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Book online «Leverage on Him by Debora Pin (best fiction novels txt) 📖». Author Debora Pin

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a drink, which by the looks of it,

wasn’t his first. She gestured to the alcohol. “What’s wrong with you? I took a shower and came out and you were gone and now I find your drowning your

sorrows in booze. What’d I miss?”

He waved away her question and pointed at the elk staring with glass eyes straight at her. “You see that? My dad shot it with one shot. He was quite the marksman. He never took shortcuts and he always got what he was after.

Gotta admire a man like that.”

“I have different views of killing defenseless animals.”

“Of course you do,” he said with a sigh as if weary of her constant chattering about her ideals and morals. “Well, if it assuages your conscience, we always ate what he killed. Elk steaks are quite delicious.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” She walked to the fine, mahogany desk and

ran her fingers along the shiny grain. “Your dad liked to spend a lot of time in here?”

“When he could. It was his haven. I spent many happy moments in here

in my childhood.”

“So if this place is filled with happy memories, why the sour face?” Did

she want to know? Maybe it wasn’t wise to poke at his personal problems but

yeah, she did want to know. There was a sadness to him that tugged at her in a way that defied explanation. Hell, maybe she was just bored and needed something to distract her. Yeah, that was it. “I mean, what could possibly be going so wrong in your life? You have everything you ever could want.”

“So it would seem.”

“Oh c’mon…don’t pull the poor little rich boy routine because I’m not

buying it.”

“Fine.” He swallowed the last of his drink and motioned for her to come to him. A slow sensual smile fitted to his lips and for a moment she felt as if she were the one tipping back the booze. “Come here and take my mind

off my troubles.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?” she asked, sliding her tongue along the seam of her lips. He unzipped his pants and let them fall open. The tip of his cock peeped up and she gasped involuntarily as hunger ripped through

her. Goddamn! Why did he have this kind of hold on her? She envisioned herself turning on her heel and leaving him alone but her feet had other plans.

He was the devil; lounging with such lazy grace that he epitomized rich, sexy and smug with the knowledge that he was hung like a beast.

He watched her approach, something glinting in his eyes that called to

her like a siren drawing her to her doom. “Is that all that will ever be between us?” she asked in a husky whisper as she knelt before him, questioning him

even as she tenderly grasped that hard, straining length. Who was she kidding?

She wanted to feel him as desperately as ten-dollar hooker needing to fund her next fix. It was pathetic and primal at the same time. He scooted further down in the chair and there was something grim in his stare as he answered with a dim sadness.

“It’s not in me to offer more.”

She closed her eyes and slipped the soft spongy head into her mouth, hating that soul-deep need for something more than the physical.

What a fucked up situation.



“Pack a bag, we’re going on a trip.”

“A trip? Where?” she asked, startling at his brusque instruction and nearly dropping her book in the process when he entered the room. It’d been a little past a month and oddly, they’d fallen into a routine that was beginning to feel natural — and if that wasn’t the most screwed up statement of her life, she didn’t know what was. “Hot or cold weather?” She followed him into the walkin closet, grudgingly admiring how handsome he was in his dark suit and tie.

Power suit, that’s what it was called. And the term was appropriate. Boston always looked ready to destroy someone with the flick of a finger. She’d never known that power was such a turn-on, but it was.

He paused as he pulled his tie free and graced her with a short, enticing

smile. “Hot. Pack light. You won’t be wearing much clothing.”

Ohh…Her cheeks flamed but she nodded as she hurried to throw together her stuff. After she’d managed to find a few appropriate items, she had just zipped up her bag when she felt Boston at her backside, pressing against her as he nibbled her neck. “You are in my blood, you know that?” he murmured, his voice sending delightful shivers cascading through her body.

“Hard to concentrate on meetings and mergers when you’ve got this poking through your pants,” he said, pushing his hard length against her. She gasped and pushed back, secretly loving how easily she distracted him. She shoved her bag away and leaned forward, swiveling her hips in a slow, sexy motion that no doubt caused his eyes to cross, and before she knew it, he was ripping her yoga pants down to expose her ass for his view. She closed her eyes and braced herself on the bed, inhaling sharply when she felt the insistent press of his cock against her folds. Boston was insatiable but as she’d discovered, so was she.

They’d had sex this morning but it was never enough. They were two fiery balls of need that threatened to engulf them both in a red-hot pit of sexual excitement. The minute he slid into her, she shuddered and her nipples pebbled as the wondrous sensation of being utterly filled rocked her world. She reveled in the feeling that she was being stretched to the point of pain, knowing that he was impaling her on his cock like a piece of meat on a spit. The things they did together were altogether dirty and fabulous and for every time he pissed her off, there was an equal moment when he left her shaking, gasping, and buffeted by intense pleasure. There were moments when he held her so in thrall that she

would’ve agreed to anything and everything as long as he kept pleasuring her.

