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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 50

Daniel's POV:

            When rosie had told me about my sweetie's break up, I was overjoyed. When I got to know that all my brothers had also met nora, I was a little insecure that they might try to steal her away from me. I had seen it in their eyes that they too felt something for her but none of us cared to mention it yesterday. 

           Well, I was not gonna back down and I know they were also not gonna back down as they are my brothers. I love my brothers and if one of them comes and asks to back down or if sweetie says no, then I might think about it. I was in a good mood today as I know that bastard will no longer trouble my sweetie. I so wanted to punch his face that day but I stopped myself seeing the look in her eyes. 

           I didn't used to believe in love at first sight but when I saw her, I knew why so many people go crazy for the person they love. I knew she was the one. That's when the thing my mom said came to my mind," You will understand everything I say when you meet her, you will understand why I can't choose between the people I love. You will know why I couldn't choose between your father and your uncle." My whole life the only people loved were my brothers after my parents passed away. But what I feel for her is different. And if ever time comes where I have to choose between her and my brothers, I don't know what I will do? What if one of them falls in love with her, like I am, will I let them take her away from me? No, don't ruin the moment thinking about this. 

           When I kissed her, my feelings were confirmed, she was the one, she was my soulmate my other half. And when she kissed me back, I felt like I was in heaven. Utter happiness. She is gonna be mine. I will make her mine. I just hope my brothers don't come in between otherwise I don't know what will happen. 

            Well, I certainly have an advantage here, because I am the only one that knows that she is single now and also I already made my first move. My first kiss with her. The best kiss of my life. 


Joseph's POV:

           Nora,my love,she is all that's been on my mind since I met her. Now, I needed a plan to meet her again and work towards making her mine before any of my brothers make a move. I know that Daniel has gone out for lunch with her today but that doesn't affect me. I know that Daniel has taken a liking towards her but he may have to back down because she is mine. I have shared girls with Daniel before because of our similar interests, we both have had threesomes also a couple of times but this now,my love, she is different. I need, I want her all to myself. I love my brothers but that doesn't mean I am going to back down from what I want. 

            I called my secretary and told him to invite Nora for the auditions that are goingi s going to take place today. Yeah, the sooner the better. And also told him to prepare everything for the audition. And also told him to try his best to convince her to come.  

          He called back after some time informing that she would be there. We had to audition today for the female lead character. And it would be good to have her input, how she imagined the lead to look like, how her personality should be and everything else. I myself got ready. I was wearing a black shirt with khaki shorts. No suit today as I want to be comfortable and it might take a long time for the auditions.  I personally called Mr. Williams the producer and told him to contact the casting director and make sure she is there on time. 

           I reached the productions and checked if everything was in order. My secretary Ronald, had made sure every single thing was done perfectly, one of the reasons I hired him. I reached the audition room and outside sat plenty of girls waiting for the audition to start. I told Ronald to go and wait at the reception for miss nora and as soon as she got here, bring her to the audition room. 

Nora's POV: 

        After the dinner with Daniel,I was pretty flushed. But a single text from my landlady ruined my cherry mood. Now, I was planning to move out of the country. Because it was for the best. Joseph's secretary said that the money transaction will happen in a week, so I had to wait a week. I hope that in this week, I don't have to face john. 

        Later in the day, when I was resting in my hotel room, I got a call from Ronald, Joseph's secretary, saying that they are casting the female lead role today and Joseph wants me to be there to have my opinion. I agreed to go since it was better than sitting in a room getting bored. And the productions were also near the hotel so I didn't have to go far away. I checked my makeup and was on my way. I decided to walk since it wasn't that far away. It was a mere 10 minutes walk. Again, my eyes went wide when they landed upon the building, it was the most lavish building I have ever seen. I walked inside and went to the receptions. 

Nora: Hey, can you point me to where the audition room is? 

Receptionist: Your name, madam? 

Nora: Nora Sanchez. 

         She did the entry on the computer. The guy in a suit suddenly turned towards me. 

Ronald: Miss Nora, I am Ronald. We talked on the phone. 

Nora: Oh,nice to meet you Ronald. 

Ronald: It's my pleasure. Sir sent me here to get you. Follow me. 

       I smiled at the receptionist and started following him. Ronald looked like he was not that much older than me. Probably, 23 or 24 years old. He was 6 feet with a dark complexion and blue eyes. He was handsome but couldn't compete with his boss. We reached the audition room and he told me to go in while he stood behind. 

Nora: Aren't you coming in? 

Ronald: No miss, I have other work to attend to. 

Nora: Okay, have a good day. 

Ronald: You too. 

          He was rather a very professional guy. With all the beautiful girls sitting outside the audition room, he didn't even spare a glance at them. Or maybe he was committed. Whichever Joseph sure has chosen a great secretary for himself. I walked in and spotted Joseph in a mere second. The room looked like a typical audition room but it was huge and there were so many people around. Joseph was sitting in a chair with his phone in his hand while a 30 year old lady was trying to get his attention. He didn't pay a heed to her. As if knowing someone was staring at him, his eyes found mine. A smile came upon his beautiful face making him more sexy than he is now, if it is even possible. He walked towards me. Took my hand in his and walked towards where the chairs were. 

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