Read books online ยป Erotic ยป Spicy Friendship by Allon :P (books to read romance TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซSpicy Friendship by Allon :P (books to read romance TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Allon :P

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What's the definition of sex? I believe is an act between two individuals that have feelings to one another, right? That means that you mostly don't have to be in a relationship with to have sex. You can do it with your friends too, right? Probably. Here's the thing, let's say that we are in an alternate universe. A universe where sex is considered to not be such a silenced subject among people but is discussed openly and researched.

It's a world where two friends that know each other for a long time and have feelings for each other can have sex without any worries that they have to be in a serious relationship and so on. It sounds pretty good, right? Probably you thinking right now how it would be to have sex with your best friend either way if you two are the same gender or not. You thought about it, didn't you?

Well then, let's talk more about this world, okay?

So this is a world where humans are very honest with each other, speaking their mind up without getting offended by stupid little things. Is a world where humans socialise with each other a lot. But what is the downside to that, it's very hard to have a friendship with someone. Most of the relationships are made online where that is only after a year of talking with that person. Sounds bad right? Well not likely, because now that humans speak their mind up, they can say what they like or not about a person and if they want to get closer or not. Let's take an example: in our world you don't know what a girl wants from a boy to become her boyfriend because most of them lie and lie just to make everyone feels nice, giving false hope; here, in this world, the girls tell you clearly what she wants. And yes, some girls here are ones that are gold diggers, or only wants good sex etc. But this is that they let you know. This same thing applies to men too. They tell you want they want from a girl also.

The thing is, in this world, boys can't become friends with a girl, just to have sex with her. It's hard and you know why? Because feelings must be involved for two good friends, boy and a girl, for them to have sex. Also, porn is a totally different thing in this world. Porn is seen as an art. Yes, I know, pretty funny huh? Well no, this is something that we must all think about it. It's basically a video showing two or more people having sex, an act that releases your stress, an act that you share with someone close to you or not. It's not just a video for men to jerk off too. It's something to let you know and to see how two people with feelings for each other have an act of releasing and showing what they mean for one another. Porn videos are more educational now, very important, something that people talk about with no shame.

Now, that we talked about this let's dive in more to let you have a glance at what I talked earlier.

So we are somewhere, isn't important, on a location that isn't important, in a highschool that is also not important. But what is important is two students, boy and girl, in a certain classroom. Both of them have sixteen years old, a perfect age for learning about sex and practice it. The boy's name is Oliver, he is shy but his personality makes up for it. He's the type of person that you really have to know to see his true intentions. Oliver has an average height, his hair is black, brown eyes, weight pretty average. The girl, her name is Fiona and she is Oliver's desk partner. She has the same height as Oliver, she's skinny, with average boobs and ass, although she is just sixteen. Fiona has very beautiful blue eyes, and her hair is blonde. The two of them knew each other from middle school and now in highschool they were sitting next to each other, mostly because both of them trust each other far more than the rest of the class.

Right now they had math. The teacher was at the chalkboard writing something. Oliver was pretty bored from writing and he proceeded to look at Fiona for the time being. After some time Oliver noticed something not so right, he got a boner. It for the first time he felt his cock getting this hard without being able to control it. He didn't know what to do at that moment. Seeing that his boner kept twitching, he asked Fiona to give him her hand and after Fiona gave it, Oliver put her hand on his boner. Fiona, surprised, looked to see what she was holding because it felt pretty strange. When Fiona saw what she had her hand on, she looked at Oliver and whispers:

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

"I don't know what's happening. It won't stop. I thought that your hand on it would make it go numb again..."

"Okay then, don't worry about it, it will go off," Fiona said starting to stroke it slowly.

After some time of her stroking his cock without getting it back to normal, the bell rang.

"Oh my god, it's still hard..." Fiona said under her breath.

"What should we do? I don't want the rest of the class to see me like this..." Oliver uttered.

"Let's go to the biology lab to see what's happening. I still have the key and no one has class there today."

They rose up from their desks and ran to the biology lab. After getting inside, Fiona locked the door. Then Oliver took of his pants and took a seat on the table having his legs spread out. Fiona pulled a chair to seat right in front of the boy.

