you? Are you communicating yourself clearly to others? Are you being loyal to yourself? Are you incorporating strategies and planning to achieve your goals? Are you spending enough quality time with yourself, friends and family?


Take some time to know more about the Wolf, you will be amazed at the knowledge these regal creatures can share with you.

Wolf, Power Animal, Symbol of Wildness, Social and Family Values

Wolf, Power Animal, Symbol of Wildness, Social and Family Values, Intuition, Loyalty By Ina Woolcott.

Native American and Celtic custom regard Wolf as the way of find the deepest levels of self, of inner knowing and intuition. This is symbolized by the image of the wolf howling at the moon. Native Americans have long regarded wolves as teachers or pathfinders. In astrology, Wolf is represented by the Dog, Sirius, thought by many aboriginal tribes to be the home of the Ancients.

Wolves are probably the most misunderstood of all wild animals. Stories of cold-bloodedness abound, in spite of their friendly, intelligent and social traits. The wolf, once a much feared and hated animal, has lately become much more appreciated. They now stand a better chance of survival, where they haven’t been hunted to extinction, or near extinction, in some countries. In the USA this culling of wolfs, who are a symbol of wildness, was down to the process of taming the wilderness. Especially where farms were trying to be founded. They were seen as the enemy, especially when they ate farm animals! Perhaps nowadays people are becoming more aware that keeping the harmony of nature and its inhabitants intact is necessary as wolf’s are being reintroduced back into the wilderness in the USA. Of course, farmers are protesting profusely. On a deeper level our emotions toward Wolf reflect our muddled feelings of ourselves as humans. Although we consider ourselves ‘civilized’ we are still animals with our own wild spirit. Wolf reminds us of this, often uneasily.

The wolf, is a symbol of the night. This time can seem lonesome and scary to us. But it is also the time when through dreams, we may discover valuable things about ourselves. This is a lonely path. To truly come to understand yourself, you must be alone, undeterred by the beliefs, judgements and views of others.  The wolf teaches us to learn about our inner self and to discover our inner power and strength. However, to achieve this, we must take risks and face our deepest fears. Wolf requires sincerity. Though demanding a lot of us, much is given in return; a spirit helper that is always there to help, giving us extraordinary powers of endurance. Learn to hear the voice within yourself, which in silence is as clear as the sound of the wolf howling in the night.

Wolf is also an extremely gregarious animal, enjoying the company of others. Wolves mate for life. The clan has a solid social structure, in which all adults participate in the upbringing of the young. Wolves are fiercely loyal to their mates, with a strong sense of family whilst upholding individualism. Though their clans are highly organised, they are truly free spirits. They seem to go out of their way to avoid a fight. A shift in posture, a growl, or a glance gets the point across quite readily without violence. We are reminded not to waste resources and to learn how to avoid trouble and confrontations. People with Wolf as power animal have the ability to make quick and firm emotional attachments. Trust your insights about these attachments, wolf will be there to guide you. Take control of your life with Wolf’s assistance and do so with harmony and discipline.
 We can truly use wolf as an example in our lives. We can understand that there doesn't need to be a hard separation between the solitary and social paths. Wolf teaches you to balance between the needs your family has of you and the needs you have for yourself. Wolves are totally loyal to the pack but do not give up their identity to the pack. If wolf has come into your life you are must look at where you are being too dependent and

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