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Book online «My Sweet Punishment by Amelia Brooks (books like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Amelia Brooks

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Chapter 10


      The meeting with German partners is scheduled for today. If everything goes smoothly, and they sign the contract, in a week, I will be able to send workers to start the building of a new hotel complex.

      At yesterday’s party, Mr. Anderson mentioned that the Germans have a scrupulous eye even for the smallest details. Therefore, he was not able to arrange the delivery of his goods to Frankfurt. I hate to do this, but I guess I’ll have to cater to them.

      My short temper will be remembered in Spain for a long time to come. The office workers there were even afraid of me. I grinned. When it comes to working, I need everything to be perfect. Otherwise, you’ll regret the day you were born.

      And I think I know how to please the Germans. I’ll order my secretary to book a VIP room at one of my clubs. The one in the center is good enough. And it’s just a short drive from the office.

       Muted music, relaxed atmosphere, expensive brandy, we can arrange girls. As the situation will demand.

       I thought again about the happening in the gazebo. The girl still doesn’t want to get out of my head. I got so hooked. I admit I was annoyed at first when I thought that she might have been following us. I’m so sick of these clingy girls who endlessly throw themselves at you. Just shake a hundred-dollar bill in front of their face, and in a minute, they are ready to spread their legs in front of you.

      But when I found out that she was hiding from some guy, I don’t know why I was relieved. Perhaps, because it was strange to meet such a girl at the party.

       She also made me laugh. Well, what sane person would get into the bushes, wearing an evening dress. Funny and clumsy.

        I also hate that I don’t even know what she looks like. The only thing I noticed while I was holding her in my arms was that she was light as a feather and quite slender. And that hair… It felt like silk and seemed to be black. I’d give anything right now to run them through my fingers again.

      And after the kiss, I got really turned on. Like some pimply teenager who’s never had sex before. If she hadn’t run away immediately, I don’t think I would have just let her go.

       I only know her name, Mia. As sweet as her lips.

      When I left the gazebo, I aimed to find the girl at all costs and leave with her to continue what we had started. But she vanished into thin air. And there was no girl named Mia on the guest list. Fuck, she must have come with someone. And I don’t think that it was the guy she was running away from. The girl was trembling in my arms with fear.

       What the hell happened?!

       But I’ll find out soon. The girl awakened my hunting instincts. Well, let’s play.

      It was after midnight when I arrived at the club. I had to agree to such a late time because, by German standards, it is just the day for them. Until then, they’d been catching up their sleep in the hotel. Time zone difference, damn it! And I gave in ‘cause I need the contract more than they do.

      I went into the VIP room. The Germans and my deputy, Sam, were waiting for me there.

    At first, things went bad. The place of the building was not suitable, then some point of the contract seemed obscure to them. Though, I am a hundred percent certain that everything is perfect. The Germans are just trying to get a good cut of the deal.

      However, after a couple of glasses of brandy, we quickly found a compromise. The men visibly relaxed. One of them even tried to pick up my waitress. And judging by the girl’s reaction, she didn’t seem to share his mood. I think she even knew what they were talking about.

     I look at the waitress. Not a glamorous beauty, but pretty enough, too. Neat facial features, minimal makeup.

     Everything was going well until the girl decided to show her mettle. Idiot. She poured brandy on the German’s pants. Although, I am amazed at her courage and... stupidity. I admit that the German behaved cheekily and unacceptably. But there are a lot of drunk molesters in the club too and security is just for such cases. Most likely, now I’ll have to fire her. And the German got mad…

      The man swung to hit the girl. Hell no, I certainly won’t allow that. What she did was wrong, and she will get her punishment – dismissal.

      I caught the German’s arm on the way. The room was silent. The girl turned to me, and I saw in her eyes not gratitude, but rather fear. She’s strange. I have something to be afraid of? Then my gaze dropped to the girl’s badge. It was like a bolt out of the blue.

       “Mia”. No, I can’t be that lucky.

    I told the terrified girl to leave the room while I was dealing with the Germans. Thank God this misunderstanding didn’t affect the course of our business. But before they left, that nasty drunk German made me promise that I would definitely kick the waitress out.

       No one dares to tell me what to do.

      After the VIP room was empty, I let myself pour some brandy and relax. I thought of the waitress again. Maybe it’s true and she’s that girl. Also slender, not greedy for money, even working here… But how could she have ended up at the party where most present were the city’s elite? Plus the hair, I’d definitely recognize it. Although the waitress’s hair is up in a bun, it seems to be also black. And that scared look in her eyes. Like it’s not the first time she’s seen me…

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