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Giovanni acts like a gentleman and helps her to her sit, interesting so I just take a sip of my wine "ma'am you should drink the wine because of the painkillers you're taking",Anna whispers to me.

" So you must be Giovanni's wife,how lovely to meet you, I'm Kendra Pent ",she says and smiles. Then I just realized something I've seen this woman before,she is a very famous supermodel she appears on the cover of almost all the fashion magazines,I've heard so much about her from Beth.


I don't realize that I didn't let her hand go till Lucas told me to stop acting weird so I cleared my throat "I'm sorry, it's nice to you",I say and smile.

" It's okay I get that a lot , who'd Mrs Salvatore like me to give her an autograph",she says and plays her hand on Giovanni's and I roll my eyes in my head,bitch you can keep the demon .


"No Miss Pent may have gotten me wrong,I was just thinking you'd look alot prettier than how you appear on the magazines they sure do tell lies",I say and smile sweetly at her and the smile on her face freezes.                                                                             And this time it is Vincent that chokes.

The food is served and we begin eating "Nithia I never thought that you could drive so well and also use a gun" Flavio says.

And Lucas answers " when sis was 14 she used to sneak out to street race,and I would cover for her ,dad would get so upset after finding out she would sneak out at night with her friends", he says.

" What?that explains that stunt you pulled, I'll have to give it to you that was cool",he says and smiles, hearing my brother speak about such a memory makes me smile and today for the first time I smile at Flavio.

"And the gun?",he continues but this time I answer him ,"my grandfather served as a Colonel when he was still alive ,so I can identify and use certain guns",I say.

" I'm sorry I couldn't attend your wedding so I brought you a gift, I'll give to you after dinner", Kendra interjects. Flavio rolls his eyes and Vincent elbows him.

"That is so nice of you,you didn't have to",I say.  " so Lucas I heard you're going to London are you sure you want to go",I ask and divert the conversation.

" Yeah Giovanni said he'll buy me a penthouse and hire a maid you don't have to worry about me sis",he says " I know don't give me that look,I promise to call you and this is a great opportunity for me to get better education",he continues.

" Fine as long as you like it ",I say and continue eating. " Don't worry Nithia you still got me", Mason says. " And I'll always keep in touch", Lucas says. I sigh and nod.

We continue eating and me and my siblings chat for a little bit before we say goodnight and go to bed and Mason is sleeping in Lydia's room,I feel like my heart is going to burst from anger,Anna goes to her room and I'm left in mine ,I mean Giovanni's,I was moved to his room after getting married.


I wake up thirsty but the jar that had water is now empty so I go down stairs to get some,there are no guards inside but there are some on the outside,I don't know what Giovanni does but it is known that he owns many companies but I get a feeling that's not it, anyway that is not my business.

I walk down stairs but soon hear moans coming from Giovanni's office that has it's door a little cracked "I don't understand why you would marry her ",I hear Kendra say.

Oh so that's what's going on but I just roll my eyes and continue on my way to the kitchen maybe I can get some cereal for myself, Anna has been watching everything that I've been eating, she's so annoying,I know it's a way of her saying I need to lose a few pounds.

Matter of fact I think I'll make myself a ham sandwich,so I start digging for ingredients. After I get everything I close the door to the freezer but I'm startled when I see someone sitting on the kitchen island.


"Fuck , Leonardo you scared the crap out of me!",I say and place my hand on my frantic beating heart.

"Can't sleep?",he asks and takes a sip of his juice. I then notice that he's not wearing a shirt and my throat runs dry ,his entire chest is covered in tattoos and I never knew he had a nice toned body under the suits he's always wearing,my eyes travel down to his body and stop at the v-line that's hidden under the pj pants he's wearing.

"Like what you see dollface?",he asks and smirks.

" Don't. Call. Me dollface",I snap and start making my sandwich.

" Be a sweetheart and make me one will you?",he asks and I fold my arms and glare at him. " Please",he smiles and I just roll my eyes and make him a sandwich as well.


When I'm done he takes a bite and chews slowly,my throat runs dry so I take a drink of my water and take a bite out of mine as well but I can't seem to take my eyes off of him as he eats his ,I watch as his Adam's apple bops up and down and before I realise it he is done with his and walks over to where I'm standing making me swallow hard,he leans forward and I keep my eyes on his lips,this is it he is going to kiss me and I was looking forward to it,he stops centimeters away from my lips and I can feel his breath as it fans me,he swells good too,come on kiss me already I scream. He uses his thumb and wipes the mayonnaise on the corner of my mouth and puts it in his mouth and sucks on it,come on out your lips on mine I say impatiently in my head. He smiles guessing what I'm thinking.

"Thanks for the sandwich belle signora ",he says and walks away carrying a water bottle with him, leaving me dejected that he didn't kiss me. 

Arhggggg what are you thinking Nithia, you're a married woman,no matter what even though Giovanni is an asshole you can't be like your mother,you mustn't,I say to myself. So I quickly finish my sandwich and leave the kitchen.



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