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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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She was in his office, sitting at the sofa while he was indulged in his laptop, extremely attentive to whatever the work he was doing. In the morning, after the breakfast, he had told her to get ready as he would be taking her somewhere. She was confused and asked him about the place but he denied, replying, 'you'll know'. In the car, he suddenly recalled that Moosa was coming to meet him today at his office so he had to turn the car towards his office, taking Zahra with him.

At the office, he had called a surprised meeting of the head of all departments and Zahra had noticed the change in his posture when he addressed her and when he addressed others. He looked so dominant and menacing while presiding over the meeting and she could feel the atmosphere getting thick whenever any mistake was pointed out by him. They all were acting like scared rabbits by his single glare. Just one single glare and there heart had almost forgotten how to beat for a moment They all were so intimidated by him that they could only nod to his command. There was no place for ifs and buts.

For a milli second, she recalled the past scenarios in her mind and laughed internally at those fearful people. They should ask her, what is the actual fear, fear of him. But these days, she felt a change in his attitude, a very apparent change, which still left her in a dilemma what was he trying to do with her. It was evident to her, he was trying to make this relationship work but about herself she had no idea. She was just living with him, her heart was dead long ago. She didn't know where her life would lead her now but she already had rested her matters to Allah, so she wasn't worried about her future anymore. It was all in Allah's hands and Allah indeed is the best of planners.

When the meeting was over, he had opened his laptop and began to do some work. 

By looking at him, she could easily deduce, he was a very workaholic person. Not for a second, his concentration was wavered as he continued doing his work. He was wearing black framed spectacles, which accentuated his features. They made him look more serious and...handsome.

Handsome. Yes, she had to accept, he was beautiful, utterly beautiful. His every feature was on point, she never pointed out any flaw in his features. But to her, beauty was not everything. She had never made beauty as a scale for loving someone. Beauty was just a mere attraction for her. If beauty was the base of love, then she would have never loved Daniyal. Daniyal was an average looking guy. Even she was confused now, was that feeling love which she shared with Daniyal? Did she really love him? Or it was just a mere attraction? But that feeling had faded away long ago. Now, she felt nothing for Daniyal. Her heart was vacant now.

She had seen love for her in Irtaza's eyes. The appreciation, happiness and wholesomeness she had witnessed in his eyes for her was what she never saw in Daniyal's eyes. But you don't get brutal with the one whom you love. He was barbaric towards her in the beginning and his attitude had still left her in dilemma that does he actually love her or not? Though, his behaviour has changed alot now but still that question was somewhere in her heart. Is that really love? Or like Daniyal, he was just satisfying his lust from her?

Only, the future will tell, if he actually loves her or not.

"What are you thinking Zahra?"

"Do you love me?" she blurted out.

He frowned but as he registered her words, he closed the lid of his laptop, sighing. He stood up and moved towards her before sitting by her side. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and held her chin, moving her face towards him.

He stared in her eyes not able to decipher, the reason for which she asked this question.

Where is all that coming from, Zahra?

"With my whole heart. With my entire being. No one has ever lived in this heart other than you, Zahra. This is a place only booked for you. You are here, you rule here, you rule over me" he whispered.

Her voice got strangled in her throat, his eyes told the truth. His eyes gave way to his sincerity, he truly loved her. But still, she was doubtful. It wasn't easy for her to trust anyone now.

In return she just gave a small smile to him. He brought her head forward and placed his warm lips on her forehead.

"Trust me, I love you" he whispered near her ear, noticing that doubt in her eyes.

Before she could answer, the door opened and Moosa barged in making her immediately pull away from him.

"I'm sorry bhabhi, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here. I shouldn't have barged in like that" he apologised.

"Its ok" she replied while settling her dupatta.

He turned his eyes towards Irtaza who was standing up from the sofa, smoothening his clothes.

"At last someone decided to arrive." he mocked, moving towards his chair before sitting.

Moosa chuckled before setting on of the chairs infront of him.

"Tell me why did you call me here?" he said before settling down one of the chair infront of him.

Irtaza just stared at him, expressionless.

Moosa only stared him back, raising his brows, a small smirk playing on his face. He was clearly aware of the fact that how much it irked Irtaza whenever someone did not come on the allocated time.

"Now are you going to spend this whole session trying to show your expressionless anger or should we start?" He joked making him chuckle a bit.

"Fuck you fucktard next time get on time. You wasted a whole hour of mine."

"Noted. And fuck you too"

At this they both laughed before getting back to the point. While Zahra just gasped at their obscene language.


"The plans are changed now" Irtaza voice now serious depicting the gravity of situation.

"Shehryaar told me but I guess there would be alot of danger if we opted for that route" he answered in his calculative tone.

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