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Into The Blood Nest

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The door to the employees’ entrance opened almost as soon as I made my first knock.

A very large man who would look more at home in the state prison than a vampire bar scowled down at me. He didn’t look happy and neither did his receding hairline.

“Who the fuck are you then” he spat with a posh British accent that didn’t suit him at all.

“Um hi” I stammered, I hadn’t had time to prepare myself for this. I didn’t realise the evil vampires would have a security guard who would be so openly mean.

“I’m Sascha...”The British Bear stared blankly at me; I took that as a sign to continue. “I’m Katie’s flatmate,” I elaborated trying to sound a whole lot braver than I felt at this moment. I was also a little sorry that I hadn’t taken Katie’s advice and worn high heels. My ballet flats made me barely five feet four inches and about two feet shorter than this Neanderthal.

A look of recognition finally hit his face and he opened the door a little wider for me to enter. The Bear didn’t move an inch so I had to squeeze myself up against him just to get through. He smirked. I was glad someone was enjoying themselves.

“That fucking Katie is going to cop it big time for this.” He snarled.

I pivoted on my ballets flats and gave the beast my own snarl. “Hey, I thought the agreement was if I came and did her shifts for the next two nights there would be no problem.”

“Pretty Katie made that deal with Lavinia, but I am sorry to say luv, that Lavinia is not here now, so you will have to make a new deal with Sebastian.” He laughed again, with definite evil undertones. I considered the fact that he had been around vampires too long and was now a tad nasty.

“Fuck,” I exclaimed aloud, when I had intended to say it to myself.

“That’s right luv, so you had best watch your lip when you go in to see the Master, or you just might not make it out again,” he warned me in a more serious tone than he had previously.

Fuck, Fuck. Fuckity Fuck, I kept thinking over and over. How on earth can this be happening to me right now. I have to be a bridesmaid for my sister in June and if I die, she will be so pissed with me.

I had of course heard rumours of the Master – a real cruel bastard according to what Katie had heard. A friend told her that once a waiter served him Russian vodka instead of Swedish and he snapped the poor guy’s neck in front of a whole crowded bar. Of course, that sounds completely ridiculous, I mean all vodka tastes the same doesn’t it, just different labels.

I was starting to question how much I loved Katie, my best friend in the world, and whether I would miss her if she were suddenly dead. No one messes with vamps, well not more than once anyway. Okay, I decided I didn’t want her dead, but I am damn pissed that she has put me in this situation right now, even if it isn’t her fault.

The Bear led me down a long dark corridor closer to the bar. The dull thud of the music coming from behind the thick door was like the building’s heartbeat – quite ironic I thought considering vampires don’t have heartbeats, or so I’d heard. I had never actually been close enough to one to find out. The Bear steered me towards an office at the far end of the staff quarters. I started to panic a little bit. I wasn’t in the habit of making deals with vamps, especially not one’s like Sebastian the evil arsed Vampire Master.

There was a pretty blonde haired vampire sitting at a desk in the corner filling envelopes with cash, when she saw us come in she beamed at the Bear who shot her a wink in return. Her natural beauty, pale skin and sparkling eyes was a dead giveaway that she was a Northern Vampire, and the steamy look she was giving the Bear made me question her character. She then looked hesitantly towards the other side of the large room. I reluctantly followed her gaze.

Sitting behind the other desk looking earnestly at a computer screen was the sexiest and most horrifying man I had ever seen. Sexy because

his pale white face looked like it had been chiselled by some ancient Greek, with ice blue eyes that were obvious from our distance, and horrifying because a sudden thought entered my mind and wouldn’t stop yelling at me to jump in this beautiful strangers lap and make him do naughty things to me. He ignored me completely.

I managed to silence the harlot in my mind sufficiently enough to take the seat offered by the Bear in front of Sebastian’s desk. I sat like a good girl and watched as the blonde vampire Adonis continued to type at a frantic pace and not even acknowledge my existence. Who could blame him really, a man like that, well a vampire man was probably not used to having to deal with the little people like me. I had also heard he treated women like cattle. I wondered briefly what that would feel like and then blushed at my unnatural thoughts in this man’s presence.

