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Book online «Leverage on Him by Debora Pin (best fiction novels txt) 📖». Author Debora Pin

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waited, her knees shook.

“Should I come join you?” he asked from behind the door and she


“I-I’m coming,” she answered, licking her lips and fervently praying for divine intervention. An earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado…hell, even a shark-nado would be welcome at this point. But as the seconds ticked by with nothing happening, a tiny desperate sigh escaped her lips and she knew it was time to either get her butt out there and do the deed or put her clothes back on and get the hell out of there.

And there really wasn’t a choice anyway.

Tom deserved the best care there was. If it weren’t for her, he never would’ve been on that mountain and he never would’ve broken his back. She could do this for her brother.

Julianna emerged from the bathroom and Boston’s gaze glazed over.

Although he tried to hide it, he looked ready to devour her. When an answering thrill raced down her spine at the hunger she saw, she pushed it down, refusing to accept that Boston created a dark spiraling need inside her that defied all reason. “Come here,” he instructed in a husky tone that made her shiver. She walked toward him, her breathing shallow and fast. Julianna stopped at the side of the bed and avoided his groin area, not wanting to admit that the sight of his hardened erection, straining and beaded with moisture at the tip, intrigued her in a way that made a mockery of her protests. What did it say about her that she was aroused? He sensed her struggle and his expression softened. “My sweet Julianna, let me teach you how beautiful sex can be,” he said, pulling her to the bed gently. He pressed her onto her back, against the sensual silk of the pillows and loomed above her. His cock nudged her pubic area, as if seeking her damp heat, and she bit her lip as tingles of anticipation threatened to obliterate her hatred for him. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, allowing his gaze to travel her body, returning to rest on the bountiful globes barely contained in the corset. “Your skin is unlike any I’ve ever touched.” Julianna clenched her fists to prevent herself from reaching out to touch him, to explore his body as he was doing to her. He stopped and cocked his head, realizing she was stiff as a plank and rested his head on his hand, his ardor cooling. “Are you determined to hate my touch?” he asked.

Her eyes popped open. “Nowhere in the contract does it say I have to enjoy myself. Frankly, I’m surprised it matters to you.”

“It matters.”

Boston’s expression gave her the chills. Had she offended him? “Why?”

“Because it does,” he snapped, moving away from her to stalk to the small mini-bar tucked away in a corner near the kitchenette. His ass, two perfectly muscular halves of man-flesh made Julianna twist with something she didn’t want to feel. Her insides felt slippery and aching while her female parts tingled with need. Julianna bit down on her tongue to remain silent. He hadn’t paid for her acting skills and she wasn’t about to start moaning and thrashing about for his benefit. What if it wasn’t an act, a sly voice asked and she stubbornly pushed it away, not willing to even entertain the idea of enjoying sex with the ruthless man. Boston poured himself something — whiskey or scotch, she wasn’t sure — into a short glass and drank it quickly as if needing its liquid strength or patience and said, “I don’t know why I’m so taken with you. By all accounts my all-encompassing desire for you defies logical thinking.” At that she frowned because if she wasn’t mistaken, he’d just insulted her but before she could voice her opinion, he’d finished his second drink and had continued talking. “Honestly, you’re not even my type.”

“You have a type?” she couldn’t help but ask, curious in spite of her adamant decision to keep things at surface level between them. “Let me guess…high society girls with tall, thin figures who eat a leaf of lettuce at lunch and claim they’re full?”

At that a dark smile spread across his mouth. “Yes, actually.”

“What do you like about that?” she asked, suddenly very conscious of

the way her tummy pooched a little and how her thighs were plump. Hell, everything about her was plump. Julianna shifted against the threat of inadequacy that bobbed to the surface and wondered if there would ever come

a day when she didn’t wish she were taller or thinner. Arrgh! She wanted to love the way she felt in her skin but it was so hard when women were bombarded with impossible body images splashed on every media outlet.

“Well, maybe you should’ve picked one of your stick girls to play around with,” she said, realizing too late that she sounded like a jealous, insecure girl, so she tacked on, “I mean, if that’s what your thing is, you know? Seems to me you ought to go after it.”

“Oh, I am going after what I want,” he assured her with another smile

that made her skin feel too tight on her bones. He pushed away from the bar and returned to the bed. She should’ve scooted to the other side but she was locked in place by forces that seemed to take control of her legs. Boston cupped her jaw and stared into her eyes. She could drown in that gaze if she weren’t careful. How many hearts had he taken captive with his good looks and endless wealth? Would she become just another notch on his Italian leather

belt? “You take my breath away…no woman has ever done what you do to me.

The first time I saw you, I was mesmerized. I was determined to have you. I would allow nothing to stand in my way.”

“Not even my willingness?” she murmured, shivering against his touch.

