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Book online «Ava by Sarah Armad (Devilsgoodgirl) (best books to read for success .txt) 📖». Author Sarah Armad (Devilsgoodgirl)

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Elisio's behavior had gone to an extent where he had to stay in the daycare most of the time as when he was home, he would try to hurt Isaiah or put up a big tantrum for Sarah to give him more time than Isaiah. 
Zeke had taken all of Elisio's responsibility from feeding to dressing him. Zeke felt like a single parent when it came to Elisio. What hurt Zeke most is Elisio's wishful eyes waiting on his mother to love him.

"Hate me. Hit me. Take everything I own and just love Elisio. It's not his fault" begged Zeke.
"I can't look at him. His eyes are so evil. Every time he looks at me I feel like killing myself. I hate how his presence makes me feel. He is born out of sin. He is a devil" said Sarah.
"It's all in your head. Love him and see how loving he is. Sarah, I beg of you to try, please. You promised me you will try to work on our marriage. You accept me then why not our child" asks Zeke. 
"Why can't you understand. He brings shivers down my spine. I feel a strange aura of evilness from him. I can't, please. I can't" cried, Sarah.

Hell broke loose when Nevio, Elisio's second brother was born. Elisio was so angry at his brothers taking up all Sarah's time that one-day Elisio tried to kill them with a knife at the age of 7.
Sarah warned Zeke to send Elisio away or she would kill herself and to prove she was not lying, she attempted suicide.

"We will take care of him. You work on your marriage" says Eduardo and it pained Ava to see Elisio handed to Eduardo. 
Ava tried reasoning with Sarah too.
"Please, keep Elisio with you. I have struggled too much to make Zeke a good man, yet I failed. Please, please raise Elisio yourself, under you. Don't ruin that child's life" cried and begged Ava. 
"I don't want that child. I can't" says Sarah. 
Ava stops crying and wipes her tears. 
"You are a horrible person. You forgave the man who raped you and having more children with him. But punishing an innocent child whose only fault is to be born to a woman like you. Zeke is a good boy who did one mistake in life. Fall in love with you and forced you to marry him. I wish you had died during childbirth when you gave birth to Elisio. That way both Zeke and Elisio would live happy without you" says Ava and storms out of the room. She stops in her tracks when she sees Eduardo standing outside the hospital room smiling.

"I didn't know my little kitten could scratch this good," says Eduardo. 
Ava bursts out crying and hugs Eduardo.
"I am worried for Elisio" cries, Ava. 
"Don't worry about him. I'll make him perfect like me" says Eduardo and that's what worried Ava.

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