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I don't hear nor feel anything,I slowly crack my eyes open and the room clears up, I'm not in the room I was staying in and the sheets on me smell just like him, the room must be his ,speaking of him I start sobbing.

"Ma'am I see you're awake, I'll go and prepare the bath",Anna says but I ignore her and continue sobbing,he ruined me ,he tainted me ,he ruined my innocence that filthy bastard.

My body is so sour that even breathing hurts,I can't move so all I can do is cry,why didn't he just kill us, it's better I die .

She comes and helps me up and into the bath,the hot water relaxes my muscles and I just sink in it ,she comes back and hand me some painkillers. And I close my eyes and fall asleep in the bath.

"Ma'am it's time for you come out of the water", Anna says and helps me get up and hands me a rob but before I can wear it ,I see how bruised my body looks with patches of red and purple,all the hickeys and bites all over my boods and neck. I feel like skinning myself I quickly put it on and walk out of there with Anna's help.

She applys some oils and ointments that she says will help the marks go away. She serves me breakfast but I didn't feel like eating but her warning gaze and the mention of Giovanni getting angry makes me finish everything. "The master said because you are not feeling well so not having breakfast with the rest of the family is excused for today",she says and hand me the stupid book.

"Where are my brothers?",I ask.

"Mr lucaswent to get his Visa and Mr Mason is keeping madam Lydia company",she says and continues changing the sheets.

"Who's madam Lydia?",I ask and why are they leaving my brothe with a stranger.

"She is your mother-in-law the mother of Don Giovanni",she says,oh so she's the crazy woman that tried to shoot me,the pain and the cream Anna have me helped make the ache in between my legs become bearable but I still need her to hold on to me.

So with that I decide to get up ,I don't trust that lady she tried to kill me who knows what she'll do to my brother.


So with Anna's help I get down stairs and head to the garden,"Federico my dear be careful or else you'll hurt yourself",I her Lydia say,wait Federico? isn't he her dead son , Giovanni's younger brother?.

We reach the garden and see people taking down yesterday's decorations and chairs.

"Federico how about we go and get some cake?",she says again. " Yaayy cake ,but Nithia said cake in the morning is bad for you", Mason says and and my eyes land on the two people near the platform where I got married. And so we begin walking to them

"Oh Federico my dear she doesn't have to know ,now come lets go so the servants can finish",she says.

" Why are you calling him Federico?",I ask when we reach them" his name is Mason".

"Good morning Madam Lydia", Anna greets her. But she ignores her " so it's you ,how unpleasant to see you this morning, Federico my dear come lets go",she says and talks Mason's hand in hers,but I snatch it from her "he is not Federico his name is Mason and he is my brother so if you don't mind, I'll be taking him with me",I snap.

" Good morning sis", Mason says and hugs me " don't be mad and Miss Lydia, yesterday when I wanted to sleep with you and couldn't find you I met her,she was very sad that her son Federico just like dad went to heaven to look after us,so I told her I could be her son because my mother doesn't like me very much",he says, and this squeezes my heart my mother has always been mean to Mason because she never wanted to have him in the first place,for her two children were enough.

"It's okay baby,I understand",I say and kiss his forehead because he's just way too cute.

"What is going on here?", Giovanni says making my back straighten.

"Good morning son , it's nothing,I was just going to take Federico here for some cake but your wife didn't like the idea very much and she's right children shouldn't eat sweet things too early in the morning especially after eating breakfast",she says and carrys Mason in her arms. Giovanni smiles and pat's him in the head.


Giovanni walks to us and I feel the rage ,the hate and I just want to kill him. "Don't cause any trouble for my mother,if she wants to call him Federico she can call him that,if she wants him to eat cake,he can eat cake,have I made myself clear?",he says and I only nod my head.

Anna leads me back to my room and I go back to sleep,I only wake up when it's time for dinner, Anna helps me look presentable before going down,I wear a black plain dress and a pear necklace and earrings and some heels to picked out.

We get down stairs and my brothers are already seated including Giovanni's mother,his cousin Flavio and his brother Vincent and Leonardo, Giovanni's best friend.

My brothers and I sit on the left of Giovanni who sits at the head of the table and on the right of Giovanni,sits Leonardo, Flavio and Vincent so I'm always facing Leonardo but today he has moved a seat over leaving the one he sits on empty. And I clanch my jaw when I see Mason on Lydia's laps and seeing me upset makes Camila smirk,what is she doing here do all these people leave here. 


I take my sit and the guards open the door for Giovanni who has his hand held by a gorgeous tall redhead. And seeing them appear makes Flavio choke on his wine and Vincent chuckle while Leonardo just shakes his head.Who drinks wine at breakfast anyway that's the least of my concerns now.


Camila too is enjoying the show because I see her face flash and she arrogantly smirks at me,I think I may have an idea who the redhead is.



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