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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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We enter the room and everyone present looks at us, I just want the earth to swallow me up, I see everyone looking at me from head to toe and my in-laws smiling at me, the rest were looking at me with their mouths open, yes, sure they say, look at the new one on the boss's arm.

Suddenly I visualize my partners looking at me perplexed, the three of them were stunned, maybe they can't believe that I'm on the boss's arm, I don't know how they will take it now that they know I'm his girlfriend, I hope it won't change the relationship we have, I also notice Sebastian looking at us frowning, I think he already suspected or Dante made it clear to him who I am after all.

We approach to greet my in-laws who are impeccably dressed, Mr. Antonio hugs me leaving a kiss on my cheek as well as Catalina my mother-in-law, Carolina for her part was stunning in her red dress, could not be less, she was gorgeous, Giancarlo has also come since he is also owner of the companies could not miss, accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend Cloe both were gorgeous, that woman is definitely a real beauty. Any man would kill to be with her.

"Sister-in-law!" Giancarlo so chivalrous takes my hand and leaves a kiss on it, Dante grunts in response to which he guffaws.

"You look beautiful, sister-in-law." I blush. "Hi Cloe, right?" I greet Giancarlo's girlfriend.

"Hi Paula." She comes over to greet me in a gorgeous blue dress that brings out the color of her eyes and her gorgeous skin, Iam also shows up who looked gorgeous as well. Definitely these men are amazing.

"Iam, good to see you bro," Giancarlo greets giving each other a big hug.

"Wow these two sure miss each other." I joke. Iam turns to leave me a kiss on my cheek.

"And if you don't put your hands on her or eyes on my wife nothing happens. " Dante replies, I roll my eyes.

"Don't be jealous little brother, so that doesn't happen here this lady present will keep you company all night" Carolina says grabbing Iam's arm, he laughs and nods.

"Well beautiful lady it will be a pleasure to have you keep me company all night" he replies winking at her. Dante snorts and we all burst out laughing.

"Well, let's go to the table, the acknowledgements are about to begin" clarifies Mr. Antonio.

We all nod and head to our table, including Iam who sits with us.

The one who speaks is our head of human resources, he thanks everyone present, mentioning the works and projects of the company and the large donations made by the De Luca family to many foundations and families of the corporation.

"We ask Mr. Dante de Luca to address us a few words" he finally mentions to my handsome, he gets up adjusting his jacket and heads towards the small stage set up, the looks of all the women are not made to wait, and the sighs too, it is impossible not to feel jealous.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, to all present, for me it is an honor to have you all here on this wonderful night".  God! that husky voice makes my skin crawl, it still affects me like the first time, and I think I'm not the only one because all the women are gawking at him. He's mine, mine and no one else's, you can't be more possessive Paula.

"Without you the company would be nothing, that's why every year I organize this gala to celebrate with all my employees the achievements that belong to everyone."

"I want to thank my family who always supports me in everything and without them nothing would be possible, my brother as you all know is the representative of the company in California." Giancarlo raises his glass.

"But tonight I want to thank a very special person for me." God!  Here comes the part I was dreading the most, my face starts to burn, my chest starts to tighten, my chest starts to beat really hard, it's time and I just want to be swallowed by the earth. "To a woman who has taught me what love is, with patience, with affection, many already know her, but today I want to officially introduce her."

"Love, can you come here for a moment," she asks me and I tremble, my whole body shakes.

I slowly stand up feeling like I'm going to fall at any moment, the gasps and murmurs were not long in coming, all eyes on me, from the whole company.

I approach the stage, and Dante takes my hand to help me up, I'm not able to look up, I'm dying of embarrassment, I was here in front of thousands of people. "This woman here is the mistress of my heart, of my life, and the future mother of my child on the way." I hear the murmurs and whispers of everyone, Dante turns to me, holding my hand.

"Thank you love for being with me, for your patience, I love you." and he kisses me, I am more than surprised and suddenly I hear the applause and whistles.

"Enjoy the night, thank you all." finishes Dante detaching himself from me.

We go down, Dante helps me to get down carefully while everyone continues applauding, Dante greets many people who approached him and I take the opportunity to slip away and go with my companions.

I get to where they are and the three of them look at me more than surprised. "Can I sit down, guys?" I ask, closing one of my eyes.

"Go ahead." indicates Christofer pointing with his hand to one of the chairs.

"So the boss's girlfriend huh?" says Ana raising an eyebrow. 

 "Guys sorry, sorry." I clasp my hands together. "I didn't want to tell that, I didn't want to be seen and made to feel different just for being the boss's girlfriend. I wanted to go unnoticed in front of everyone and achieve my own merits please don't judge me for that okay?" I make a puppy dog face.

 At first the three of them stare at me and I felt terrible, then they start laughing, except Luis who remains serious. "Ay silly you would have said from the beginning, I wouldn't change anything." Ana replies.

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