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Book online «KinDread by Lucian McCullough (libby ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Lucian McCullough

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bliss of blues

*Beep* Beep* Beep*

I leaned over and hit the 'off' button on my alarm clock and laid back down to get a much needed 5 more minutes of sleep. Just as my eyelids began to close and drift me back into slumber... My bedroom door slammed into the adjacent wall as it was thrown open, and the lights flicked on, causing me to grab tight to the covers and pull them over my head. I knew this could only mean one thing... Rachel. I held the covers for dear life and braced myself for impact. Rachel jumped onto my bed, and began to bounce up and down on her knees...

"Wakey Wakey Em! You don't want to be late for the first day, do you?"

I groaned... "Oh come on, 5 more minutes...pleaseee?"

"Coffee is ready, and the bathroom is all yours!"

I lowered the covers and squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light.

I rolled my eyes, "You know I hate you, right?"

"You love me." She winked and hopped off the bed. Rachel was already dressed for the day in her favorite pair of distressed blue jeans, and a graphic t-shirt with 'AC/DC' written on the front in bold lettering. Rachel and I had been friends since the awkward middle school years, a time when we both needed someone. Now, 11 years later we are roommates in college, attending Harvard university. Rachel is majoring in romantic literature with a minor in french, while I am studying pre-law.

After I took a shower I wrapped a towel around me and went back into my room to decide on what to wear. Rachel knocked on the door, but came in without waiting for me to answer. She clutched in her hand a large mug filled to the brim with french vanilla coffee.

I slipped into a pair of dark wash jeans, a light blue blouse and my favorite pair of nude-colored flats. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was very average. Average height, average chest, average body shape, everything about me was... just average. I sighed.

"Oh stop. You look great, Em!"

"Whatever. Like always this is as good as it's gonna get!" I forced a smile and laughed out of the corners of my mouth.

"Don't forget, Dean is back in town, so don't wait up tonight!" Dean is Rachel's long-time boyfriend. He graduated from Dartmouth last fall and works as a financial investor in New York City.

"That's right! How long is he staying?"

"He has 3 days off work, so he is here until Wednesday evening".

"That's great, Rach, I'm glad you two get some time together again!" I looked down at my watch, 7:40 am. "Shoot, I have to run! That stupid 'Art enrichment' class they are making me take starts at 8:00".

"Try to enjoy it! I think this will be really good for you. A chance to be creative and let loose!"

I laughed. 'Letting loose' is not something I'm good at. I am a very logical, type-A person. I love things to be black-and-white, no in between. But maybe Rachel was right, this class would definitely get me out of my comfort zone... who knows, maybe it really would be good thing.

I grabbed my backpack, filled my travel mug with coffee and said goodbye to Rachel. This was it, the first day of my senior year.

I loved this campus, especially this time of year. I walked to the southend of campus, where the performing arts buildings were located. I walked up the concrete steps of Stone Hall, pushed open the doors and made my way to room 214. Before entering the classroom I stared at the heavy wooden door as if I was waiting for it to say something.

A husky voice snapped me out of my trance, "Are you going in?"

I looked up and there standing to my right was a tall man with piercing blue eyes smirking at me.

"Your first time?" When he spoke I felt shivers go down my spine.

"Excuse me?" I was stammering like an idiot, and was so flustered I dropped my phone out of my hand, and it hit the tile floor. I turned beat red. "Here ya go," he said with a coy smile. I took the phone, but for a split second my hand touched his. I don't know if he felt it, but his touch sent a sudden shock throughout my entire body. I took a deep breath and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

He chuckled, "First art class? You look a little nervous".

Oh... first art class... my mind was thinking about other things.

"Is it that obvious?" I replied.

He raised his shoulders, "A little".

"I've been putting this class off for 3 years now, but it's a requirement, and this is my last chance".

"Well It's now or never, after you". He reached out with his right hand and opened the door.

I took a deep breath, "Thank you". I walked into the classroom, and noticed the desks were set up in a circle, all facing the center of the room. I took a seat and waited for class to start.

"Hello everyone! I am professor Greene and I will be your instructor for this figure drawing course".

I looked all around the room for the mystery man I encountered moments ago, but I didn't see him anywhere.

"Today we will be learning the basics of lines. Today's assignment will be to sketch the model's outline by the end of the 3 hours. I will be walking around to observe, but I want to see how you take on this first challenge".

"Great," I said under my breath. This day just keeps getting worse.

