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while the genotype of the human female would be 44 XX (where 44 represents the autosomes).


In humans, the Y chromosome is much shorter than the X chromosome. Because of this shortened size, a number of sex-linked conditions occur. When a gene occurs on an X chromosome, the other gene of the pair probably occurs on the other X chromosome. Therefore, a female usually has two genes for a characteristic. In contrast, when a gene occurs on an X chromosome in a male, there is usually no other gene present on the short Y chromosome. Therefore, in the male, whatever gene is present on the X chromosome will be expressed.


An example of a sex-linked trait is colorblindness. The gene for colorblindness is found on the X chromosome. A woman is rarely colorblind because she usually has a dominant gene for normal vision on one of her X chromosomes. However, a male has the shortened Y chromosome; therefore, he has no gene to offset a gene for colorblindness on the X chromosome. As a result, the gene for colorblindness expresses itself in the male.


Another example of sex-linked inheritance is the blood disease hemophilia. In hemophilia, the blood does not clot normally because an important blood-clotting protein is missing. The gene for hemophilia occurs on the X chromosome. As females have two X chromosomes, one X chromosome usually has the gene for normal blood clotting. Therefore, the female may be a carrier of hemophilia but normally does not express hemophilia. Males have no offsetting gene on the Y chromosome, so the gene for hemophilia expresses itself in the male. This is why most cases of hemophilia occur in males.

Chapter 10: Gene Expression (Molecular Genetics)



During the 1950s, a tremendous explosion of biological research occurred, and the methods of gene expression were elucidated. The knowledge generated during this period helped explain how genes function, and it gave rise to the science of molecular genetics. This science is based on the activity of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and how this activity brings about the production of proteins in the cell. Genetic material is packaged into DNA molecules. DNA molecules relay the inherited information to messenger RNA (mRNA) which, in turn, codes for proteins. This chain of command is represented as:


DNA → mRNA → protein


The flow of information from DNA to protein is known as the Central Dogma of molecular biology.

In 1953, two biochemists, James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick, proposed a model for the structure of DNA. (In 1962, they shared a Nobel Prize for their work.) The publication of the structure of DNA opened a new realm of molecular genetics. Its structure provided valuable insight into how genes operate and how DNA can reproduce itself during mitosis, thereby passing on hereditary characteristics. Not only did the new research uncover many of the principles of protein synthesis, but it also gave rise to the science of biotechnology and genetic engineering.


DNA Replication


The process of DNA replication begins when specialized enzymes pull apart, or “unzip,” the DNA double helix (see Figure 10-1). As the two strands separate, the purine and pyrimidine bases on each strand are exposed. The exposed bases then attract their complementary bases. Deoxyribose molecules and phosphate groups are present in the nucleus. The enzyme DNA polymerase joins all the nucleotide components to one another, forming a long strand of nucleotides. Thus, the old strand of DNA directs the synthesis of a new strand of DNA through complementary base pairing. The old strand then unites with the new strand to re-form a double helix. This process is called semiconservative replication because one of the old strands is conserved in the new DNA double helix.


Figure 10-1   DNA replication. The double helix opens and a complementary strand of DNA is synthesized along each strand.


DNA polymerase joins nucleotides in a 5'-3' direction on the leading strand, shown in Figure 10-1. However, DNA polymerase does not elongate a DNA strand in a 3'-5' direction. Therefore, the 3'-5' strand, called the lagging strand, is synthesized in short segments in a 5'-3' direction. These short segments placed on the lagging strand are Okazaki fragments and are ultimately joined together by the enzyme DNA ligase to form a new DNA strand.


DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle. After replication has taken place, the chromosomal material shortens and thickens. The chromatids appear in the prophase of the next mitosis. The process then continues, and eventually two daughter cells form, each with the identical amount and kind of DNA as the parent cell. The process of DNA replication thus ensures that the molecular material passes to the daughter cells in equal amounts and types.


Protein Synthesis


During the 1950s and 1960s, it became apparent that DNA is essential in the synthesis of proteins. Among many functions, proteins can serve as enzymes and as structural materials in cells. Many specialized proteins function in cellular activities. For example, in humans, the hormone insulin and the muscle cell filaments are composed of protein. The hair, skin, and nails of humans are composed of proteins, as are all the hundreds of thousands of enzymes in the body.


The key to a protein molecule is how the amino acids are linked. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is a type of code that specifies the protein and distinguishes one protein from another. A genetic code in the DNA determines this amino acid code. The genetic code consists of the sequence of nitrogenous bases in the DNA. How the nitrogenous base code is translated to an amino acid sequence in a protein is the basis for protein synthesis.

For protein synthesis to occur, several essential materials must be present, such as a supply of the 20 amino acids, which comprise most proteins. Another essential component is a series of enzymes that will function in the process. DNA and another form of nucleic acid called ribonucleic acid (RNA) are essential.

