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Book online «Forbidden by Shianne Ayers (ebook reader with highlighter .TXT) 📖». Author Shianne Ayers

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Chapter One

September 10, 2016

 I wake up to the sound of my sister’s Big Ben alarm clock going off I turn over to look at my clock ugh it's already four am well time go get my butt up and out of bed I thought to myself.

I throw my blankets off and eventually get out of bed. I get dress, my bag packet, and I make sure I have everything I need for school today.

I finally get upstairs and I realized that grandma aint up yet. Hm I guess I’m gonna make us breakfast.  I head over to the fridge, pull out bread, eggs, sausage, and orange juice. My sister walks into the Kitchen, looks at me

“Calla what’s for breakfast?”


“Well no poop Calla”

“Well don’t ask me stupid questions and you won’t get stupid answers”

“Ugh whatever”

She sits down and she begins to eat.



“We need to be leaving in a few minutes if we want to make it to seminary early”

“Hannah we still need to read the Book of Mormon”


“How about we read the Book of Mormon on our way to seminary?”

“Okay that works”

On our way out I grabbed my Mountain Dew Game Fuel. We arrive to seminary then went our separate ways.

I drive over to the high school, parked my truck, took the positive plug off my battery (or else my battery will drain), walked over to the high school. I reach my English 12, Mr.Jima class, he looks at us and smiles

“Good morning Seniors.” says Mr.Jima

“Good morning Mr.Jima” responded the class

“Today we will be reading Lord of the Flies today”, say Mr.Jima

Great I thought

He starts to pass out the books and we began to read. As we listen to him read the book I began to actually like this story.


“Oh crap” says Catalina


We hurry to our next class US Government, Mr.DeLuna, and we sat down in our seats. I didn’t notice the Army recruiters in the corner.

“Hello Students”, says Mr.DeLuna

“Hi”, I muttered back

“Today the Army Recruiters came to teach us about opportunities in the Army..” continues Mr.DeLuna

Wow, I can’t believe Army Recruiters are really here! I thought to myself

“Hello, I am Staff Sergeant Jacob Trodaí”

“I am Staff Sergeant Kody Grassrope”

Catalina leans close to me, whispers in my ear “Holy Shit they are cute”

“I know right” I whispered back

Staff Sergeant Grassrope continues to talk to us about the Army

“You ma’am the one in the black shirt-” He points to me “What’s your name?”

“My name is Calla Night”

“Calla what do you want to do in the Army?”

“I want to be a Combat Medic. Sir.”

“Ah. That is a tough job”

“Well I like challenges”

He nods his head. He continues to talk more about the Army then finally he starts to talk about the Army Rangers. I will be an Army Ranger I swore to myself. An hour and fifty five minutes go by and the bell rings.

I stay after class to talk to Staff Sergeant Jacob TrodaĂ­

“Hi Calla”

“Uh hi Sir” Just kill me now

“So you want to be a combat medic?", asked Staff Sergeant TrodaĂ­

"I actually want to do alot I want to be a Combat Medic, Army Ranger. I want to do things that will challenge me, push me past my limits."

"Do you have class next?"

"Yes, I do" 

"Well you better get to class"

He shakes my hand holy shit his hands are warm and he has a good grib I thought to myself

"Thank you Staff Sergeant TrodaĂ­ and thank you Brother.. Sir... Staff Sergeant Grassrope" I said 

I grabbed my stuff and quickly left the room. I reach my next class flushed and I start to giggle.

I began to do my work for credit retrieval. 



Chapter Two

 Hour and Fifty Five minutes go by....


 Finally the bell rings for PE Two I rush up to Mr.Kelly 

"Mr.Kelly the Army Recruiters are here may I be excused to talk to them please?" I asked

"Yes Calla you may go see them" 

I grab my stuff and I rush to the College and Career Center in the Library. I smile at the recruiters.

"Nice to see you Calla", says Staff Sergeant TrodaĂ­

"You too Sir" I replied back

"Calla why do you want to join the Army?" ask Jacob

"Well I want to prove my mom wrong because she says I would never make it into the military and I want to prove her wrong"

"Calla you do know this is serious things you are talking about."

"Staff Sergeant TrodaĂ­ I know. Trust me. I want to serve my country and I been wanting to serve my country since I was nine years old"

He nods his head.

"Calla..." says Catalina

"Yes Catalina?"

"We should head to PE"

"I know Catalina but I really want to talk to the recruiters"

She leaves.

