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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 19

             By tracking the woman's location,they found out that she had gone to a shady apartment and a warehouse in the last two days. So, Xavier's men checked out both the places. The apartment was empty but the warehouse contained stock of ammunition and there were certain gang members present.  

Xavier: I am going to conduct a raid on the warehouse because there are chances that rick, John's right hand man is present there. 

Joseph: We are gonna accompany you. 

Xavier: No, this is mafia business. I am not taking any chances. 

Daniel: We are accompanying you and that's final.

Xavier: On one condition.

Shawn: What?

Xavier:Follow me.

Xavier took them to the shooting range in the basement. 

Xavier: If you shoot the bull's eye in one shot then you can accompany me.

          Xavier thought that it is impossible for someone who has never held a gun in his hand to shoot. Daniel took the gun from Xavier's hand and shot the spot exactly in the middle. And the others too hit the bull's eye. 

Xavier: How??

James: You think you know everything about us but you don't Xavier.

Xavier: What are you talking about?? 

Daniel: You are a capo why don't you find out on your own.(capo= mafia don in American mafia).

Ron: Now, will you let us accompany you or shall we go on our own?

Xavier: Fine. 


Nora was shifted into the guest room after her wounds healed. She was watching tv when all of them came in.

Joseph: Love, we are going to take care of somethings. We will be back in about two hours.

Nora: Where are you'll going?

Ron: Nothing you need to worry about,honey.

Nora: Okay. 

Daniel: Take your medicines on time and go to sleep. 

James: We will be back soon.

Nora: Okay, take care of yourselves. 

Nora said and gave them a goodbye kiss.


The Raid:

About 25 of the 'Blacks' members were surrounding the whole warehouse from all sides.

Xavier: When I give the signal, we all go in together. 

Xavier said through his ear piece. 

Xavier and jack checked out the area again and Xavier gave the signal to his men. Inside there were about 10 men and 2 women of 'Reds'. Xavier's men took care of those and the brothers and Xavier went inside the office. Inside there was Rick with two women. Before he could realise what was happening, Ron punched rick and he fainted in one blow. Xavier was shocked that how could a businessman do this. He indeed should do a background check on them.

After the raid they came back to Xavier's mansion without any casualties on his side. They all went to their rooms. Nora was sleeping peacefully inside her room and the brothers went inside and slept in their lovely wife's embrace. 


One week later:

Joseph: So, did rick say anything about John's whereabouts?

Xavier: No, he is one tough shit. He won't breakdown easily. 

Daniel: John's right hand man is in our clutches it won't be long before we catch john too.

Ron: Yeah, but we all can't stay in new york. 

Shawn: Daniel and Joseph, you go back with nora. Ron and james along with me will stay here and help Xavier. 

Xavier: But we don't even know if John's in New York or somewhere else.

James: I think its time ww contact Luca. 

Xavier: Who is luca?

Ron: Our cousin. He is the best hacker in the world. He can find out anyone's location within days.

Shawn: But he is in Sicily right now.

Daniel: Oh,he will come here to help us.

Joseph: Yeah, I will contact him and tell him to come to new york.


Next Day:

Nora: You all are not coming with us. 

James: No baby, we have to stay here and help Xavier find John. 

Ron:Don't worry honey, we will be back home soon.

Nora: I love you and I am gonna miss you.

Shawn: Babygirl, we love you too and we will be back as soon as possible. Take care of yourself for me,Okay?

Nora nodded and hugged shawn and kissed him and then ron and james.

Nora: Take care of yourself and call me every day.


In the jet:

Nora was feeling sad that because of her they had to go through so much. 

Joseph: What happened,love. Why so sad?

Nora: Nothing. 

Daniel: Sweetie,we know when you lying so say what is troubling you?

Nora: You all are going through so much for me. You are fighting a mafia leader for me. Your lives would be better if I was never a part of your life. I don't deserve anyone of you...

Daniel: You are not saying shit like that again. Do you understand??

Daniel shouted at her in anger and nora had tears in her eyes. Joseph wiped her tears and took her in his lap. 

Joseph: You are the best thing that happened to us. And we love you more than anything in the world and if you say shit like that again we are not gonna be able to control our anger.

Nora nodded and slept in Joseph's embrace. 



Back home:

They reached home in the afternoon. As nora had already slept during the flight back, so she was quite relaxed. Joseph and Daniel had gone to their office after freshing up. And nora went into the garden to calm her mind.


I was sitting in the garden admiring the view. The beautiful flowers and the trees bought a calmness over me. After 10 minutes, I got a facetime call from James. Seeing his face brought a smile on my face. 

James: Hey baby, I am missing you so much.

Nora:I am also missing you all.

I could see ron and shawn in the background talking with a man who was in his thirties with a tanner skin, glasses and body like steel. James noticed. 

James: Baby, he is your brotherbrother-in-law, our cousin, luca.

Nora: Hi luca.

Luca: Oh, so you are the unlucky girl.

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