"Oh wow. Look how bit and hard it is...fuck," Fiona said shocked, having her hands on the shaft of it. "Okay, talk to me. Does it hurt you?"


"Okay. Umm...does it hurt if I stroke it like this?"

"No...more like, it's a little better when you do that."

"Okay, good. So I'll keep stroking with this hand while now I have to look on the internet how to make it be to its normal size again."

From Fiona's strokes, Oliver body responded and started to move without control.

"I can't stop moving. It feels nice when you stroke it like this and I think my body is responding somehow."

"I see, okay then. Don't worry about it. Try to not make a noise."

"Oh, okay. And one more thing, Fiona..?"


"Can..can you spit on the head a little? It's kinda dry and when you touch me there is hurts a little."

"Oh, sure. No problem," Fiona responded and put some of her spit on the tip of his junk. "I found something. It says here that the erection of the penis if provoked by the feeling of arousal made by some things that the owner of the penis is liking very much. So basically, you are aroused because you saw something that you really liked."

"Oh...I see..."

"Do you remember what it was?" Fiona asked curiously.

"I don't know....what I know is that I was looking at your face and from out of the blue my dick starts growing like this.."

"Aha..I see. You said that this is your first time experiencing something like this, right?"

" they say how to stop it?"

"Well yes. It says that I have to stroke it until a white and thick liquid come out from your penis. You said that your body likes how I'm stroking your dick so let's see if we can make it spurt that liquid out."

Fiona began to stroke Oliver's junk and different speed to see what speed is more likely to make him finish. After one hour and a half Oliver finally began to feel something coming out. Fiona got away from the arena that the liquid could reach to her and continued to stroke it until Oliver came. After seeing how much semen Oliver shut out, she took some tissues and began to clean it up.

They went back to their class like nothing happened and went on with their day. But because what had happened was the very first time the two of them experienced something la this, both Oliver and Fiona spent their night on, researching on the internet and what they found made them remain speechless.


Exploring the new territories


A few days went by since what happened between Fiona and Oliver, and in those days the two of them didn't bring up the topic at all. But what else they did was to research more about what sex meant, how people are having sex and why. Since then Oliver and Fiona also started to masturbate out of curiosity and what they were feeling was something very difficult for them to explain. Both of them wanted to talk with each other about what they have learned so far but thought it might be awkward.

One day, Fiona decided to break the ice. She waited until school was over then asked Oliver to come with her on the rooftop with her because she had something to tell him. She was pretty nervous and didn't have any plan on how to start the conversation. The girl was sure that until they arrive there she would come up with something but now they are on the rooftop, and Fiona didn't think of anything.

"So what you wanted to talk about, Fiona?" Oliver asked looking at her curious.

"Uhh.. well..umm.. let's take a seat first," Fiona said.

"Okay, now?"

"Well....umm...damn. Ok, I don't know how to say it but we are friends, right? Good friends."

"Yes.. we know each other for a long time." Oliver added.

"Right! So, because of that we....kinda be able to talk about anything, right? Since we trust each other more than anything." Fiona uttered looking down.


"Oliver....I want to talk about what happened a few days ago. You know....when you got that massive erection."


"I think that...because we are at this age, which is a good age to learn more about our body, sex, masturbation and other stuff, umm...well...I don't find any reason why we don't start to talk about it, right? For example, started to masturbate felt pretty good."

"I see." Oliver answers shocked.

"Um...did you start to masturbate too? Like...using your own hand this time...or..."

"No...I mean..yes. Uhhhh... I did look up some things on the internet and since that day there were a few times when I got an erection."

"Oh, okay. And what did you do?" Fiona whispers.

"Well...I stroked it. Like you did to me on that day."

"I see, and you were able to...cum?"

"Yes. But after I came it was a nightmare to clean it off because sometimes it went on the sheets and I didn't know that it was hard to clean it off from the sheets."

"Huh...I bet." Fiona said and laughs nervously.

After that, a moment of silence occurred on them where they stood and looked at each other.


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