"Calla, the Army is great they will pay for your college. They provide great oppurtunities to travel the world, see new things, however; I do sugest that you score high on your ASVAB."

"Sir, I already did my ASVAB last year."

"What was your score?"

"Its a 51"

"That is good. More than fifty percent of Americans score higher than a fifty."

"It could of been better though."

"Don't critize yourself that is a good score Calla."

"Thank you Sir."

Catalina looks at me, smiles than says, "Calla can we please go back to PE?"

"Sure." I responded back

I shake the recruiters hand, thanked them for their time, and for serving our country. We head to PE, I text Staff Sergeant TrodaĂ­

 Hey this is Calla Night

I waited, my phone buzzes.

Hey Calla

I smile and blush

How are you?

Minute goes by

Great! How bout you?

I pause

Really tired, I got to go to work after school and then go to Band Practice.

I put my phone away, my phone goes off

I get it. 

I get a new text from a new number

Hey this is Jacob TrodaĂ­, this is my personal phone text me on here that way I won't have personal converastion on my govt. phone.

"Catalina! Jacob just texted me from his personal phone!"


"What do you think that means?"

"He must like you because he kept lookin' at you the whole time"

"I really hope not, because I'm engaged to Ricky"

"Calla, Ricky ain't good for you he always complains about work and he doesn't make you happy ."

I sigh

"I know but we will work it out."

"Calla, honey, y'all relationship ain't healthy"

"I know."

Hey my love, I miss you and I love you so much

 Great it's Ricky I thought to myself

Srry. Can't talk rn. In PE.

"Calla, he won't even go back to high school until you move back to Arizona."

"I know. Trust me our relationship is startin' to fall apart sadly."

Okay <3 you

I don't respond back to the text, phone goes off again


It's Jacob, I smile.

Sorry, I got distracted

The bell rings for school to end. Yus! School day is over! Time to go home grab my work clothes and head to work. Ugh! I thought to myself. I head out to my truck, I wait for my sister to get to the Senior parking lot. Well she not here I really need to head home and get my work clothes. I thought to myself. I began to leave when I get a text from my Aunt

Hurry home! Grandma been in a car accident!!!

I text my sister

Get your ass to the truck now please!!! Grandma been in a car accident"

Two seconds later she responds back

Holy shit! Grandma okay? I will be there in a sec!!!

I sigh

IDK! I just got a txt from Aunt Abby sayin' Grandma been in a car accident!

Gosh she takes a long ass time to get here I thought to myself. I text my boss

Hey Jenny, it's me Calla Night, I won't be able to make it to work my grandma been in a car accident. I promise to make it up to ya and work overtime. I am SO sorry!

A second later

It's okay Calla I understand n don't worry bout makin it up to me. Family comes first! I will pray for your family. Love ya lots ,Jenny.

I say a thankful pray to God. My sister shows up throws her bag in the bed of the truck and I take off.

Chapter Three

I race home, I find Aunt Abby waiting at the door for us

"Hannah, move over of Aunt Abby please."

"Okay Calla."

Hannah moves to the middle and Aunt Abby climbs into my truck.

"Ready Aunt Abby?" I ask

"Yes" she replies back

I race out of the drive way and went to Las Vegas.

It feels as if time went by slowly. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like months. I prayed in my head that my grandma will be okay. I finally reach the Nellis AFB (AFB is Air Force Base) hospital. I pull out my drivers license , my aunt pulls out her military ID and my sister pulls out her school ID. I thank the MP (Military Police), took our ID's back and drove onto the base. I drove around the parking lot of the hospital Finally a good spot! I thought to myself.

We rush throught the emergency doors, down the halls, up the stairs, and to Grandma's room.

"Grandma! Are you okay?" ask Hannah

"Yes I'm fine"

I look out of the window, I hear the thunder roar, I see the lighting touch the Earth, and the rain begans to pour. I feel the heaviness of how close my grandma was to dying, I began to cry, I try to stop myself from crying. I hug my grandma 

"Grandma, I am so glad you didn't die today!", I cried.

She hugs me back

"Me too Calla"

"Grandma I have to get going soon I have band practice"

The three of them look at me, smiled, and wish my good luck.


I run out of the hospital, to my truck, take off in a hurry to make it to band practice.

Chapter Four

 The Next Day....


I arrive to school tired, sore, and starving. I left my breakfast at home,

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