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Book online «Beg Harder by Artemis Dianne (good books to read in english .TXT) 📖». Author Artemis Dianne

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I couldn't believe it's him. My mentor who I haven't since I came back to join my aunt and Carly. His name couldn't leave my mouth, seeing the state that he is in, it made my heart rate accelerated, my lips started to tremble and my hands are now shaking.  

It all clicked in my head. This is Astor's old family Mansion, I've seen it in photos when I trained under him, he talked about how beautiful this place was and that one day he will bring us here. The camouflage system was born because of this place for his family had so many secrets.  

The next person in my thoughts was my Aunt Madonna. The last time I've seen Astor. they were together for Aunt Madonna's treatment but I can't say anything not knowing what these people know or how we're connected.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Astor speak, calling my abuser by his name with a hoarse voice.       


That's his name, finally got this bastard's name.  


"Cha-Charles, you're late for the party.  Who is the new meat?"  He has the same humor smile, while his head gestures pertaining to me. He can hardly talk from all the cuts on his lips but I didn't miss how he pretended not to know me, that's a message itself. 

Astor looks away from me and stares directly at the man who he seemed to have history with. 

"Oh that's right, the pretend game again? It seems everyone in your family likes to steal and forget to check who they're messing with. Unfortunately for you Astor, I have no time today." Charles reached in his pocket to grab a lighter and sparks the flame on Astor's legs. the flame quickly made half of Astor's body burn.

I screamed with Astor in agony but his was louder, seeing this savage man burn my beloved mentor put me in so much distress.  I have to do something before the flame reaches up even more. 

"Stop please. please stop this, I'll tell you everything you want?" I pleaded. This man is not to be messed with, I saw in his eyes that he will really kill Astor.

All my pleas are not being heard till I screamed his name as I've come to know "Charles please stop this." I beg for Astor's  life. I beg harder.


Charles takes a bottle of extinguisher and sprays it on screaming Astor as the flame sizzles, his clothes are all burned exposing second degree burn. Charles chucks the bottle on Astor's head making his body limp and unconscious. 

"Astor no, Astor wake up." I called out his name for him to stay awake. I never cried harder my whole life. I want to run to him but the same man who carried me kept my whole body in place, his grip was so tight.  I'm thrashing all over just to get close to Astor.


My head was locked in place and I couldn't move. They deliberately want me to see this.

I started yelling for Charles to let Astor loose. He had called two men on stand by while taking off his suit and as if on cue, One is holding a bowl of water and another with a white clean towel. I didn't stop yelling for Astor's life as I cry at the same time.

He rolls off his sleeves showing his muscles forearm, he takes his time rinsing his hands and wipes it on the towel, throwing it on Astor's unconscious body landing exactly on his head.  

"What do you want, tell me?" I screamed for Charles to get his attention before does something again to Astor.  He can hear my voice rugged.

"Names, I want names." Charle's demeanor is still playful as if he just didn't set someone on fire. This man is beautiful on the outside but clearly derange and very dangerous inside.

It took me a few seconds to realized that he owns the lab from our last pledge. He wants revenge and he's asking me to give up my family. I have to sacrifice myself, I can't let anything bad happening to any of my girls.  I stopped all my movements and drew in a deep long breath, a couple of times.

Attempting to get rid of the feelings, I have to put on a brave face. 

"No." I simply say as I'm still trying to get ready to talk. I need to think fast I can't let him kill Astor, he's the only one who can tell me where Aunt Madonna is at

"No?" Charles mimics my answer  and his expression changed quickly to another level evil hearing me say  No.  

"I mean, No. No other Names. it was just me." I tried my best to make it sound convincing. "I'm the only one who hacked in your system and knew exactly who, what and where to extract the formula. It's all me. let Astor Go." 

He started laughing uncontrollably, his whole men joined him on it, as if I really said something funny. He mock every single thing I just said when he finally got his composure. "Alright Baby, I'll bite. Tell me how?" He had his men stand me up, as he touches my lips.


I gulped down, feeling the dryness in my throat. I calculated the things that I'm about to say, Astor's life depends on it.

"I created a worm that can multiply within your system and your security program won't notice it. Before your people could catch it, the worm already made a bunch of holes within to house it's babies, however getting the worm out can only be retrieved inside your turf physically, I disguised as an auditor, made a mirror copy of the housing system for one worm is enough to extract information just by inserting it via rogue code."

I made sure to clearly say this lie to make it more believable because I have no idea how Carly got around their area, and the retrieving part was her responsibility. 

There was just silence after I spoke. 
He was just glaring and I wasn't sure if he believes me.

My hands started to shake when he turned his back to walk towards the direction where Astor is tied. 
Panic arose, My mouth was open once more.

If you let Astor live and let us go, I will give you $150 million dollars." This statement caused him to halt his headway. he stated that he is uninterested in money, but that when the sum is large enough, everyone can be corrupted. I know what he's capable of, and I'm terrified of letting him take me and see what kind of torment he has in store for me.

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