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Book online «Beg Harder by Artemis Dianne (good books to read in english .TXT) 📖». Author Artemis Dianne

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The smell of burnt wood filled the room the moment the door opened. It's somewhat sour from the chemical involved making me cough. Certain parts of this enormous mansion are still on fire and you could hear the crackling pine burning, suggesting that the arson occurred just a few hours ago. While the smoke could be seen for miles, the camouflage device would conceal everything.


He made his men use a fire squelching agent to separate half of the smoke. There's also a grey sand-like material being thrown to pave the way in the mansion, disipating the black smoke. 

I look back as I hear more vehicles and see loaded trucks with the same powdery substance backing in, so it seems that his whole team came in prepaid for this plan. 

When we moved forward in the mansion. Me following his footstep, I didn't realize how broad his shoulders were, his built we're define giving his attire a more intimidating vibe. 

My eyes were teary as we walk in more and my cough seemed to pop in and out. As I'm being dragged by one of his guys, I see my captor return my stare.  
I unknowingly held my breath. His eyes were so bright in this dark place. Just looking at my whole form.

When he realized I wasn't wearing any shoes, he made a motion to the man who was clutching my chained wrists. 

The tall muscular guy easily carried me bridal style and continued walking with the rest of the group. I say thank you as i cough on his suit grateful somehow given my situation having someone to carry me at this tired state, I kept my eyes shut as I feel my body exhausted from all the harsh treatment I've received. 

I felt my body being softly laid on the floor, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a man a few feet away, wearing a black bag on his head, knelt on the floor, half of his body dangling because his hands were bound to a burnt post. He was surrounded by tall men who towered over him. Anyone who looks at his body can tell he's been battered to a pulp.


The bag was removed as they showed the boss his face but I couldn't see who he is for my view is being covered by the men towering him. 

A few more second, a groan is heard, the man's voice did really sound familiar.  the men was task to clear for my viewing pleasure. My eyes met the unrecognizable man. Both of his eyes are swollen along with his bloodied nose. His sweat and blood are mixed, dripping down on the floor.  His head is being pulled back by the same jerk who assaulted me. 

My arms were dragged again to stand up, I'm sure there's already bruises forming being touch so roughly and I was face closer to the man.  

I know him even with the bloodied swollen face.





I couldn't believe it's him. My mentor who I haven't since I came back to join my aunt and Carly. His name couldn't leave my mouth, seeing the state that he is in, it made my heart rate accelerated, my lips started to tremble and my hands are now shaking.  

It all clicked in my head. This is Astor's old family Mansion, I've seen it in photos when I trained under him, he talked about how beautiful this place was and that one day he will bring us here. The camouflage system was born because of this place for his family had so many secrets.  

The next person in my thoughts was my Aunt Madonna. The last time I've seen Astor. they were together for Aunt Madonna's treatment but I can't say anything not knowing what these people know or how we're connected.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Astor speak, calling my abuser by his name with a hoarse voice.       


That's his name, finally got this bastard's name.  


"Cha-Charles, you're late for the party.  Who is the new meat?"  He has the same humor smile, while his head gestures pertaining to me. He can hardly talk from all the cuts on his lips but I didn't miss how he pretended not to know me, that's a message itself. 

Astor looks away from me and stares directly at the man who he seemed to have history with. 

"Oh that's right, the pretend game again? It seems everyone in your family likes to steal and forget to check who they're messing with. Unfortunately for you Astor, I have no time today." Charles reached in his pocket to grab a lighter and sparks the flame on Astor's legs. the flame quickly made half of Astor's body burn.

I screamed with Astor in agony but his was louder, seeing this savage man burn my beloved mentor put me in so much distress.  I have to do something before the flame reaches up even more. 

"Stop please. please stop this, I'll tell you everything you want?" I pleaded. This man is not to be messed with, I saw in his eyes that he will really kill Astor.

All my pleas are not being heard till I screamed his name as I've come to know "Charles please stop this." I beg for Astor's  life. I beg harder.


Charles takes a bottle of extinguisher and sprays it on screaming Astor as the flame sizzles, his clothes are all burned exposing second degree burn. Charles chucks the bottle on Astor's head making his body limp and unconscious. 

"Astor no, Astor wake up." I called out his name for him to stay awake. I never cried harder my whole life. I want to run to him but the same man who carried me kept my whole body in place, his grip was so tight.  I'm thrashing all over just to get close to Astor.


My head was locked in place and I couldn't move. They deliberately want me to see this.

I started yelling for Charles to let Astor loose. He had called two men on stand by while taking off his suit and as if on cue, One is holding a bowl of water and another with a white clean towel. I didn't stop yelling for Astor's life as I cry at the same time.

He rolls off his sleeves showing his muscles forearm, he takes his time rinsing his hands and wipes it on the towel, throwing it on Astor's unconscious body landing exactly on his head.  

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