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Book online «Vampire's Nest by Monica A (free children's ebooks pdf .TXT) 📖». Author Monica A

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my thoughts by the feeling of my tongue licking his protruding fangs. I started to panic, his aggression was becoming overpowering, making my legs go weak underneath me. I pushed him away. I was out of breath and dizzy from the rush of excitement and desire that was coursing through my body, making every inch of me come alive. I was confused with lust; I wanted him and I also wanted to never see him again.

I retreated, turning my back to him; I was embarrassed and horribly turned on. I wanted him so badly even though I knew it was wrong.

Vampire’s were unpredictable and not to be messed with.

“We had a deal Sascha, the vampire growled at me,” his fangs protruding just a little.

“I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” I confessed still facing away from him.

After a few moments of silence, Sebastian said gruffly, “you had better leave then Sascha. Seeing as you aren’t honourable enough to hold to your agreement.”

“Will Katie get fired?” I asked, wondering what would happen to my friend if I didn’t follow through.

Sebastian for the first time looked almost like a regular human, his fangs hiding again. “Despite what you may have heard about me, I am not in the habit of forcing beautiful women to let me drink from them, or have sex with me... they usually come to me quite willingly. Therefore, you need not fear me. My sister tells me that Katie is a good worker so I will not fire her either. Are you happy?” His tone was cool and low. He seemed resigned to the fact that I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The Master of Vampires was being nice to me and he looked positively hurt by my refusal of him. His blue eyes were full of longing...for me. The sexual tension in the room was more than I could take. I turned to leave, with the vampire following me to the door. I reached for the handle the same time as he did and his fingers brushed mine. The feel of his skin was electric; it sent lightning bolts through me, making every inch of my body come alive. I just stood there in the doorway, not opening it, just relishing in the feel of his skin on mine. I knew he could feel it to as he leaned down close to my ear and whispered, “I am going to turn you around and kiss you now. If you don’t want me to, then open the door and leave.”

Before I could question my actions, I threw myself at him and almost knocked him of balance as I kissed him passionately. A sexy growl escaped his lips as his arms enveloped me and he started to poses my mouth. His tongue invaded me with such determination and force that I suddenly forgot what I had been so disagreeable about.

After a few beautiful long minutes of his full soft lips on mine, he pulled away and turned me around. He quickly made short work of my

corset and then he pulled me towards him once more, his hard lips moved over my neck leaving a trail of fire making me want more. His scent was spicy and earthy, making me dizzy with desire. I tilted my head back slightly to let him know that I was ready for him, but he was taking his time tonight. As he put another well placed kiss on my neck I found myself pulling him towards me, my breasts pushing up against him ever so wantonly.

I wanted this man like I had never wanted any man before. I wanted to feel his warmth inside me and to make him giddy with desire like he did to me. I had to shake off the feeling of shame, that what I wanted to do with the vampire was somehow wrong, or sinful. I am usually a rational girl but the idea of this brutal, gorgeous man wanting me was too much to resist. Damn the consequences.

Sebastian’s large warm hands pressed my back so I was even closer – as close as possible to him, his erection throbbing against me, and his tongue lapping against the sweet spot where his fangs had entered the night before. I was appreciative that his hands were holding me in place, because I no longer felt I could control my urges with this god. I needed him inside me, like I was a junkie needing a hit.

A moment later I was practically thrown on my back on the sofa with Sebastian kissing his way down my neck towards my collarbone. The weight of him on top of me was comforting and chased away the last bit of resistance I had left. His erection was thick against my stomach. His mouth was hot on my exposed breasts, licking a line from one to the other and slowly taking each nipple into his mouth, which caused my body to arch up into him. He let out soft groans of approval making my body undulate against his. I wrapped my fingers around his hair, the pale blonde locks feeling like silk in my fingers. I needed to feel more of him; he helped me peel his shirt off and I tossed it aside, and the feeling of his skin on mine made me sigh with pleasure.

With one hand holding my shoulder down to the sofa, Sebastian used his other hand to expertly delight my left breast, cupping and kneading at my sensitive flesh. I felt him start to lose control as a deep growl came from him as he looked into my eyes, his fangs protruding in a way that half an hour ago would have worried me, but now I wanted

nothing more than him to let me feel them inside me again. To feel all of him inside of me.

“I want you Sascha”, he murmured into my ear.