After an eternity of silence, the ‘Master’ shut his laptop and told the Bear to leave us. The older man did as he was told as if he was dismissed by the school Principal. I wasn’t completely sure I wanted the Bear to leave after all. He suddenly didn’t seem that bad now that the cold blue eyes of the vamp were fixed completely on me. His features were pure granite. Like most vampires in our region, he looked Nordic; it was commonly believed that his race had originated in Sweden and so they often referred to themselves not as vampires but ‘Northerners’. I certainly wasn’t going to ask one if it were true. He was cold and expressionless. I felt a strange tingle coarse through me.

The vampire continued his long silent stare which was starting to make me feel squeamish and a little horny, mixed with a dash of nausea, a heady combination for a Friday night.

“You are Katie’s friend,” he suddenly said in an accented voice that sounded like a combination of Northern European and English. It came out not as a question but a statement.


“And you agreed to come here of your free will in her stead. And you are prepared to undertake all the duties that Katie performed?”

I didn’t really like the sound of where this was going but I answered

“yes” anyway. I supposed it was best to stay on the good side of a vampire who reportedly kept a dungeon filled with human virgins to satisfy his every evil whim.

“Very well, you will be required to work five shifts in the bar, plus provide evening sustenance to a Northern co-worker. Chloe will organise a uniform for you.” he said matter of factly waving a hand in the girl’s general direction. He was clearly dismissing me.

Wait. There was no way I was going to put up with that deal. I couldn’t possibly work my normal job and then come work night’s here for five days. I decided to tell Mr. Evil Sexy Vampire so.

“That’s not what Lavinia said I would have to do.” I questioned sounding far braver than I was. “She said I would do two shifts and there was nothing about providing sustenance, or whatever the hell that means,”

I continued.

The beautiful man let a slight look of confusion cross his face for a brief moment before he leaned forward slightly menacingly and continued his silent stare.

If I was slightly uncomfortable before, I was dead set worried now.

“Do you know who I am Sascha?” The way my name slid from his tongue made me understand why the Bear was afraid of him. Here was a man who was used to getting his own way, whatever means possible.

However, I am the youngest child of two lawyers, so I am also used to getting my own way as well.

“Listen, I don’t mean any disrespect to you, I understand you are a badass vamp and all that, but the situation is like this. Katie had a family emergency and can’t come and do her shifts. I know this is a pain in the butt for you but I am not only willing to do it in her place, but I am qualified and I am doing it for free. So I think this is more like a win-win situation for you. So why don’t we just agree that I will do the two shifts as originally agreed, and the ‘co-worker’ can arrange their own sustenance.”I told him.

Chloe let out a little shriek and looked purely horrified. I had completely forgotten she was on the other side of the room behind me, but I was suddenly glad she was.

As if reading my mind, Sebastian who had not taken his eyes off me during my little speech suddenly asked Chloe to leave us.

Okay, this was not good. My sister was definitely going to have to get a new bridesmaid. I stood up wanting to leave but the vampire slowly came around to my side of the desk and his murderous glare made my feet plant firmly on the floor. There was no way he was going to just let me get away with my outburst.

Sebastian was at least 6 foot 6 and he was every inch of it as he leaned over me, intimidating me. His expressionless face leaned down to meet my ear while he placed his large hands gently around my throat, not tight enough to kill me, but enough to make it hard to breath. “I have killed others before for much less than the disrespect you are showing me now woman,” he whispered in my ear. I was strangely aware that his nahd was quite warm, not cold like I was led to believe. His warm breath was sending strange tingles through me as I fought the urge to either run, cry or give him a big fat kiss on the lips. “I am not in the habit of making deals with women, but I will grant you this one reprieve Sascha, because I feel you are going to be more trouble than you are worth” he continued. “You will work here for me tonight and tomorrow night, and at the end of service you will come back here and you will submit to me. Do you understand?”

I couldn’t talk with his hand around my throat so I simply nodded. All things considered, I thought I was getting a pretty good deal.







The work was not unlike regular straight up human bar work, except that my boss, most of my co-workers and pretty much all of my customers could kill me at any given moment. But the tips sure were great.

Chloe had fitted me out with the uniform – a ridiculously tight black and red corset! It was sheer at the sides and cut way too low for my liking; not that wearing a corset in public was to my liking. It stopped a couple of inches from my belly button, but thankfully there was a black skirt which I thought was far too inappropriate for health and safety reasons, but Chloe didn’t think it was very wise of me to refuse given I had already had one altercation with the Master. It barely covered my behind, so I was very thankful that my short black apron gave me a bit of extra concealment, and also

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