Lord, at her heart she was a voracious slut.

And he seemed to love that about her.

“So sweet, so good,” he moaned as he buried himself inside her. His grip nearly bruised her tender skin but she was too fevered to notice. She arched, giving him deeper access and sucked in a tight breath as the head of his cock rubbed against her G spot. “God, Julianna…I can’t get enough of you,”

he said, pounding into her with a ferocity that rocked her body but she loved the strength and the damn near viciousness of his thrusts. Suddenly, he grabbed a handful of her hair and wrenched her head back as he continued to fuck her hard. She cried out but the quick spark of pain ratcheted her pleasure to a new level and she moaned deep in her throat. “That’s it, baby, take that cock like a good slut,” he said and she shuddered as the first wave of tingling sensation began to build. She loved when he talked dirty to her. She’d never admit it when they weren’t having sex but good heavens, she loved hearing him call her all sorts of names that would make her see red any other time. Slut, whore, bitch…they all worked. Because when she had a cock in her pussy, it was all good. If he dared to call her those things when their clothes were on, she’d hit him in a tender spot. And just like that, her legs began to tremble and an orgasm roared through her body, clenching every muscle in delicious concert

with the waves of pleasure cascading through her loins. Seconds later, Boston followed, filling her channel with his cream until she was dripping with his fluid. He gave her a few final pumps as the head of his cock pulsed inside her and then stumbled away with a rattled sigh, saying breathlessly, “Holy shit…I think you’re going to kill me,” as he sank into a large chair by the window. His spent cock lay limply against his thigh, glistening, as it slowly returned to its flaccid state. “Want to know where we’re going?” he asked when he’d caught

his breath.


“Too bad. Not going to tell you.”

“Then why’d you ask?”

He shrugged. “I love being the bane of your existence,” he answered with a shit-eating grin that she secretly found adorable. The bastard. He climbed to his feet. “I’m going to shower. We leave in fifteen minutes.”

“Make it thirty. I need to shower, too.”

“Nope. Fifteen. Get your ass in the shower with me to save time.”

She arched her brow. “Can you keep your hands to yourself?”

“Woman, I’m not Superman. I don’t think I could get it up again so quickly if I tried. You should be safe.”

“You’re so full of crap. You have the stamina of a seventeen-year-old boy,” she returned wryly and he grinned. “Okay, I’ll meet you in the shower.

Give me five.”

“I’ll get the water going.”

Boston pushed out of the chair and sauntered into the bathroom,

shutting the door behind him.

Julianna yawned and stretched, wondering where he was taking her,

when suddenly she felt incredibly queasy. Ughh…she stopped and bent at the waist waiting for the wave of nausea to pass. Her mouth watered and she quickly straightened as the horrifying realization followed that she might need to vomit. Had she eaten something bad? She thought of what she’d eaten this morning and couldn’t think of anything out of the ordinary. Did food poisoning come on this suddenly? But just as she thought she was going to need to sprint to the bathroom to barf, the need passed and she was left shaky and weak. She walked into the steamy bathroom and climbed into the shower with Boston. Boston turned with a lascivious grin until he saw her frown.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I just got really sick all of a sudden but now it’s gone. I don’t know, it

was weird.”

“Are you coming down with something?” he asked.

“I don’t know. At first I thought food poisoning but it went away and now I just feel shaky and tired. Maybe I am coming down with the flu or something.”

“Do you want to stay home?” he asked and she was inordinately

warmed by his concern. She shook her head. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, no, I’m fine. It’s probably just low blood sugar because I haven’t

eaten since breakfast.”

Boston soaped up a fine linen washcloth and began slowly washing her

front. “I’d hate to cancel the trip but I’m not sure if I’m down with a vomiting partner.”

She scowled and pushed his hand away. “I think I can handle the

washcloth on my own,” she said, grabbing the cloth and turning away from him. “Don’t worry your little sex slave will be ready to perform as required.”

“Oh, now who’s being sensitive?” he teased and slapped her behind

lightly. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

She ignored him and continued to wash up. The fact was for a split second everything had felt normal and natural and that was bad. Nothing about their arrangement was normal or natural. She’d been playing the part for a month now and it would do her some good to remember that he didn’t love her

and never would — and for that matter, she didn’t love him either. But she sorta liked him. She definitely liked having sex with him and she really enjoyed that he spoiled her endlessly.

Julianna rinsed under the multiple jets and left the shower, leaving him

behind. He called after her, “Are you really mad?”

And she didn’t know how to answer. She kinda was mad. Not sure why.

She wouldn’t blame him if he called her bi-polar because she probably deserved it. “I’m fine,” she forced herself to say. Better to lie than to try and decipher where her head was at the moment. She felt out of sorts — almost as if she were about to start her period. Oh! That’s it. Duh. She was due to start her period any

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