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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Returning home


         I don't know when these two weeks passed by. Today, we are going home. I just want to stay here with my husbands away from everyone and away from all the judgy eyes and disgusted glances. But I guess it doesn't really matter because as long as they are with me ,nothing else matters.

         I slept the whole return journey because all of them were busy on their laptops getting their work in order and I didn't want to disturb them. They have given me the best two weeks of my life and if I die today, I would be happy because I got the chance to have met these amazing men and got the chance to marry them and call them my husbands. 

        As soon as we got down from the jet, I saw 5 cars and about 20 well built bodyguard type men waiting for us on the runway. One of them greeted Joseph, "Mr. Joseph, I am jack, Xavier's third in command and this is my team and we are here for your protection."

Joseph: "These are my brothers and our wife."

Jack: "Nice to meet you all and I am guessing you are nora."

Me: Yes, do I know you?

Jack: No, you don't know me but you will get to know me because from now on I am not to leave for until you are with your husbands. 

Me:What?Why?What is happening?

Daniel:Sweetie, we will explain later. Now jack, you are in charge of protecting my wife so you don't let anyone touch a hair on her head because...

Jack:Don't worry, Mr. Daniel, I have been told to protect you all with my life. And my team and I are very capable. 

Joseph: I trust Xavier. Now, why didn't he come to meet us?

Jack: Boss has invited you and your family for dinner tonight at the mansion. 

Daniel: We will be there.

Daniel said and we all got in a black audi and the rest of the cars were following us. 

Nora: Will anyone tell what is happening?

Shawn: I think it's time we told her.

All of them nodded.

James:Baby, the reason you forgot everything about our marriage and your life before is because you were drugged. 

Nora: who.. did..that? (I stammered a little)

Ron: Your ex boyfriend. It happened at the night of our wedding. We don't how did that bastard enter and how he got to you. And why did he want you to forget everything.

Nora: Okay, but why all this security now and they don't look like normal bodyguards.

Joseph:It's because they are not. They are gang members of the 'Blacks' mafia. 

Nora: Gang members for our protection...why?

Daniel: Its because your ex is the leader of the gang called 'Reds' and we don't want to take any chances. 

Joseph: The leader of the 'Blacks' is my bestfriend and he also wants to take his revenge from John, your ex, so he send his men to protect you and us.

Nora:Okay, this is a lot to process. But thank you for looking after me.

Ron: Honey, never say thank you to us. We are doing this because if anything happens to you we won't be able to live.

Nora: I don't think I will be able to survive without any one of you.

I said and hugged them because I just wanted to feel close to them. The car stopped and I realized that we reached home. We went inside and took some rest before tonight. 

In the evening:

          "Honey, your clothes for tonight." Ron said and came inside the room. It was a green knee-length dress with a slit in the side and it was a off-shoulder dress with net on top. "Thank you,it's beautiful." "And here is your lingerie." It was a black lingerie. "Now, do you want me to help you take a bath and dress up?" Ron said in a naughty tone. "I would love it you would help me but we both know that we will be late and I don't want to upset Joseph." I said and ran inside the bathroom before he could catch me. "But what about upsetting me, honey?" He said in a cute voice. "Don't worry honey, I will make it upto you," I said. "I will take your word on that and get ready fast and meet us downstairs in 2 hours." "Okay." I said and he went away. 

            And I started getting ready. I took a bath and washed my hair. I went on light makeup and wore the necklace that james had given me on the wedding night. Then someone knocked on the door," Babygirl, are you ready?" Shawn said and he came in. "Babygirl, you look beautiful." He was in a navy blue suit. "Shawn, you also look amazing and you are wearing my favorite color." I said and started playing with his tie. "Babygirl, if you keep looking at me like that,then I will tear that dress of you and devour you right now." He said and he put his hands under my dress and squeezed my ass. And then he kissed me. "Love, we are getting late." Joseph shouted before we could continue further. "Now, let's go." I said and intertwined my fingers with his and pulled him with me outside the room.


Xavier's mansion:

                As the car stopped, I looked towards the mansion. It was not a mansion but a castle. Well, he is a gang leader so it is expected. As soon as we enter, a man comes running and hugs Joseph and from the impact, I think they both will fall but they didn't. So,I guess he is Xavier and he is jolly minded for a gang leader. Joseph is in a black suit and Xavier is in a black shirt and pants and his well built physique could be seen. He was about 6'5 and had tattoos on his arms and neck. 

Xavier : Bloody fucker,it's been a year and you remember now that you have a bestfriend. 

Joseph:Everyone is not like you to run a syndicate, a number of businesses and a whole city. Some of us need to sleep. Sorry mate, its been a little tough the past year.

Xavier: Yeah,that's true not everyone is as awesome as me.

Joseph: I see you have not changed a bit. 

Xavier:You can make a perfect thing  more perfect.

Daniel cleared his throat to remind them of our presence. 

Xavier:Mr. Daniel, mr.ron,mr.shawn and mr.james, thank you for coming and it's a pleasure to meet you again.

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