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Book online «Passionate Lover by Allon Black (best books under 200 pages TXT) 📖». Author Allon Black

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that, what you think?" Melissa asked.

"I don't know... probably?"

"Come on! You saw her. She was this close to not suck your cock in front of us. I'm telling you, this girl is getting fucked tonight."

"And where you guys gonna be?" Alex asked.

"Huh? You can't do it with us around?"

"Are you serious? Come on Melissa."

"I'm joking. Don't worry about it. First, we will pretend to sleep then me and Josh will take a long walk on the beach. An ehat you know, maybe we will have sex too." Melissa said glancing at the stunning view that was in front of her.

"I see, okay."

"Oh, and by the way. How big is that think?" Melissa asked pointing at his junk.

"I don't know....twenty-two... twenty-one."

"Twenty-two?! Fuck me.... you're twice bigger than Josh's. Anyway, nice cock dude." she said after removing the towel to see it again then went back inside.

After a long wait, it was Alex's turn to shower and after that he got in bed. Kelly asked if she could him since she doesn't like staying on her bed and Alex accepted. The lights were off and Alex was ready to sleep, but after a few minutes he hears Melissa and Josh getting off from the bed and left the room. The boy didn't paid much attention and continued to try sleeping. Once Kelly saw that the two of them were alone, Kelly slid her hand over to Alex's abdomen and began go caress it slowly. He felt it and now he was feeling how her hand moved down and went inside his boxers. Then Alex opened his eyes up and touched Kelly too on her boobs. Kelly moaned and grabbed his cock which began to squeeze it. And from what we know this is the first step of foreplay. Which, of course, the two of them began to have sex. Without any details, the two of them fucked the living hell out of each other. And after that they had a nice sleep.

Well.....Kelly had a nice sleep. Alex, not so much. The whole time he had sex with Kelly, in his mind, he was thinking about Melissa. No further explanation.



The next day, Alex woke up early in the morning and went outside to smoke his morning cigarette. Shortly after, he was joined by Melissa. Alex only had boxers on him while for Melissa was pretty chilly outside so she had a silk robe on herself. When she saw Alex, she looked at his crotch and saw his bulge and giggled.

"Not satisfied enough?" Melissa asked smiling.

"Huh? No... it's not like that."

"I know, I know. Morning wood."

She got closer to him and asked him to give her his cigarette to take a hit. Knowing that Melissa doesn't smoke he handed her his cigarette. She didn't wanted to touch it and wanted Alex to put it on her mouth. Alex did as she wanted and Melissa took a hit from it. She kept smiling at him which made Alex ask her why is she smiling so much.

" hear me out. I went outside with Josh to have a walk on the beach as I told you but couldn't get any further because Josh was too wasted and slept down in the sand not far from here. So I decided to go back and....I peaked inside to see how you two were doing and....oh my god."

"Fuck... don't tell me you saw..." Alex said shocked.

"Yes! I saw a lot. God damn, Alex. You were a beast."

"Oh my god, why?"

"Why not? I was curious. Don't be shy, you did a great job on her." Melissa responded then winked at him.

"You crazy girl...."

After this discussion that they had, Melissa and Alex went inside and the day went by. This day was a sunny day, so if you want to spend your day on the beach you have to put some sun lotion. Kelly and Josh were already out on the beach and once again Melissa and Alex were alone in the room. Seeing that her boyfriend couldn't help her, Melissa asked Alex to help her to with the sun lotion and he accepted. He began to cover her gorgeous body with sun lotion and what remained was her chest and ass but before Alex could ask Melissa took of her bikini. Stunned, Alex tried to regain some sense in his body then continued. He first went on her ass then when he got to her boobs he began to have a hard on. Seeing how much he's taking with her boobs she decided to call him out on it.

"This is more like a massage then putting sun lotion on me, don't you think?"

"Huh? Oh...sorry....I was..."

"Don't worry. I saw you liked them. It's okay. Now my turn."

Melissa took the bottle and began to put the lotion on his body too. When she was done with it, Melissa pulled his shorts down, put some lotion on his junk and began to stroke it.

"Wha.....what are you doing?" Alex whispered shocked.

"What? You did the same with my boobs." Melissa responded continuing to stroke it.


"Come on. Don't think so much about it. Be glad that your best friend is touching your big cock. I'd be happy if I was you." Melissa uttered looking at him up and down.

After that they went to the beach too and the party started again.

