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And we let go quickly, her ass is too tight and it was killing me. Paula screams in pleasure like never before and I grunt in response spilling myself inside her which was now another of my favorite places. 

I pull my cock out of her tight beautiful ass and stare at the tremendous hole I left her. I bite my lip as I watch her expel my cum. She's breathing heavily, I hold her by the waist so she doesn't fall. I quickly untie her and caress her wrists. 

"Didn't I hurt you, love?" I ask. 

I smile and so does she. "No love, I loved it, I never thought to do it that way, but it's another kind of pleasure. It's another level." I smile kissing her forehead. 

"Yes my love. It's the best, you know I love you Paula?" She looks at me in love. "I know and I love you Dante De Luca" she confesses leaning back against my chest. I breathe in the scent of her hair, caressing her back. 

"Now will you tell me why you didn't tell me anything about the blissful gala?"

"Love, would you believe me if I said I forgot? You know I have a lot on my mind and it completely slipped my mind, but you know you'll be my companion, so don't even hesitate." 

He stands up and looks at me raising an eyebrow. "Really Dante?" I nod my head... "And I don't want to hear that you don't want them to know you're my wife because that day everyone will know, that day they'll know that Dante De Luca has an owner and has fallen madly in love." I stroke her lips with my thumb.

"Dante you can't do that..."

"Oh yes precious, of course I can and I will, so you don't have to hide it anymore. I'm not coming alone and certainly not on someone else's arm."



We arrived home after an intense afternoon with my Dante and I was right they would have heard us here in the house, my screams especially .... I can't believe I let myself get fucked in that still unexplored place, but definitely with Dante I'm on another level God! Paula you sure have gone crazy, look at swallowing such a cock, I never thought of behaving like that. 

And I don't even want to imagine what they will think at the company when they see me arrive at the gala on the arm of none other than the boss, I can only imagine what they will say. This is going to be chaos, I can see it coming, oh my.

Arriving home, I run into my crazy friend Isa, I smile seeing her as I miss her so much, not working next to her makes me sad.

"Isa!" I shout and run to hug her, it's been days since we last saw each other we talked a couple of times on the phone but with everything and my new job we didn't see each other anymore. 

"How much I miss you shorty" she just laughs, she always says to me like that affectionately.

"And me too my blondie", we still don't let go of each other. And I hear Dante clearing his throat behind us. 

"Hi Dante." Isa greets him. 

"Hi Isa, how are you?" 

"Good." He nods shaking his head.

"I'll be in the office my love." He walks over to leave me a kiss on my forehead and watched as I walked up the stairs. Ummm and to think just a few minutes ago I was screaming underneath him. That man is fascinating everywhere you look at him, he is super attractive, imposing, tall and very sensual.

Isa and I settled into the living room to catch up on everything that has been going on lately with our lives.

"And my niece, how is she?" she pats my belly. 

"Super well, she's doing great." I run my hands over my belly.

"And Dante, how is he behaving?" She raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes.

"He's very possessive, but I love Isa, he's very good to me," she just smiles stroking my hand.

"So how's it going with Santiago?". i ask.

Mmm she shakes her head not very convinced.... "mmm what's up girlfriend?" 

"I don't know," she ducks her head. "I think I'm suspecting he has another woman."

"isa god!!! why would you say that?" 

"I don't know, he walks very strange and he's not the same as before, he makes a thousand excuses, I think I'm going to ask him for time, or better end our relationship, I don't want Paula to suffer, neither for him nor for any man." 

"Why don't you talk to him?" 

"I don't know, I tell you he is very changed and I feel it will be best if he leaves us." 

"I'm so sorry friend, you were very excited about him."

Isa lifts her shoulders, wow, I didn't think I would see her like that for someone, but if that jerk doesn't appreciate my friend, he doesn't deserve her. 

"Come here my blonde." I pull her to me to hug her. "It's going to be okay my blonde you'll see."

"Paula, I have to talk to you about something, something important, because this is important."

"What is Isa?" I break away from her to look at her. 

"It's Marc." I tense up when I hear his name, the truth since the last time everything happened I haven't heard from him again. 

"Just..." I keep silent and was already freaking out.

"Just what?"  

"He told me to tell you something...". 

"What Isa? Speak for God's sake, you're killing me."

"That sooner or later you'll be his wife whether you want to be or not, let it be the last thing I do."

My heart starts beating really fast, I started blinking as if that would erase what Isa just told me.

"What's wrong with that asshole..." I growl annoyed.

"I don't know Paula, I just want you to be careful, after what happened with him, he's more obsessed."

"He's crazy you mean. " I replied. 

"Just be careful my friend....".

"Yes Isa, thank you for telling me, I'll be careful". 

 "Will you tell Dante?"

"No, of course not, he's probably going to kill him himself".

God, what is wrong with that man, why can't he understand that I have no interest in him? 

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