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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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Chapter 1

Kane and Ara stood before the hall of guests and watched a wide array of emotions displayed on their faces, from shock to pure hatred. Stepping up to the microphone, they tried to get the room's attention.

"May we have your attention, please?" Kane said firmly. Some of the guests looked up, but many more were talking and yelling at each other. Kane knew they needed to get this under control quickly, but no one was listening.

Ara watched the turmoil as it unfolded before them, as she stood with Kane, her arm wrapped around Kane's waist. Damn, why would they not shut up and just listen to what they wanted to say? The more she saw, the angrier she got. Then, as she moved her hand on his waist, she felt it, the handgrip of Kane's gun. She pulled it from his waistband, pointed it to the ceiling, and pulled the trigger, shooting two rounds.

The entire room stopped dead and turned toward Kane and Ara. "Well, now that we have your attention, everyone have a seat and let us explain to you why this is a good thing for both families." Ara handed the gun back to Kane with a sexy smirk. Damn, that was fun.

Kane smiled at his little bride; damn, she was a sexy as hell holding his gun, well, this gun. Later tonight, the other gun would definitely be getting his time with her sexy little hand; fuck, he needed to stop. "Thank you, love." Kane then turned to address the confused, angry, and impatient audience, "As my wife, and your Donna, has stated, this merging of the families will be beneficial and prosperous for both the Leone and Morotti families. Rather than the continual battles over territory, profits, and status, the merger of both families will combine to make the most formidable family in the Northwest. We would like to assure the other families present here today that this merger is not in any way to be interpreted as a takeover move towards any other family. The new family, now known as Coven (Leone/Morotti) will simplify all future dealings with already established contracts. Sort of a one-stop-shop if you will. All previous dealings will be honored, and all future dealings will be with one family, not separate families.

“When I met Arabella, I did not know who her family was, and, for that matter, neither did she. It was Zachary Morotti who initially suspected that she was a member of the Morotti family, due to her uncanny resemblance to his mother, Ara's great-grandmother. Zachary had always known that he would be relinquishing control of the family to the oldest grandchild. Once it was verified that Ara was indeed Zachary's granddaughter, and the oldest grandchild, he knew that it was her birthright to take control of the Morotti family. With our engagement, and my birthright to assume control of the Leone family, it was agreed by Zachary and my father, Nazario Leone, that the only feasible way to successfully manage both families was to merge them under the control of my wife and myself." Kane stated, holding tightly onto Ara's hand. As he finished, he squeezed it, meaning it was time for her to say her part. They had worked out this speech before this evening, not Ara shooting the ceiling part, but, hey, it worked.

"Good evening, I am Arabella Marie Morotti Leone; I am the oldest granddaughter of Zachary Morotti, and, by birthright, the rightful leader of the Morotti family.

I understand that you don't know me, but, given time, I assure you that you will see that I am capable and determined to oversee and protect the interests of the family. You all know the reputations of my husband and his family, and, if you will look past the fact that they have been your rivals for years, you will see that their core values are much like that of the Morotti family. Together, Kane and I will bring both the Leone and Morotti families into the future of prosperity and contentment. Over the next several days, we will be meeting with all of you to hear your concerns, but know this, as of this moment, Kane and I are your Don and Donna, and we expect your respect. Now let us enjoy the rest of the evening because Rosa has maxed out Nazario's credit card on this reception. So drink, dance, and have a good time." Ara said mustering as much authority to her Donna persona as possible.

Kane and Ara took their seats with Nazario and Rosa on one side of them and Zachary and Claudia on the other and watched their guests as they mingled and conversed among themselves, taking in everything that had been said. Uriel came up and whispered to Kane and Ara. "Sebastian slipped out and the guard missed grabbing him."

"Fuck. Send a team to his apartment and his house. We need to find him, now." Kane ordered. “Oh, and Uriel, send someone to his goomah’s apartment as well.”

"Sure thing, Boss," Uriel said.

Damn, they had wanted to grab him, now they were chasing his lousy ass. He was trouble and needed to be dealt with immediately. There would be no exceptions given, or resistance accepted.

Kane saw Sean advancing towards the head table with a huge smile on his face.

"Kane, my man, congratulations. I see you have a feisty one there." Sean smirked. "I would have to bet that she is a better shot than you, from that earlier display."

"Fuck you, asshole." Kane spat with a smile on his face.

"Arabella, honey, you do realize that your children’s first word is going to be fuck, right?" Sean grinned, as he reached to for her hand and placed a kiss atop of it.

Ara laughed and accepted his greeting graciously. "Please call me Ara, and I have a feeling you may be correct."

"Hey, stop picking on me," Kane whined.

