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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 42. Separated



I can't believe what I see, Paula in Iam's arms, I asked him to stay away from her, why doesn't he resign himself to the fact that Paula loves me? That she's mine fuck!!! or so I thought, but seeing her like this with him makes me doubt.

 No Dante, don't jump to conclusions, when I arrive next to them, Paula looks at me surprised I can't decipher her look, was she crying?

What did Iam say to her to make her like that? words come out of my mouth, but I only say out of the rage and jealousy I feel, when she passes by my side, I hold her arm but she shakes it off.

I will ask the driver to take her home, I don't want to go after her because I know we will argue and I don't want her to get upset with her pregnancy....

"Don't do something stupid Dante, listen to what she has to tell you, don't regret it later" Iam speaks to me, I look at him without saying anything and then I go after Paula, I go outside and I see her talking to my driver.  He for his part looks at me as if asking for my approval to which I nod, knowing it's because she wants a ride home.

Damn it, I know she's crying, why am I so jealous, I'm such an idiot I wish I could go behind her and listen to what she has to tell me but jealousy gets the better of me.

Again when I see she has left I walk into the living room, many people have left, I approach my parents who were already leaving. I say goodbye to them asking if I wanted one of my boys to take them but my father hates that. He hates to depend on others, I say goodbye to them and my sister, leaving only Giancarlo, Cloe and me, apparently the others have already left.

Giancarlo asks me to go for drinks at his apartment he has here every time he comes, he doesn't like to stay at our parents' house.

When we are about to leave I receive a call, I look at the screen and frown. Iam?

Why is he calling me? Giancarlo looks at me with a frown.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

 I wave my hand at him to wait a moment. "Iam, what's wrong?" I answer annoyed with him.

"Dante, it's Leonardo, he had an accident." that was like a bucket of cold water.

"What? What the fuck happened?" I asked upset. 

"I don't know, only his sister told me, he's in the hospital."

"Ok, I'm on my way" is all I say, cutting the call, while Giancarlo asks me worried about what's going on.

"It's Leonardo, he had an accident".

Leonardo, he traveled a few days ago to London, he had some business to solve at the clinic with his mother, he wouldn't arrive until tomorrow, that's why I don't know what happened.

"He had an accident on his way home, he is hospitalized," I answered.

"Let's go." my brother replies.

I nod, leaving quickly to get into my brother's car.

We arrive at the hospital in a few minutes, see Leonardo's sister and Iam and rush over to them.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly.

Her sister Lidia cries, clinging to Iam. "I don't know, they just called me from the hospital to let me know and then I called Iam, I didn't know who else to call." answers the little girl sobbing.

"And do you know anything about him yet?" is Giancarlo who asked worried.

"Not yet, no one has told us anything," Iam declares.

We waited there without moving for a few hours, until a doctor finally showed up to give us the news.

"Relatives of Leonardo Greco." we all stood up to hear what he had to say.

"I am his sister." answers Lidia. "How is my brother, doctor?"

"Unfortunately I have to say that he is not well at all." answers the doctor, I run my hand through my hair, worried

"He has many cuts and fractures, we are now trying to normalize him, but I'm afraid we will have to do surgery to remove a clot in his head." I hold my head with both hands, I can't believe it. Iam looks at me very worried and my chest tightens knowing that my friend was in bad shape.

"But is he going to recover Doctor?" I ask still hopeful.

The doctor fixes his eyes on me. "We will try to do everything possible sir, everything in our hands." he answers.

"Please Doctor, do everything you can." exclaims Lidia in tears, Iam runs his hand through his hair a thousand times he is no better off than I am, we are all upset with this news. We didn't expect it.

We were always close, we are like brothers, He was always with me when I needed me most, now I will not leave him alone when he needs me most.

"What we will need is blood donors for the surgery," says the doctor.

"Just ask, doctor, there are plenty of us here to donate. "Iam answers, the doctor nods.

"Well, I will be informing you of any news or evolution of the gentleman, excuse me."

Now I hug Lidia to comfort her, she is devastated, her only sibling, her mother is in a psychiatric clinic in London. Their father died when they were just children.

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