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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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21. 2 Years later...

Their story continues.....

What will happen when somebody from the past comes in to their lifes to take revenge with the intention to destroy Massimo's happyness with deadly consequences?.....

Will Massimo be able to save his loved ones?

Can Julia save her King from destruction and keep their children save from that revengefull past while she also is fighting with her own insecure feelings??

As they say True love never dies! But will that also be in the case of Massimo & his Julia?

Let's find out!......

It all started with something small in the closet....


The Party...


Our kids are growing fast!, It's really nice to discover a new thing from them like a new word they've learnt or some more steps while walking!'s crazy, because i never thought that i would have the change of becoming a father! Not in my position aniways....but luck in the end or shall we say fate has been on my side in the end and I've found my flowe, my angel, my babygirl, my life!! Julia!!, Who gave me all that i wished for, a warm home, love and care and beautiful baby's!!! What could i possible want more??.....

"Love? Are you listening?" I suddenly here my wife Julia talking to me and i look up.

"Sorry babygirl, i was deep in thoughts, something wrong?" I ask her.

"No but i hope you are not forgetting the party tonight? Because i know my husband when he's very busy than he can sometimes forget things huh!" She says lovingly reminding me of the party, wich i actually did forget if she wouldn't have told me!!.

"That why i have you my dear! So thanks again!....and by the way do you know where Tommy is?, I need to talk to him but he's not answering his damn phone!"

"Well i saw them this morning, him and Kate going to the shoppingmall to shop for the baby so maby they are still there?" 

"Hmm okay wel thanks, I'll try again later than!, I'm going to change and go out for a run and i I'll be back in 2 hours babe so I'll help you after i am back that is that a good deal my love?" 

"Sure just don't forget the time or get lost!" She smirks and grab her from behind kissing her earlobe....she tastes so freaking good that vixen of mine!!

"I'm going to ravish you tonight after the party!....maybe we can make another baby?" I smirk smugly and she just rolls her eyes at me.....

"Babygirl, did you just roll your eyes at me?" 

"...ehm no!" She whispers grinning....

"You now i have to punish you right??" I smirk my evil smirks and i see her gulp.....she knows I'll never hurt a hair on her head but I'd like to play around.

"Tonight babygirl when everybody is gone you will pay for that insubordination so have that in my mind baby!!" I tell her while i slapp her butt after squeezing it a bit. 

"Go now and stop bottering me!" She yells at me while i walk out of the kitchen. 

I go upstairs in to the bathroom to change and to do my business. When I'm done i dive into our walkin-closet to find my running shoes and running shorts with matching t-shirt. 

While I'm busy putting my shoes on sitting on the chair in the closet my eye falls on a small plastic back with little bottles in it stashed away underneeth some of Julia's clothes...

"I wonder what's that?.....she got me another suprise?" I mumble to myself. I'm to curious so i sneak into the corner and grab the little plastic bag and open it's contents...

3 bottles with white little pills??.....what the heck???

Suddenly i hear the bedroom door open and i hear Julia talking on the phone so i quickly put the bag back were I've found them and go back sitting on my chair fixing my shoes.

I'm burning with curiosity to ask her right now but she's on the phone so i have to wait till she's finished.

She's my Donna and i have respect for her!....hopefully it's not what it seems like and its medication!.....but than in the other hand why hidding in from me??

I hear her leave our bedroom again and after I'm done i also go down. 

She is in the kitchen doing some baking for tonight's party, so i sneak behind her and steal a cooky! Wich she directly tries to steal back unsuccesfull to my happyness!.....;0)

"I'm going out now, I'll see you soon love!" I tell her and she gives me a sweet kiss. 

"Babygirl, if there's anything wrong, you would tell me right?" I ask her unable to hold back anymore. 

"What you mean dear, sure i would!" She answers me with a surprised look in her eyes...

"Hmm ok, well till later, love you babygirl!" 

"Love you too my King!" She says and i run out of the backdoor into the direction of the woods.

I'm running trough the trees and i breath in the fresh calms me whenever i feel a bit stressed.

Now I just can't stop thinking of those damn pills! I really have to ask her straight because i know my mind will not let me rest!.....I'll ask her again when I'm back....yes that's what I will do to get back my peace! I say to myself while i keep running. 


After 2 hours am back at the house and go straight upstairs to take a shower.

When I'm about to strip my clothes i see Julia bend over at the same spot i found those pills before.....

"Baby?" I ask her curiously and she jumps up like she's been caught stealing or something with a red face!....

" Hi,.....didn't hear you come in!" She mumbles affoiding my eyes.....

"Come here love!" I whisper and she walk up to me stil not looking at me.....

I take her up in my arms and we sit down on the edge of the bed. 

" know you can always talk to me about anything right?....doesn't matter what!! why didn't you tell me about those pills that you are hidding from me??".....i say cuping her face in my hands so as to look her into her eyes....and when i do i see a swirl of emotions......Shame, hurt, frustration....

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