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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 49

( As most of you wanted to know more about the past, so I am gonna write more about it❤. Sorry to the ones who wanted the story to move forward ❤. I appreciate all of you commenting and letting me know what you want❤❤) 


The next few chapters are gonna be in the past. 


Nora's POV:

             My whole body was telling me to turn around and go back in Joseph's arms. But I knew if I did that,it will be very selfish of me and I might be putting the life of his whole family in danger. It's my problem why should anyone else suffer because of me. 

            I had to inform John about the shooting of the film. I don't know how he will react but it's better if he gets to know about it from me rather than someone else. So, I decided to go to his house. Also see what he would demand of me cause I did promise him I will give him anything, better get it over with. It was not a house but more of a mansion. And he had security guards too. It seemed like a few months back he found some treasure or something like that. He had money before but all of a sudden it was like there was luxury everywhere and security too. When I inquired about it, he brushed it off saying it does not concern me. Whatever, I don't care,even if he had all the money in the world, I would prefer to not have crossed paths with him. But I guess fate had another ideas for me. 

          The guards knew me so they let me in without saying anything. I walked in to his lavish living room. I asked the maid about his whereabouts. She hesitated a little but then pointed towards his bedroom. I had not been here much just a couple of times. I did not like to dwell anymore in his lifestyle than I had to. I walked upstairs to his bedroom. 

          I walked towards his bedroom. Should I knock or barge in? I should knock, its rude to just barge in like that. I raised me hand to knock on the door when I heard some grunts from inside. Is he in danger? Was he hurt? Despite everything he has done to me, I don't want him to be hurt. I am better than that, I won't stoop to his level. 

         So, I turned the knob and pushed the door open thinking he was in danger but what I saw in front me was way more disturbing. He lay on the bed more happy than ever with two girls with him. One was on top of his riding him while the other was beside him, with her boob in his mouth. 


           He shouted still engrossed in biting that girl's nipple off. Then he pulled his face away from her boob and the girl sighed in relief. When he saw me standing there instead of some maid, he looked angry for a second but then he looked sad. 

John:  Sweetheart ,I am sorry but you also have to understand my situation. I am a guy, I have certain needs but you were not ready to fulfill them. 

Nora: Stop. 

John: Its not like I forced you to have sex with me. I did this all for you, so that I can control myself when I am around you. So that I could wait as long as you wanted me to. 

         I grabbed the nearest thing to me which was a plastic bottle of some sort and threw it at his face making sure that it did not hit he girls. That finally made him stop talking. 

Nora: I don't want to hear your excuses john. 

John: So, you forgive me sweetheart. I know you love me so....

Nora: Fucking shut up, you have crossed the limit now.  I don't want to spend my life with a cheater. We are over and don't you ever fucking show your face to me ever again. And stay with your whores who will fulfill your every need.  Don't come looking for me john it's over for real this time. 

John: You are mine, nora. You will come back to me. 

Nora: Fucking stop your obsessive behavior. I am tired of you. I don't even love you anymore. And FYI I will kill myself even if I think about coming back to you. 

          And I walked out of his fucking house. Good thing, I decided to come here today. Today was the happiest day of my life, I was finally free from him. And I don't care about what he does to me anymore. Earlier, I stayed with him despite everything because I thought he loved me. But now I know better. Men like him don't know the meaning of love. He was only obsessed with me. 

          I knew better than to go home. He will find me there and I don't want to ever see his face again. So, I booked a room in a hotel for 10 days and nights. Good thing, I have saved enough money. I think that will be enough for him to forget about me.

         I don't know what his reaction will be to the break up. So its better to be safe than sorry. I will stay in a hotel for 10 days and after everything has cooled down find a new place for me to move in. I am not risking anything. I know john enough to know he he deals with bad people, what if he orders someone to kill me or something like that. I need to move out. 

            I took the stuff out of my car and took a cab to the hotel,as I was in no mood to drive. The hotel was not some luxurious kind but it was not bad either. It does not strain my pockets much so it will have to do. I slept peacefully after so long that night. 


The next day: 

           I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I should have turned it off. I called the school and took a week off. I didn't want to face john yet and if he tries to find me, he will go there surely. I hope that it is just me being a little paranoid and John had given up on me till now and won't bother me ever again. 

         Rather than being locked up in a hotel room, I decided to get some things done. I should call Daniel to set up the lunch with him to discuss more about the orphanage. I hope he agrees to go out with me after the drama john created last time. It is for the NGO after all,right? 

         I don't have his number with me. I will call rosie and tell her to set up the lunch meet. I called her and she answered in one ring. 

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