Not much had happened other than your average drinking, partying, playing games and other things. But what happened later is what's the most interesting. Like before, Josh drank too much, got wasted, and crashed on the bed, Kelly was called to a mini party that was happening on the first floor at the hostel by some of her friends. And, once again, Melissa and Alex were alone.

It was night but not late night for them to sleep so Melissa asked Alex if he wanted to walk with her on the beach and he agreed. Outside was still warm so Melissa still had her bikini on. They walked closer to the ocean. As they began to talk different topics and have jokes between them, they decided to put a beach towel down to sit down. Both of them laid down and began to look at the sky and a silence came over them for a few minutes.

"Hey, Melissa. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, say it."

"Do you think that size really do matter?" He asked curious.

" dick size?"


"I don't know, to be honest. You see, now this topping was so discussed that I think that every man who ask this question, in the end, still isn't satisfied with the answer. It's the same with boobs. Of course you'd like bigger boobs but if you think better boobs are still boobs. Same with dicks."

"I see..."

"Like, take Josh for example. He had a shorter cock than average but it's still a cock. I still like it to get fucked by it."

"And what you thought when you saw mine..?" Alex said turning his glance at the girl.

Melissa smiled.

"Well....I thought.... To be honest, I liked what I saw. That's why I touched yours that morning with the lotion thing. I wanted to see how it feels."

A few minutes went by being nothing but silence between them then Melissa moved his arm to lay her head on it. They continued to look at the stars but a thought went inside Alex's mind to kiss Melissa on her cheek. Thing which he did. Then he did it again, and gain, and again. Which each kiss he went closer to her lips and until the corner of their lips touched. When that happened, Melissa closed her eyes and turned her head to Alex. He began go fully kiss her and the girl responded back. The two of them began to have a hot make out session with each other. And after a few minutes it went further. Melissa began to touch his cock and pulled his shorts down. She began to stroke it as they were still kissing and continued until Alex ejaculated. Being a strong ejaculation, the boy stained both his nice abs and her gorgeous abdomen as well. After that they went in the ocean to clean themselves then got back in their room.

As hot as they felt in that moment, everything got awkward between them once they got inside. And the rest of the trip was like that too. It's not like the regretted it after, it was more like they felt sorry for Josh. And with that, the spring break was over. They went on the trip happy and ready to party and now on the ride back everything was awkward between Melissa and Alex.

After a few weeks went by, Melissa and Alex began to act like they used too. But now they knew that something was happening between them.

Moving forward to one night, both Melissa and Alex had to stay extra late on their night shift at the coffee shop. After they were done, Alex offered to drive Melissa back to her apartment, which she agreed. Giving some context, Melissa got upset that this day Alex didn't bought her lollipops. All day at work, Melissa waited for Alex to give her lollipops, but seeing that she didn't got any, she got upset. But still agreed to be taken home by Alex.

When they got to her place, Alex parked in the back then right when Melissa was close to get out of the car, Alex pulled out a lollipop and Melissa smiled then softly punched Alex in the arm. He took the wrapper off the lollipop then put it inside her mouth. Then, after a few seconds he took it out and put it in his mouth. Which after a few seconds he put the lollipop back into her mouth. He did it a few times until one time Alex didn't wanted to return her lollipop, which made Melissa act like a child.

"Hey...give me my lollipop back."


"Come on. Give it to me. I wanna suck it." Melissa shouted then got closer to him.

"You wanna?"

"Yes." Melissa shouted.

"To do what?" Alex asked.

"To suck it! I wanna suck it."

As she got closer to him, Melissa realized what Alex had in mind and she smiled. Being too close to one another, their eyes were locked to each other. A second passed then they kissed softly. After that Alex asked again.

"What you want to do?"

"I wanna suck it...." Melissa responded.

They went in the back of the car and the two of them began to make out passionately. Their lips were touching, making them, not wanting to separate them. Short kisses, long kisses, Melissa and Alex lost twenty minutes of their life making out but none of them had any regrets. After Melissa saw that she couldn't do anything about it she asked Alex if he would like to come to her apartment. Thing that Alex agreed.

When they got inside, after closing the door, they began to kiss each other again. And continued it until they got in her room. Once arrived there, Melissa grabbed his pants and began to pull them down. As expected, Alex was fully hard, and Melissa opened her mouth and put the cock inside her mouth. Softly, she began to suck on it, then began to lick the tip. She went after the shaft as well, and

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