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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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"Zahra, why you never told me that Shoaib was harassing you?"

She shrugged her shoulders, finding no answer to it or suitable words to answer it.

"Because.... mama. I thought.... I don't know why... maybe you both...won't believe me. Because... you've lost my trust. You and baba were too busy to pay any heed to me. I felt too alone. Too alone. And compensated that lonliness in Daniyal's arm."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Zahra, my daughter" her mother replied with a sad tone and cleared the tear which escaped from her eye.

"Mama? Why are you crying? I'm fine now. Even more than fine"

"I feel so guilty of not giving the attention to you which you needed"

"We are already over that, mama"

"I and Mujtaba were so busy in collecting the amount of loan. We were so engrossed that we forgot our daughter" her mother said, as if trying to explain her stance.

"Everyone does mistake, mother."

"I hope that Asim burn in the pit of hell. And all those who were involved in framing my Mujtaba" she avowed.

"They already are mama"

"What do you mean?"

"Your son in law has taken the revenge. And you know, a few days ago, he also took me to our old house" Zahra told and her mother's eyes lightened with that.

"What? You went there? Tell me everything in detail"

With that, Zahra told her everything. From the day, when Irtaza took her to Daniyal and till the day when he took her to her house. She told her that Irtaza already knew that it was Daniyal and his family, who were involved in decieving her father.

 Her mother was so happy that, Irtaza loved her daughter to that extent.  They both continued to have a conversation until they were called for dinner and night fell upon the sky, as everyone retired back to their rooms. Ammara asked Zahra to sleep with her and she happily agreed.

She laid with her mother in her room, hugging her tightly. She missed her warm embrace.. Nothing can replace the peace she felt with her mother. 

The lights were turned off, only the moonlight was peeking through the window. Zahra closed her eyes waiting for the sleep to encompass her when suddenly a severe wave of nausea hit her and she immediately got up.

She felt so nauseatic. All the contents she had at the dinner were flooding up to her throat and she immediately got off and ran into the bathroom. She vomitted, emptying all the contents. 

On hearing the noise, her mother turned on the lights and saw Zahra coming out from the room.

"What happened? Are you fine? Why did you vomit?"

"Nothing. Might be due to acidity" she replied, laying beside her on the bed. She had been feeling nausea since a few days.

"Zahra, are you pregnant?"

"No mother! No! Not yet" she said, surprisedly.

It was not possible. She clearly remembered, she had taken the pill.

Her mother just nodded her head at her answer.


With that the lights turned off and a deep slumber engulfed them both.

'Can I really be pregnant?' was the last thought on her mind, before drifting to sleep.


Three days already passed in a blur. She continued her normal routine, carrying on with her university and studies. Her exams were coming soon so she had engrossed herself in studies but something hollow in her heart still made her restless. She didn't know what was that feeling.

Guilt? Or she was missing him?

She had no idea. Like a certain situation where you know you are anxious but still not sure about what.

She just came back from univversity and went to her room, straight. Tired of the whole day but still Haseeb managed to cheer her up in the ride. He had the duty to pick and drop from her uniiversity. 

"Zahra, you fine?" Haseeb asked, peeking his face from the door of her room.

"Yeah brother. I'm. You've been asking the same question"

"Oh siso. I was just asking just like that. I hope everything is going good in your university too?"

"Yes it is"

"You sure? You can share anything"

"I'm absolutely fine, Haseeb"

"Nice. Just wanted to have a quick check. Gotta go" he said and closed the door, letting himself alone in the hallway, when he got a call which he picked up.

"Are you looking after her?"

"She is fine. Assure him" he replied, "I've to go somewhere" he said and cut the call going to the lounge to tease Dua.

As the door closed, Zahra sighed and fell upon the bed, tiredly. Haseeb's attitude was a bit changed since past few days. He'll continuosly keep a check on her and stay around her as if keeping an eye. But she ignored all these thoughts as her thoughts were so messy these days. Her emotions were always at bay and she felt as if a part of her was missing.

If it was due to the fact that, she was missing Irtaza then she surely was doomed. She didn't want to attach herself with anyone anymore. She was scared of trusting people now and attaching herself with someone meant giving your weakness to someone, giving him a chance to play with your emotions. Her heart was already so broken because of Daniyal's betrayal that she couldn't sustain another blow of that betrayal.


She can't

Then, this uneasinesss might be due to the guilt. Guilt of betraying Irtaza. Dua's words had hit her hard, like a truck. She stated facts and her being angry with her wasn't wrong at all. If someone would have done the same thing with her which she did with Irtaza then she might have committed suicide. It would have been so painful.

Giving an overview to the situation, this thought hit her that she never asked forgiveness from him, for betraying him. He did. But she never really said a sorry to him. Though, he did punish her, as he said, but that doesn't mean, it had removed the guilt inside her.

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