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Chapter 57

"This looks so girlish," says 13-year-old Elisio.
"Your mom is a girl. She will like it" says Bruce, Elisio's friend. 
"Sshh... Let me concentrate" says Ambryl, Elisio's other friend.

All three were making Elisio's birthday invitation card. They were making one card to invite Sarah.

Elisio picks the card in his hand and inspects it. 
"Don't even think of criticizing it. I am not making a new one" says Ambryl.
"If mummy doesn't like it and doesn't come to my party, then you are responsible for it," says Elisio.
"Sure, blame me and not the fact that she is rude and doesn't love your dad," says Ambryl.
"She doesn't love Elisio either," says Bruce.
"Yeah, but Elisio is difficult to love but his dad is so loveable," says Ambryl dreamily.
"You are supposed to be my friends," says Elisio. 
"Yes we are cause we love you," says Bruce. 
"Eww. Stop being gross" says Elisio and walks away calling them to follow him. 
"You are right, he is difficult to love," says Bruce.

All three sit in the car outside Sarah's house building up the courage to face Sarah. 
"You know she is not my mom which means she is not my problem. Which also means I don't have to face her" says Bruce.
"I don't want to either. I don't like her. She doesn't love your father. Her heart is burnt" says Ambryl.
"Stop drooling over Zeke uncle. He is old" says Bruce.
"Not that old. He is so handsome" says Ambryl.
"Concentrate guys. Come on, let's go" says Elisio.

After one horrifying murderous glare from Elisio, both Bruce and Ambryl join him. All three stand in front of the main door and after they rang the bell, Sarah opens the door. 
"It's my 13th birthday. I know you have been busy past birthdays but you came to Isaiah, Nevio, and Arlo's birthday" says Elisio.
"And mine," says Bruce.
"And mine," says Ambryl.
"Yeah, so you go to everyone's birthday. I want you to come to mine too. I have many games we can play together as mother-son. I ordered your favorite cake. The menu is all your favorite food. I also made a card for you" says Elisio and hands Sarah a card. 
Ambryl looks at Bruce and he whispers "it was obvious he was going to take credit for your hard work. Accept it"

Sarah takes the card and nods and closes the door.
All three walk back to the car. 
"You know I had many birthdays without my mother too," says Fredrigo seated in the car with the three.
"Did your mother hate you too and cursed you as a sin child?" Asks Bruce and after a punch on his arm from Ambryl, he apologizes.
"No, my mother was murdered by my father," says Fredrigo.
"Cool," says Bruce.
"Oh my God," says Ambryl.
"What was the point of sharing this?" Asks Elisio.
"I don't know, just sharing my experience. All have different circumstances and they all live with it" says Fredrigo.
"Well, I have a mother who loves my brothers but hates me. What do you have to say about it?" Asks Elisio?
"Wait for her to come around or give up," says Fredrigo.
"I will never give up. She HAS to love me. I'll make her" says Elisio.
"Sure, annoy her till she gives up. I gave him that idea. Even the invitation idea was mine" says Bruce proudly.
"Hope she shows up or else I will beat the shit out of you for suggesting me crappy ideas," says Elisio which scared Bruce. 
"Devonte's don't make hollow threats," says Elisio. 
"Ok, I am officially scared," says Bruce. 
"You should," says Elisio.

As predicted, Sarah didn't show up at Elisio's birthday. Elisio's eyes restlessly search for Sarah in this huge gathering. Eduardo didn't spare any expense when it came to Elisio but no money could buy the smile on Elisio's face.

Everything only got worse over time. Elisio didn't stop inviting Sarah on occasions like his birthdays or graduation. 
Elisio was graduating high school and was given an award for academic excellence. It was a huge honor and he knew his mother, who was a professor would appreciate it as she had got the same when she was in high school. 
Elisio had personally invited Sarah and reserved a seat for too. 
"Don't let anyone sit here. It's for mummy" says Elisio to Arlo and walks away to be seated with graduates.

Arlo looks at Eduardo and says "mummy is not coming" 
Eduardo clenches his jaw and squeezes Ava's knee. Eduardo always sat close to Ava and almost always had his hand on her knee. Ava dared to hiss in pain from Eduardo's grip.

Elisio couldn't stop looking around and back at the empty chair. He was trembling in anger and fisting his hand to stop himself from hurting someone. He then feels a hand on his fist, Ambryl's hand. 
"My mom is not here too," says Ambryl.
"Cause she is dead. Mine is alive" says Elisio.
"I'll be your mummy. I am so proud of you my baby boy" says Ambryl and kisses his cheek. 
"I am proud of you too," says Bruce and kisses Elisio's cheek, and gets pushed. 
"Knew you three were close. Didn't know that close" laughs a boy from behind Elisio. It was Nicolas, the bully of the school. 
"Fuck off, Nicolas," says Bruce.
Elisio turns to look at Nicolas and glares him down. Nicolas flips him and was smiling but he stops smiling when Elisio smirks at him.

The graduates were handed their diplomas and everyone cheered for them. The ceremony was over and all the youngster's hed to their parents and guardians to meet them and take pictures.
"Where is Elisio?" Asks Zeke.
"He went to the bathroom. So, can I take a picture with you?" Asks Ambryl to Zeke. 
"Keep it in your pants" whispers Bruce to Ambryl but Eduardo heard it and smirks. 
"I like you, little girl. Zeke deserved a girl like you than that witch," says Eduardo to Ambryl.
"I would love him so much," says Ambryl.
"Yes you will," says Eduardo smiling at what was to come in the future.

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