RNA is the nucleic acid that carries instructions from the nuclear DNA into the cytoplasm, where protein is synthesized. RNA is similar to DNA, with two exceptions. First, the carbohydrate in RNA is ribose rather than deoxyribose, and second, RNA nucleotides contain the pyrimidine uracil rather than thymine.

Types of RNA

In the synthesis of protein, three types of RNA function. The first type is called ribosomal RNA (rRNA). This form of RNA is used to manufacture ribosomes. Ribosomes are ultramicroscopic particles of rRNA and protein. They are the places (the chemical “workbenches”) where amino acids are linked to one another to synthesize proteins. Ribosomes are found in large numbers along the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and in the cytoplasm of the cell (see Chapter 3).

A second important type of RNA is transfer RNA (tRNA). Transfer RNA exists in the cell cytoplasm and carries amino acids to the ribosomes for protein synthesis. When protein synthesis is taking place, enzymes link tRNA molecules to amino acids in a highly specific manner. For example, tRNA molecule X will link only to amino acid X; tRNA molecule Y will link only to amino acid Y.

The third form of RNA is messenger RNA (mRNA). In the nucleus, messenger RNA is constructed from DNA’s code of base pairs and carries the code into the cytoplasm or to the rough endoplasmic reticulum where protein synthesis takes place. Messenger RNA is synthesized in the nucleus using the DNA molecules. During the synthesis, the genetic information is transferred from the DNA molecule to the mRNA molecule. In this way, a genetic code can be used to synthesize a protein in a distant location. RNA polymerase, an enzyme, accomplishes mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA synthesis.

There are also non-coding RNA molecules (ncRNAs), which are not directly involved in protein synthesis. These will be further discussed in the section “Gene Control,” later in this chapter


Transcription is one of the first processes in the mechanism of protein synthesis. In transcription, a complementary strand of mRNA is synthesized according to the nitrogenous base code of DNA. To begin, the enzyme RNA polymerase binds to an area of one of the DNA molecules in the double helix. (During transcription, only one DNA strand serves as a template for RNA synthesis. The other DNA strand remains dormant.) The enzyme moves along the DNA strand and “reads” the nucleotides one by one. Similar to the process of DNA replication, the new nucleic acid strand elongates in a 5'-3' direction, as shown in Figure 10-2. The enzyme selects complementary bases from available nucleotides and positions them in an mRNA molecule according to the principle of complementary base pairing. The chain of mRNA lengthens until a “stop” message is received.


Figure 10-2   The process of transcription. The DNA double helix opens, and the enzyme RNA polymerase synthesizes a molecule of mRNA according to the base sequence of the DNA template.


The nucleotides of the DNA strands are read in groups of three. Each group is a codon. Thus, a codon may be CGA, or TTA, or GCT, or any other combination of the four bases, depending on the codon’s complementary sequence in the DNA strand. Each codon will later serve as a “code word” for an amino acid. First, however, the codons are transcribed to the mRNA molecule. Thus, the mRNA molecule consists of nothing more than a series of codons received from the genetic message in the DNA.


After the “stop” codon is reached, the synthesis of the mRNA comes to an end. The mRNA molecule leaves the DNA molecule, and the DNA molecule rewinds to form a double helix. Meanwhile, the mRNA molecule passes through a pore in the nucleus and proceeds into the cellular cytoplasm, where it moves toward the ribosomes located in the cytoplasm or on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.




The genetic code is transferred to an amino acid sequence in a protein through the translation process, which begins with the arrival of the mRNA molecule at the ribosome. While the mRNA was being synthesized, tRNA molecules were uniting with their specific amino acids according to the activity of specific enzymes. The tRNA molecules then began transporting their amino acids to the ribosomes to meet the mRNA molecule.

After it arrives at the ribosomes, the mRNA molecule exposes its bases in sets of three, the codons. Each codon has a complementary codon called an anticodon on a tRNA molecule. When the codon of the mRNA molecule complements the anticodon on the tRNA molecule, the latter places the particular amino acid in that position. Then the next codon of the mRNA is exposed, and the complementary anticodon of a tRNA molecule matches with it. The amino acid carried by the second tRNA molecule is positioned next to the first amino acid, and the two are linked. At this point, the tRNA molecules release their amino acids and return to the cytoplasm to link up with new molecules of amino acid.


When it’s time for the next amino acid to be positioned in the growing protein, a new codon on the mRNA molecule is exposed, and the complementary three-base anticodon of a tRNA molecule positions itself opposite the codon. This brings another amino acid into position, and that amino acid links to the previous amino acids. The ribosome moves farther down the mRNA molecule and exposes another codon, which attracts another tRNA molecule with

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