“Not even that.” He dipped down to take her mouth, plundering it with

such sweet brutality that she couldn’t catch her breath. He tasted of alcohol and a darkness that threatened to swallow her whole if she wasn’t careful. Within moments, he was pressing her into the mattress with his body and she clung to him as he plundered her mouth as surely as he planned to penetrate her virgin body. And it was wildly intoxicating. His tongue dipped and swept through her mouth, while his hand traveled down the hard wire of the corset to palm her woman’s mound. She gasped and groaned as he increased the pressure, creating a delicious, almost painful, pleasure that caused her hips to rise to meet his hand, desperately seeking more of the same. He tore the tiny panties from her body and within seconds his questing finger slipped between her dewed lips, penetrating that crazy heat and stoking it to an even bigger flame.

Boston stroked her insides, thrumming a secret spot against her vaginal wall that popped a groan from her mouth. Suddenly, he pushed hard and she cried

out from the pinch of pain but he soothed her instantly, gentling his touch until she forgot about the pain. “So tight, my sweet Julianna…I’ll try not to hurt you,” he said in a low, husky tone that danced down her spine. The timbre of his voice wreaked havoc on her nerves and obliterated her last defense. She’d never felt overtly sexy but the way he touched her awakened a part of her that she’d squelched a long time ago. The binding of the corset rubbed against her sensitized nipples, igniting a deeper fire inside her and she gasped with the power of her arousal but the shame of selling herself ran deeper than her pleasure and she pushed at his shoulders in a desperate bid to calm her raging hormones so she could think again. But he was wise to what she was trying to do and he wasn’t going to let her. “Why do you fight something so good?” he

asked, shocking her when he withdrew the finger embedded deeply inside her

and sucked the juices free. “Ahhh, God girl, you’re sweeter than candy.”

“Ohh my God,” she exclaimed, covering her face with her hands. “I can’t believe you did that. How gross.”

Boston pulled her hands free and pulled her hands up and over her head, his gaze stern. “Nothing we will do together should disgust you. I will know every inch of your body and you will know mine. Do you understand?”

She couldn’t find her voice and bobbed a nod instead, though her face felt on fire. Pleased with her response, he lowered his head to her chest and nuzzled the deep valley between her breasts, inhaling the scent of her skin. “You smell

like cookies and cream,” he noted with faint amusement. “And I already know you taste just as delicious as you smell but I need more than that tiny nibble,”

he said as he released her hands and moved down her body, stopping at the vee of her thighs and she discerned his intent.

“Are you…?” He wasted no time in parting her vaginal lips and she sucked in a wild breath, equal parts mortified and insanely aroused, and nearly screamed when his tongue buried itself between her folds, seeking that swollen bud that pulsed with need and want. “Ohhh! Oh God! No…yes! Oh…!” She couldn’t even form words. Boston buried his face deeper against her intimate flesh, suckling her clitoris and flicking it until she lost the ability to do anything but moan and thrash her head as something powerful built inside her.

She’d masturbated before — so an orgasm wasn’t foreign to her — but goodness gracious, whatever was coming was far bigger than any pleasant tingles she’d wrought on her own. “B-Boston!”

He increased his tempo and thrust his finger deep inside her, pushing against that sweet spot and within moments, she was slipping into the hardest orgasm she’d ever experienced — the kind she’d only read about. Toes-curling, body-clenching, mind-blowing, forget-your-name kind of orgasm and

for a long moment she wasn’t sure if she’d died because she couldn’t hear or see — only feel.

Good God.





What the hell just happened to her? Julianna slowly came to her senses

and found Boston, lips slicked with her juices, smiling smugly at her but his eyes were darkened with passion, looking much like a wolf eyeing his next meal. She swallowed, trying to catch her breath, but inexplicably, another wave began just as the last had begun to recede. Her eyes widened and she moaned as the pleasure buffeted her, this one slightly less violent than the first but definitely bigger than anything she’d given herself. The fact that he was watching her come, was an even bigger turn-on than she ever imagined it would be in her most private fantasies but then again, her fantasies had been decidedly tame, she realized.

After a long moment, her muscles finally stopped contracting and she could breathe again, but her body felt wonderfully languorous and soft. She couldn’t help the drowsy smile that found her lips and he couldn’t resist dropping a kiss against her mouth. He smelled of her sex and, shockingly, she found that hot. “I like the way I smell on you,” she admitted in a small voice.

“And I like the way you taste,” he said, his gaze roaming her face as if

committing it to memory. In this moment, she could almost forget how they came together and why. But reality had a way of forcing itself through even the heaviest of curtains and she tried to prepare herself for what would come next.

Perhaps he would be quick about it and the act wouldn’t drag on. Would it be different if they were in love? Of course it would. She should be doing this with the man who was going to love her forever, not the man who’d bought her. But there was no turning back now. He seemed to sense her withdrawal and his expression changed. “You are a stubborn woman,” he said,

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