Read books online ยป Erotic ยป The Wild Ride by cutie8pie X, X O (good short books .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Wild Ride by cutie8pie X, X O (good short books .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author cutie8pie X, X O

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Breath is harder to get as I run through the forest, I pump my arms faster and urge my legs to move in longer strides as I run for my life and that of my unborn child I just found out about. I look back to see if he was following me but I didn't need to look back to hear the inraged growl from behind me that tells me he is close and pissed that I left him. However it doesnt matter how close he is because I made it to the end of the forest and to the motercycle I ordered to be here two day before. As soon as I climed on the motercycle and started it Jacob broke through to forest but I had no time to marvel in his perfection I had to go and fast so I did. As I raced off at full speed to escape my lover and captor I heard my name being growled in the most savage tone I have ever heard "LANA".


As I raced down the empty road I let my mind wonder (Mistake 1) and thought about the night before with the man I had just escaped from.




"I love you, and from now on you are MINE."said Jacob with passion I've have never heard him use before.

"Well, don't I get a say in who I belong to and who I don't ?" I asked as I licked down his chest and heard a low growl come from him.

"No you leave that up to me", he said as he struggled to breath as I took his dick deep in my mouth and sucked hard as I ran my hands up his cheast and let my fingertips circle his nipples. Jacob breathed out a deep sigh and tangled his hands through my hair and pushed my mouth towards his thrusting hips."Uhh", he groned when I gagged a little then sucked back up to his tip. I began to suck faster and used my hand to make up for what couln't fit in my mouth.

"I'm about to....CUM!" Jarod said with a growl as he shot his a glob of thick sweet cum down my throat.





BEEP! a car honked waking me from my daydream and into the reality that I was about to crash into a huge truck, I swerved out of the way and speed up to make up for the lost time I know was spent thinking about my lover. I was feeling tired so I stoped at a gas station to wash up. I was after all covered in dirt and sweat, soo not my style. I pulled into a gas station, grabed my tote bag and parked my bike. When I made it into the gas station and walked up to the counter I could smell fear and suspision coming fromt he the old, bald man from behind the counter I ignored it (Mistake 2). " Can I have the key to the bathroom", I asked calmly and with a smile. 

"Uhh sure" , he said and handed mt the key. I smiled and took the key to the back to the door with the woman stick figure on it. With a sigh I and got to work on taking a wash cloth and new out fit out of my bag. Once I washed up I dressed in light wash, high waist jean shorts that make men swoon, a white front zip top that came just above my belly botton ring. I sliped on my ankle legnth black leather boots with the silver studs tied my long honey brown hair into a high bun on top of my head and covered my hazel eyes with black shades. 

When I steped out of the bathroom and threw the key at the old dude I turned to open the front door of the store I walked towards my bike but stoped when I saw the tall dark figure of my lover leaning aginst my bike. "Jacob", I strained to say as I stood frozen struggling to speak. He slowly walked up to me and stoped inches from my lips I had to look up to look him in the eye. "You didn't really think I would let you get away did you?".

The Talk

I regained my cool, took a step back and narrowed my eyes "And you don't think that I would let you hold me did you?", I asked as I crossed my arms to keep him from seeing my nipples rise beneath my shirt without the restrant of a bra. 

"Well darlin I guess we'll find out, wont we", he said but didn't give me a chance to answer as he picked me up a threw me over his shoulder picked up my bag a walked over to his black jeep. He set me in the front seat of his car and got into the drivers seat to start the car. During the drive we were both quite which gave me time to think over another escape plan. I thought to how I got into this pickel in the first place, I felt a warm large hand on my thigh oh so close to my you-know-what. My blood began to pump faster and my panties began to moisten. From the look in his eyes I could tell it was go time. Jacob suddenly jerked the car to a stop and took my seat belt off and pulled me into his lap. He grabbed the back of my head and slamed his lips into mine. His tounge fought with mine for dominance, his won. 


When we finally made it to Jacob's wooden cabin he droped my carry on bag and crossed his arms over his cheast, waiting. Already knowing what he wanted I started to explain. " The reason I ran off without telling you is because I knew you would never have let me leave if I asked you." I explained hoping he bought it. 

"You don't really think I buy that bullshit do you?" Jacob asked as he slowly stalked towards me with anger in his eyes and a raging hard on between his legs, when he finally stood just a hair legnth away from my lips. " I can smell a lie remeber". And I did remeber so I decided to do what I had been dreading to do, tell the truth. 

"Fine, you got me, I lied but you have to promise that if I tell the truth that you wont hurt me", I  said hoping he would agree. 

"Okay I promise", Jacob said looking me right in the eyes. To bad that I'm a werewolf and I can smell a lie too. 

The Truth

" Jacob I'm married, and the reason that I was running away was because my husband called me and said that if I wasn't home tonight that he would come after me. Trust me that is the last thing that you want, so I left", I said as I watched Jacob's face go from confused, to betrayed, to furious. 

Jacob let an inraged growl and grabed the tops of my arms."You are MINE, and I'll be damed if I let you walk out of my life with my baby into another mans arms, you got me fucked up if you think I will let you get away that easy Lana". I ripped out of his grasp and put my hands on my hips. 

"The baby's not your's Jacob". I stated with regret , then I heard him laugh. 

"Your lying and we both know it", he said with complete confidence as he grabed my neck and pulled me to him. Okay he aint buying it , time to cough it up. "Fine, a couple of months ago my husband and I were having problems, I found out he was cheating on me. So we separated, then I met you...and well you know what happened. 

"Yeah I know what happened, so why did you run when I claimed you". 

"I didn't run because you claimed me , I wanted you to claim me, I love you, I ran because my husband called me  two days ago and told me he knew I was holed up with some ass hole and that if I didn't meet him tonight that he would kill you and everyone you care about." I said with a huff as I put my arms around his neck and I pressed my cunt tightly aganist his hard dick.

"Sweetheart no one is going to hurt me or anything thats mine, he doesn't know who he's fuckin with, and no one is going to take you from me."

"Thats not fair your not getting hurt for me, I won't let you", I said anger setting in.

"You have no choice", Jacob slaped his hands on my jean clad ass hard.

"I can choose to go back to my husband and never see you again", I said avoiding eye contack so he couldn't see my tear filled gaze. 

"Is there something your not telling me Lana", Jacob said calmly

"No baby, I just want you safe your all I care about." I said a tear sliding down my cheek of the thought of my lover and father of my child ever being harmed. Jacob lifted me by my ass and rubed his erection aginst me.

 I wraped my legs around his waist and kissed him with everthing that I had.

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