“You can have me,” I whispered back, caught up with my desire for him. All of my resistance gone. My mind was empty of all else but my need for this Vampire God. This seemed to spur him on as he reached my short black skirt, and ripped it off in one smooth motion, exposing my lacy white knickers. Sebastian let out another low growl when he saw them and made a move to take a closer look.

Thinking this was a bit unfair I started to help him free of his pants; when he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. A low growl from the vampire told me to keep my hands there as he spread my legs and settled in between them. He kissed a fiery path slowly down past my breasts and over my stomach towards my waiting wetness. When I realised what it was that he wanted to do I squirmed and tried to close my legs, but quickly opened them again when the vampire nipped at my inner thigh with his fangs in protest. He was so demanding, and I was starting to love it.

Sebastian kissed and licked at the sensitive skin of my inner thigh while his finger gently traced the outline of the lace against my skin. I thought I was going to go crazy from the anticipation when he suddenly pulled the thin material aside and place his finger right on my most sensitive bud. I shuddered involuntarily from the sudden pressure against my clit and moaned loudly as his finger moved along the centre of me, spreading my wetness around and around until I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. But what he did next was far beyond what anyone had ever done to me before. After kissing a trail along my inner thigh, Sebastian slowly pulled my knickers off so that I was completely exposed to him, he then placed his mouth on my flesh where his finger had so expertly been working, and started to suck and lick at my pussy. The pleasure was so intense and unlike anything I had ever felt. All of a sudden, I couldn’t understand why I had never let anyone do this to me before, it was like pure orgasmic heaven. I found myself slowly grinding against Sebastian’s face, with my hands wrapped around his hair pulling him even closer to me, I felt so wanton and naughty.

“Do you like it when I do this to you Sascha?”He asked as he started to circle the tip of his tongue around my aching clit. “Oh my god yes,” I panted in response. I barely recognised my own voice it was so low and husky from the exertion.

“Do you like this Sascha?” He asked again as this time his finger entered me while his tongue kept exploring every inch of my core. I spread my legs further apart as his finger was met by another one, and then one more. He started to push them in and out of my with such rhythm that I didn’t know how much longer I was going to last.

“You’re going to make me cum,” I panted while he kept up his oral attack on my clit, while his fingers rubbed and penetrated me, taking me further and further from reality. At my confession, the vampire released his fingers from me and used them to pull my pussy closer to his face. He spread me wide as his tongue and mouth lapped over my sensitive skin bringing me an explosive orgasm like nothing I had ever felt before.

I lay there on the sofa panting and lost in the aftermath of the hottest thing that had ever happened to me. When I slowly came down from my high I noticed Sebastian starring at me with my juices all over his beautiful mouth. “Are you ready for some more?” he laughed as he freed himself of his pants and his erection sprang against my stomach.


With Sebastian between my legs and a look of pure desire in his eyes, I was suddenly very aroused again. “Spread your legs wider,” he demanded, his voice a low and laboured growl. I did as I was told. The vampire lowered himself slowly onto me, the tip of his thick shaft hovering at my entrance, as I grabbed his firm butt to pull him inside of me. He slowly began to enter me inch by glorious inch and my body began to adjust around him to accommodate his thickness. The fullness I felt with him inside me was overwhelming, as he reached the depths of my channel and he couldn’t go any further.

I let out a cry at the intrusion as the vampire groaned from the the pleasure of my tightness surrounding him. He lay on top of me for a few moments, not moving, just letting my body adjust to him. His mouth was on my neck, sucking and kissing as he was twitching inside of me, then

suddenly he started to move. Slowly at first, then gaining speed as my increasing wetness allowed him deeper access. I let out a cry of pleasure as he let out his own deep groan. “You are just as I imagined,” was all he said as he began to build up speed and pounded into me. His beautiful face was buried in my neck, kissing and licking me, building another surge of desire through me. I opened my legs wider and thrust my hips up so that his hard cock could penetrate me deeper. A loud groan showed that he appreciated the move.


With one hand behind my head and another making its way to gently rub my swollen clit, I was fully enveloped by the vampire. His lips brushed gently against my neck before his tongue lightly licked the small imprint of where his teeth had been last night. With the scrapping of his teeth against my sensitive skin and the orgasmic attack on my bud I was sure I wouldn’t be able to last much

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