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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Part 5...


               My Sweetie was so tired that as soon as we got in the car, she fell asleep in my arms. Having her in my arms is the best feeling in the world. I will not let anyone hurt my Sweetie, I will protect her with my life if I have to. 

              When we reached home, I didn't want to disturb her so I carried her to the bedroom. And ron removed the wet dress from her body and put sheets over her body so she doesn't get cold. Now let's make sure she is safe after returning home. 

              "Guys, meet me in the living room," I said in a low voice so as not to disturb her. 

In the living room:

               "Daniel, were you able to locate where that bastard is hiding?" James asked. "That's what I wanted to talk about, its like he knows we are coming for him and he has gone into hiding," I replied. 

Shawn:"We should not underestimate him if he can drug babygirl on our wedding day in the presence of so many guests, then we should look out for him."

Ron:"Shawn's right. We should not leave her alone till the time we are sure she is no danger. "

Joseph:"That we will do but we have to take more security measures and we still haven't told her anything about how she forgot everything."

James:"I had fixed a tracker in one of the diamonds of the wedding ring and she never removes the ring so we can always locate if something doesn't go according to the plan."

Daniel:" As long as we are here, she is safe but when we return next week, we have to be extra careful. Joseph, it would help if you could contact your friend Xavier. "

Ron:Who is Xavier?"

Joseph:Xavier Romero, the mafia boss of the 'Blacks'. And the owner of the Romero cooperation. 

Shawn: The 'Blacks' , are you sure you want to involve them. I hear they don't do favors for free.

Joseph: We will do anything to make sure my love is safe. And don't worry, Xavier is a close friend and we just want to know that bastard's location.

Daniel : Okay Joseph, you contact him tonight and tell him to find the location as soon as possible.




            I went outside the house so that no one could hear the conversation. I made a call to his office because he keeps on changing his number and keeps burner phones to make contact. 

PA: Hello, Romero cooperation. 

A girl's voice came from the other side of the phone guess he changed his PA too.

Joseph:I would like to speak with Xavier. 

PA: May I know what this is about, sir?

Joseph: Just tell him its a call from Joseph. 

PA: Mr. Joseph, I am sorry for keeping you waiting and I am now passing the call. 

Xavier: Finally, you remembered that you have a best friend. 

Joseph:You are saying, you didn't come to my wedding and you were my best man.

Xavier: Sorry mate, I had a war going on with the 'Reds'(Reds is another mafia gang who is trying to take over'Blacks' territory.) And about your wedding, I heard you and your brother's married the same woman!!

Joseph:Yeah,that's true. We fell in love with the same girl so we married her because we didn't want history to repeat itself. 

Xavier: I hear you, mate. Now,I would like to meet the woman who charmed my mate and his brothers. 

Joseph: Yeah, we will meet after we return. We are on our honeymoon now.

Xavier : Honeymoon ehh... my mate's getting some...

Joseph: Oh yeah.. Now, I called to ask for your help.

Xavier:Sounds serious. I will surely help in any way I can. What is it?

Joseph: I want the information of my love's ex boyfriend. He drugged her with something on our wedding and she forgot all about her previous life.

Xavier:Drugging someone on your wedding day, the guy's got some guts. Who is the bastard who drugged my sister in law?

Joseph: His name is John wicks. 

Xavier:John wicks you say, I am also trying to find that bastard for quite sometime now. He is the son of 'John kites' the leader of the 'Reds'. 

Joseph: But 'Kites'is dead now, you killed him a month ago and their surnames are different.

Xavier: Yeah, because he was the bastard son he had with one of the whores and she hid him from kites but after his mother's death a year ago, the bastard found his father and now is the leader of the 'Reds'.

Joseph: Leader of the 'Reds'. This shit is bigger than I thought. 

Xavier: Don't worry, mate. My whole mafia is working on finding him and once I find that bastard, I am going to kill him with my own hands.

Joseph:So, when do you think we can return?

Xavier: You can come whenever you want, I will put extra protection on you and your family. And once nora is here, he will do something stupid and get out of his hiding to get to nora and we will catch him before he reaches her.

Joseph: I am not going to put my love'life at risk.

Xavier:Trust me mate, nothing will happen to her. We just want her in the city so that he comes out of hiding. We are not going to use sister in bait.

Joseph: I trust you and I will contact you as soon as I step foot in your city.

Xavier: See you soon, mate.

           Xavier said  and I ended the call and went inside the house. 

Shawn: What did he say,will he help us?

Joseph: This shit is messier than we thought. 'John wicks' is the bastard son of 'John kites'.

Daniel : 'John kites' as in the leader of the 'Reds'.

James: But he is dead so that means that bastard is now the leader of the 'Reds'.

Joseph:Yes. And he is out for our wife. 

Ron: So,that means she is in  great danger.

Joseph: Yeah but xavier is also after him and he is going to kill him as soon as he comes out of hiding. And he is putting extra protection on us. 

Daniel: I don't care what happens to that bastard as long as nora is safe. So, what did Xavier say about us returning?

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