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Grab your pop corns. It is super long.


She was getting ready. One look on the clock told her it was 4 pm. She wore minimal makeup, which included slight strokes of mascara to her eyes and chapstick for her lips with a little blush for her cheeks.

Irtaza had asked her to get ready by 4 as he wanted to take her somewhere. She was ready. Giving a last glance to herself, she placed the chapstick back on the dressing table and was about to leave when Irtaza entered. He was wearing a black shirt which was tucked within his black pants. His one hand was tucked inside his pocket while the other one was enclosed with a black Rolex Dayotona. And so was his shoes, sleek black.

Her eyes observed him, from head to toe, he was covered with black. He moved towards her, his presence making the room look smaller. His gait intimidating.

"Hmn Senorita?" he asked as stood infront her, "Do I look good today?" he cocked a brow while tucking a strand behind her ear. A small smile etching on his lips.

"Yes..I mean no" she abruptly said.

He chuckled and gave a peck on her cheek.

"You look beautiful senorita" he whispered near her ear before pulling back.

"Thank you" Was all what she could manage to say.

"Let's go" he said, holding her cold hand in his warm ones as they left the house.

Once inside the car, he turned on the air conditioner and inserted the key, roaring the engine to life.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"For a small lunch" he replied.

"But why?"

"I felt that you might be claustrophobic at home, so I arranged a small outing for us" he answered. He had noticed that eye bags under her eyes, her face depicting her depression. Despite going to university, she looked aloof. And he knew, it was due to that bastard's death. He totally understood her over here, when she cheated him, his world was crumbled. That dejection he had felt at that moment was undescribeable. And he had an idea, she might be feeling the same thing.

"No, I was fine at home but thank you for the dinner" she thanked him and he hummed in response, giving a curt nod.

"Do you like chocolates?" he asked out of the blue making her frown.

"Umm....yes. Why?"

"Oh that's great to know, open the dash board, I've something for you there"

She did as told and when she opened the dash board, here eyes widened with surprise. The whole dashboard was filled with chocolates.

"Oh my God!" she kind of squealed in surprise, these were her favorite chocolates and most expensive one too.

He chuckled.

"Ah Zahra, you're so naive" he complimented as his muscle flexed a bit while taking a turn.

"Are all of these for me?"

"I surely don't have a sweet tooth, so all of it is for you, senorita"

She took a chocolate out before unwrapping it and begin to eat it. As soon as that sweet taste touch her mouth, she was left in an awe. Chocolates were her all time favourite.

"Why did you," she stopped, before stuffing another bite into her mouth as the previous one was finished, "bring chocolates for me?" she asked whilst chewing.

"Because I know you love chocolates and they make you happy"

"How?!" she asked surprised and took another bite.

"I know you more than you do"

"That's surprising" she uttered and got lost in finishing her chocolate. She had been craving for them since so long.

Her first love, indeed.

The whole ride she just talked about her love for chocolates and how it initiated and he only listened, enjoying her sweet stories.

Now they were in the restaurant at their table, waiting for the food to arrive.

"Why this whole place is empty?" she asked, looking around. There was no customer except the staff.

"I reserved the whole place just for us"


"For keeping the privacy"

"Oh" Her mouth formed an O shape.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Very. I hope the food arrives earlier before I myself get to the kitchen"

He chuckled.

"Don't worry. It will arrive soon"

"You are not hungry?"

"A state of in between, you can say"

"You know that happens with me alot too. I'm hungry at the same time I'm not but still I eat like a hulk" she laughed and her contagious laugh made him laugh too.

"You are anything but not hulk, senorita"

"And you know my friends used to call me fat. Do I look fat?"

"No, you're perfect, baby"

She gave a small smile to him. She had never recieved those compliments before, even from, Daniyal. It used to be basically him talking whenever they had conversations buut witth Irtaza it was always her who talked and tol stories while he only listened with a small smile spreading on his lips.

A few moments later, the food arrived and she ate to her lot. There was no one in the resturaunt to judge her and that made her relax. Although, the last lecture she had with him, on self acceptance was quite effective. It helped her alot in building confidence, whenever she felt down, his words clicked in her memory and she was back to her full energy.

"Zahra, I have a surprise for you" he said.

"What kind of surprise?" she asked with curiosity sparkling in her eyes as she took a bite of her food.

"You'll  know soon"

"Oh" her lips formed an O shape, nodding her head. She was trying to figure out what could be it but again she thought that she can't compete with his wits, he always does the unexpected.

Soon, they both were done with food and left the resturaunt.


They were now in the car, heading to where he was taking her to. It was 6 p.m. by now. They were still on the motor way. The sun has fallen down and the night was slowly sprawling on the sky. The car was utterly silent as Zahra was sleeping soundly next to him, wrapped in her shawl due to the cold temperature of the car, her head rested against the window and her arms encircling her folded knees on the seat. 

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