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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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"You can leave." Haseeb said and the beautician left the area leaving them alone.

Haseeb called Irtaza and told him that Zahra is ready to go.

"Zahra, Irtaza Bhai is coming. You both will go together."

Her heart begin to beat fast. Utter terror consumed her senses.

"Hase..eb," she called him out breathlessly, as someone calls for help.

"What Zahra?! What happened?!"

"I'm scared." she answered shakily.

"Zahra be brave. Be brave and try your best to somehow win his heart and remove that black spot of betrayal on yourself. I know he loves you, I've seen it in his eyes, the admiration which he only holds for you. I know betrayal is big thing but maybe his love for you is stronger and one day he will forgive you and you will forgive him, and eventually you both will have a great life."

"But I'm scared! my heart is beating so fast! I can't breathe!" she hysterically replied as panic again took a control over her nerves.

"Zahra relax. Relax. Nothing will happen. Hardships makes one stronger and Indeed after hardship there is ease. Please relax." he tried to calm her down but she was breathing heavily, her breathing was coming out short and rapid.

A sudden sense of impeding doom covered her, her heart was beating abnormally and her whole body begin to shake and sweat profusely, she couldn't breathe, feeling a tightness in her throat along with nausea when Irtaza entered.

Her heart sank looking at him and her uneven breathing increased.

"Please no! No! Please no!" she hysterically said, panic written over her face while looking at him.

He guessed it right away, she was having a panic attack.

"You can go Haseeb." he ordered and Haseeb left.

"Count" he said to Zahra and she begin to count fastly from 1 to 10 and tried to relax her mind but nothing was working. The tightness in her chest increased.

"Its no...ot wor...king." she said in between her breaths and he suddenly took her in a hug and ran his hand over her back trying to calm her.

"Relax Zahra." 

She still was taking deep heavy breaths.

"Close your eyes." he softly said and she did just that. His soft voice somehow soothed her a little.

"Take long breaths." and she followed trying to suppress every haunting thought from her mind.

Several minutes passed and they both stood in each other's embrace, her panic attack ended but still he wanted to feel her in his arms, closer to her when suddenly her betrayal came into his mind and he pulled away, his face emotionless as he gazed her.

"Now come with me" he ordered turning around and they both got out of the basement.

The whole function passed in a blur, everyone was enjoying themselves except the bride. Every passing minute was hitting her like a truck, she was internally praying that the time could stop, and she could hide somewhere where he can never find her. Her face was paled and her breath was hitched, her hands clammy and eyes widened. She was struggling while breathing and the dark aura emanating from the man just sitting beside her was making it more and more difficult.

She was sure tonight he will make her face hell and she didn't has the energy nor courage to face what he has saved in for her but she didn't has another option. She had accepted it now and she knew nothing can't stop him from punishing her.

The time passed quickly and it was the time for rukhsati, she hugged her mother tightly and cried in her arms wholeheartedly, the fear, the terror, the helplessness everything collided at that time and she poured it in her hug. She was getting closer to her doom, the anticipation she was feeling was killing her from inside.

After she had met everyone she sat in the car beside Irtaza and he drove it towards his mansion.

She was now totally in his hands at last and now he could do whatever he wanted to do with her.

They both were going to be alone at his mansion as he had ordered strictly every haveli member not to be at his place until he permits because he wanted to spend some quality time with his wife.

He was driving the car at an unusual speed, it was fast way too much fast. Her every deed was coming infront of his eyes and his anger was increasing more and more but he was not a person to release all his anger once. He had a sadistic mind and he had vowed to punish her in the worst possible way and releasing all his rage at her once didn't sound a fascinating task to him. He will punish her slowly and in such a painful way that she will spend every second of her life, drowning in regret. He hated her but at the same time now he didn't want to accept that he loves her though he knew a part of him, still loves her wholeheartedly.

They reached at his mansion and her breathing quickened immediately. She was utterly alone with the devil, now she can't even run nor she could beg him to leave her because she knew he'd never let her go. Parking the car, he left immediately not giving a glance to her.

Not knowing what to do, she slowly came out when suddenly a maid approached her and guided her towards his room. She recognized the place, while following the maid, she had been here before when he first caught her that day running with Daniyal.

They both entered his room.

"Some guests came and sir had to attend them, he will come back soon." the maid informed and left the room, leaving her alone.

She ran her eyes and analysed the place, his room was quite big and spacious. Moving towards the bed, she sat on the edge of it and then tried to relax herself because her heart was beating abnormally. The fear of what is going to happen next has clouded her mind.

What she'll have to face now and how he will punish her, these horrendous thoughts were making her shake. She knew he is a dangerous man and unfortunately she has messed with a dangerous person. 

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