"Okay. Kane, and Ara, again, congratulations, and, please, if you ever need anything call." Sean said, handing a white envelope to Kane. "When everyone finally calms down, they will come to realize that this is a good thing."

"Thanks, Sean. We are planning on a small honeymoon later when everything settles down. Ara has always wanted to go to New York, we’ll be sure to let you know the days, and get together then."

"Great. Ara, dear, you were beautiful today, and if you get tired of the asshole, come find me." Sean mused and left.

Over the next hour, guest after guest came to the table and gave the newlyweds their congratulations and envelopes of money. Ara smiled and interacted with each of them graciously until David Grant came up.

"David, so glad you could make it," Kane said, obviously unaware of his new wife’s discomfort.

"Would not have missed it, and, Ara, you are as lovely as ever," David said, looking at her like he was undressing her.

"Thank you, Mr. Grant," Ara quipped.

"When can we get together to finalize the plans?" David asked, licking his lips.

"Mr. Grant, I will call you upon my return to the office to schedule a meeting. This is not the time nor the place to discuss business." Ara sneered.

Kane was suddenly alerted that something was wrong when he heard the tone of Ara's voice. Glancing over to her, he could see the fire in her eyes; she was pissed. What was going on? What had he missed?

"David, we have other guests to meet. We will contact you soon."

"Thank you, Kane." David snapped and walked away.

Leaning close to Ara, Kane whispered in her ear. "Want to tell me what that was all about?"

"Later, okay?" Ara was trying to calm down, but she knew that she would have to discuss her discomfort around Mr. Grant with Kane soon.

Looking up they saw Portia and Simon coming toward the table. Zachary and Claudia got up and met them.

"Portia, Simon, I want to introduce to you Arabella Marie Morotti Leone, my granddaughter."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Arabella," Portia stated quietly.

Ara could sense Portia’s discomfort, and vowed to assuage her feelings. She stood and walked over to Portia. "I am glad to finally meet you also. And this must be the famous Simon that Grandfather has told me so much about."

Simon slowly raised his head and looked into Ara's eyes. They were warm, welcoming, and friendly and he recognized she was a good person, even though she did shoot off a gun earlier. If his grandfather called her his granddaughter, that must mean she was his sister. But why had he never seen her before? He had always wanted a sister. His brother, Kurtus, had been mean to him, and he had wished upon many stars for a nice sister or brother to take his place, and here she was. He smiled at Ara then wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Hello, sister, so glad that you were found."

Ara wrapped her arms around Simon and returned the hug. This was wonderful. "Hello little brother, and I am glad to be here."

Pulling back, Simon turned to his mother. "I have a sister." He yelled.

Portia stood in shock at her son’s response to his half-sister. She could not believe her son had hugged Ara. He never hugged anyone other than her. Simon had always shied away from physical contact with anyone other than her, but, here he was, hugging a woman he just met. "Yes, dear. Maybe we can visit with her soon." Portia was intrigued by Simon’s response and wished to get to know this young lady.

"Can we, Ara?" Simon begged.

"Sure. Do you have a phone?" Ara questioned.

"Yes," Simon said, digging into his pocket for his iPhone. He only had a few numbers in it; he used it mostly to play Angry Birds, but, today, he was getting his sister’s number. Handing it over to Ara, he watched as she entered not only her phone number, but also her email address, and then called the number so it would be saved to her phone. "Thank you so much, Ara. Will you be calling me when you get home?"

"Simon, honey, they are busy tonight, but I am sure she will call soon," Portia said while trying to soothe Simon.

"Okay. Come on, Mom, I want another piece of cake." Simon said, taking off.

"Thank you for that," Portia said, her eyes were slightly watery.

"Portia, with your permission, I would love to get to know him better," Ara asked.

"I would love that, Ara, and so would he. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Portia stated and left to find Simon.

As Kane, Ara, and her grandparents returned to their seats, Claudia embraced her granddaughter, "Ara, sweetie, I have never seen Simon respond to anyone as he just did to you, ever." Claudia said. "You truly are an angel. You are what this family has needed."

Kane and Ara danced their first dance as husband and wife, swaying to the music of John Legend’s, "All of Me”. As they did, they soaked in the melody, enjoying every touch and kiss they shared. Nazario asked to dance with Ara, while Rosa had her mother/son dance.

"Do you have any idea how proud your father and I are of you, Kane?" Rosa asked.

"I am trying to be the man you raised me to be, mom."

"And you are, every bit the man we wished you to be. You and Ara are going to be so happy together. "

"She is my life." He sighed as he glanced at Ara and his father gliding across the dance floor.

"Just as it should be, but, always remember that, even when the world seems to be closing all around you, you must rely on each other. Together you will be able to overcome so much more than you can alone. Embrace your love for each other and cherish it above all else." Rosa said.

Finally, it

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