"Parker, we are ready for you now! called Professor Greene.

There he was, the mystery boy from the hall. He was wearing nothing but a white towel... leaving very little to the imagination. I caught myself staring at his muscular arms, those biceps were perfectly sculpted. My wide eyes continued to follow the contours of his muscular arms all the way to his torso. Holy moly. His chest was completely shaved and his abs were very toned. I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes in disbelief. When I opened my eyes I was staring straight into Parker's deep blue eyes. It took me a second to realize that those eyes were also looking right at me. He walked to the center of the room and gave me a wink.

I gasped. This was the second time today my face flushed a bright red, and I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last.

Parker smiled as he stepped up onto the square platform. He looked at me with a devilish grin as he simultaneously dropped the towel from around his waist.

Good. God. He was breathtaking. I had never seen a naked man before and wow... he set the bar pretty high. I noticed a very light patch of hair trailing from his belly button, so I began to follow it with my eyes. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped ever so slightly at the sight of his semi erect penis. I couldn't help but to think how beautiful he was. I suddenly felt like the whole classroom was aware of my staring at him, so I quickly diverted my eyes to the front of the room where professor Greene was standing. Luckily I was wrong, the last thing the class was paying attention to was me. I sighed relief.

Professor Greene walked toward Parker, "Okay everyone, materials are located around the room, please ask if you can't find something". My gaze naturally followed professor Greene as she spoke. When she was done speaking I couldn't help but notice Parker was looking right at me. My eyes briefly met his. His look sent a chill throughout my entire body.

I tried to stay focused on my assignment, but it was really hard when every time I looked at him my heart skipped a beat. He had a strange effect on me, one I didn't even understand myself. Professor Greene walked my direction and stopped directly behind my desk.

"Your lines are too dark dear, try to relax and use lighter strokes". She placed her hand over mine and mimicked the slow, smooth movement she was talking about. She nodded and walked over to the next classmate.

The next 2 hours seemed to drag on forever. Finally the clock read 11:00, and professor Greene dismissed us. I turned in my drawing, and gathered my things. On my way out of the classroom I looked back, but to my disappointment didn't see Parker.

The rest of the day went by very normally, and seemingly uneventful. I attended the rest of my classes: American legal history, sociology of law, and political ethics before heading back to my off-campus apartment. Rachel and I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment on Arcadia Parkway, which is only a 10 minute walk from campus.

I barely got inside the door when I heard Rachel's voice call out to me from her bedroom. "Hey Em, come here!"

I kicked off my shoes and set my backpack down in the living area. I made my way to Rachel's room, "Whats up? I thought you wouldn't be back tonight?"

"Don't hate me, ok?"

"What did you do this time?" I said sarcastically as I plopped down on her bed.

"So you've heard me talk about Dean's friend, Paul, right?"

"A few times, yes... why?" I had a feeling I knew where this was going... it wouldn't be the first time I had to tag along on one of Rachel and Dean's dates.

"Well... I kinda told Dean you'd come out with us tonight, so Paul has a date..."

I rolled my eyes and stared at Rachel who was giving me puppy dog eyes complete with the pouty bottom lip.

"That's not fair, Rach! You know I can't resist the puppy dog eyes!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

"You owe me!" I gave Rachel one last 'you're dead' looks and went to my room to get ready.

I put my hair up in a high ponytail, and slipped into one of my favorite sundresses, and completed the ensemble with white wedges and a quick makeup touch-up.

Naturally Rachel looked amazing. She was wearing a form-fitting little black dress and red pumps. To top it off her hair was perfectly curled... she radiated sexiness. I glanced back at myself in the mirror and was suddenly very self conscious of my appearance. I wanted so badly to have guys look at me and lust after me the way they did Rachel...

*Knock* Knock* Knock*

Rachel opened the door and greeted Dean with a soft, but hurried, kiss on the lips while standing on her tiptoes.

Dean grabbed Rachel's hand and nodded towards me, "Hey Em! Thanks for coming out with us tonight! You are really saving me!"

"It's not a problem!" I said as I turned to lock our apartment door behind us.

"We are meeting Paul at the restaurant, I told him to get us a table," said Dean.

I hopped into the back seat of Dean's car and he drove us to the restaurant.

We got to the restaurant and made our way to a table at the back, where Paul was waiting for us. Paul was dressed in a nice button-up shirt with khaki shorts and brown loafers. Paul

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