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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 18

                     Nora woke up with a unbearable headache. She opened her eyes and saw she was in a hospital room. She was thirsty.

Nora: Water...

She said in a throaty voice.  Her voice woke up the brothers. James got up from  his chair and got water from the table beside the bed and brought it near her lips for her to drink. After her thirst was satisfied, she felt a little better.

Nora: Where are we?

Joseph: Love, we are in Xavier's mansion. 

Nora: What happened?

James: Baby, you were hurt by someone in the restroom. 

Nora touched the bandage on her head and it all came rushing back to her. Her fight with ami in the washroom and a weird lady. 

Joseph: Was it ami that hurt you?? I will kill that bitch.

Nora: No, it was someone else.

Xavier: So, I was right. 

Xavier said coming in.

Xavier: Are you alright, nora?

Nora: Yeah,  a little headache but I will bear it.

Nora: So why would that lady hurt me??

Daniel:Sweetie, she was following john's orders.

Xavier: Did she say anything to you?

Nora:Not that I remember. 

Ron: How much time will it take for you to find her,Xavier??

Xavier: Oh,I have found her, my men are following her. Let's see of she leads us to john. If not then they will bring her here for interrogation. 

Shawn: Good, we want to be there when you interrogate her.

Xavier: Sure, but you might not like what you see.

After sometime Xavier got a call saying that the girl is here.

Xavier: Take her to the basement. And tell ada to meet me there.

Xavier: So let's get on with it, shall we?

James: I am staying with her right here.

Daniel: Okay, you stay with her.

And all of them went to the basement. The basement was barely lighted. It had blood on the walls and screams were heard but the brothers didn't give any reaction to it.

Xavier: You are acting like you are used to all this.

Joseph: We all have a past.

Xavier nodded because he didn't want to pry in their lives. They reached the room where the women was tied to a chair. And another women was standing in front of her. 

Xavier: Ada.


Xavier acknowledged ada's presence and sat in a chair attached to the wall.

Xavier: Get on with it.

And the torture began. Ada started to punch the woman in her stomach, her face. The woman was disoriented by now. 

Xavier: Stop.

Xavier said and ada stopped. And he went near the woman and started asking questions. 

Xavier:We know that you are a 'Reds' member. Now, what was the purpose of john wiping nora's memory?

Woman: I ...don't...know.

The woman said in between breaths.

Xavier: See I can see it in your eyes that you are lying. So, you better tell us what you know otherwise it will not be good for you. 

Xavier: Let me ask another question. Where is john hiding?

Woman: Somewhere you will never find him.

The woman said and started laughing hysterically. 

Xavier: Ada, if she is not ready to give answers within 12 hours then I will finish her.

Xavier said and saw fear in the eyes of the woman. Ada started with her torture again.

All of them left the room and went upstairs. 

Shawn: So you think she will speak?

Xavier: I saw fear in her eyes and if she does not speak after staying with ada for 12 hours, then she never will. Ada is our torturer and she gets things out of people in no time. 

And they reached the room where nora was. 

James: So, did she speak?

Joseph: No, but we think she will.


At night: 

Xavier  was in his office dealing with business .

The brothers were sitting on chairs beside her bed and talking about business when food arrived. Nora was hungry and as soon as she saw food being brought in her eyes lighted up. But she made a face when she saw what was for dinner. She was used to eating delicious food but now she had to eat hospital food.

Nora: I don't want to eat that.

James: Baby, you have to eat the food in order to get better and this food will help in fast recovery. 

Nora: No,I will not that.

Joseph: Bring our food here only. 

Joseph said to the maid and she left and came back with the same food for the brothers. And the brothers started eating the food. Daniel brought a spoon closer to her lips and she opened her mouth and ate it. 

Nora: Why are you eating this when you can eat all the delicious food.

James: Because you are eating it. And we go through everything together. 

James said and fed her and she ate it willingly. If they can eat that for her then she can also eat it. And the brothers fed her. After she was done eating, ron wiped her face and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Ron: Good girl, now go to sleep.

Nora: Where are you going to sleep.

Shawn: Here, right beside you.

Nora: No, you'll have not slept properly since yesterday.  You will not sleep in chairs like yesterday. One of you can stay here beside me but the rest of you are going, getting a good night sleep and coming in the morning. 

Joseph: Love, we are not going anywhere. 

Nora: If you don't I will not talk to you.

Nora said and turned her face to other side.

Ron: Okay honey, as you wish.

Daniel: James, you stay with her because it's only logical. 

Nora: Okay, good night. Now come here and give me a good night kiss.

They all kissed her and went outside.  James got in the bed with her. He placed a pillow below her head so that her head will stay stable. Nora turned sideways now facing james and kissed him. James placed his hand on her waist and she wrapped her fingers in his and went to sleep.




Xavier got a call from ada saying that she is ready to speak. Xavier informed the others and all of them went to the basement. When they entered the room where the woman was there,her face was unrecognisable, there was blood everywhere. She was covered in blood from top to bottom. Ada's hands were also covered in blood. 

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