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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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and only hoped that one day he might have the chance to repair the damage that he had caused. 



At the Leone townhouse across town, Elizabeth's team poured over all the camera footage that they could find, and what they found was very disturbing.  From what they observed, both Sebastian and Lisa had entered the hotel together, but Lisa was never seen leaving at any point.  The only time Sebastian left, was with the suitcase, which he disposed of off of the pier, and into the Hudson River.  They tried to isolate as much footage from the docks as they could, but could not determine what was in the suitcase.  Jack didn't know how to tell Elizabeth that he suspected that the suitcase Sebastian had thrown off the pier might contain her sister's body.  They had not found the case, Lisa was currently nowhere in the hotel, which led to the only conclusion; Sebastian had taken her body out in the suitcase. 

Jack was suddenly very queasy.  He had dealt with many gruesome cases before, but this was personal, which ultimately made it hit home with a gruesome impact.  He could no longer delay sharing his suspicions with Elizabeth. He jumped into the car and headed over to Mr. O’Leary’s penthouse to give the news to Elizabeth in person.  Arriving at the penthouse, the security called up to tell Sean that Jack was there to see Elizabeth. 

Sean met Jack at the elevator.  He had an uneasy feeling when he learned that her team member was here in person to deliver news.  "It’s bad, isn't it?"  Sean asked.

"Yeah, real fucking bad; sir."  Jack relayed to the Don.

"Fuck.  Stay here while I get Kane and Ara.  We all need to be here for her."

Sean walked back into the living room and found Kane and Ara standing together, looking out the window.  Kanes's arms were wrapped protectively around her and she was leaning back into his embrace. Their love could almost be seen as a warm glow around them.  Sean hoped that one day this could be he and Elizabeth, but first, he needed to be strong for her and help in any way he could to make Sebastian Morotti pay for this. 

Kane looked up and saw Sean approaching them.  He motioned him to join them, he could tell by the expression on Sean’s face that it was bad news.  "Baby, Sean has some news."  Kane whispered into her ear.  "It looks bad."

"Oh no."  Ara cried.

"Come, let's see what it is."  Kane said, taking her hand and walking toward Sean.  Whatever it was, they would all face it together, and support Elizabeth and Peter in every way necessary.

Chapter 16


After Sean met with Jack, they, along with Kane and Ara, walked back into the living room where Elizabeth, Anthony, Monica, and Peter were seated.  Elizabeth was still on her computer while Anthony and Monica were carefully watching her.  Peter was in a chair in the corner and was watching Elizabeth, amazed at her dedication and analytic talents to find any shred of information on Lisa’s whereabouts.

Elizabeth looked up and saw Jack entering the room with Sean and the Leones.  "Jack, what are you doing here?"

Sean walked over and sat down beside her, taking her small delicate hand into his.  "He had some news and thought it would be best to be told face to face."

Jack walked over and stood before her with slumped shoulders.  "Elizabeth, we were able to track Sebastian and Lisa back to the hotel NoMad.  We carefully reviewed all of the security tapes from the moment they entered the hotel, and Lisa never left once they arrived.  Sebastian left the next morning, he returned sometime later with a purchase and about an hour later, he left again."

"Okay, so how long after he left the hotel, or returned, did Lisa leave?"  Elizabeth asked.

Jack looked at Elizabeth with sympathy, he knew she had just heard him say they had not seen Lisa leave the hotel.  Sean was holding her hand firmly to lend any type of support she would need.  "Never.  We actually got access into the room that was rented out to Sebastian and there is no sign of her in the room either."

"So how did she leave if you didn't see her on any of the surveillance footage?"  Elizabeth questioned.  She did not like where this conversation was going.  If Lisa was not seen leaving the hotel, then where the hell was she?  Suddenly, the thought hit her.  "Wait, you said Sebastian left and returned with a purchase.  What did Sebastian buy?"

Jack knew that Elizabeth would work it out.  She was that damn smart and good at her job.  It was literally tearing him apart to deliver this news to his friend and colleague.  Raising his head and looking sympathetically into her eyes, he gave her the news that would forever alter her life.  "A large black rolling suitcase."

The reality slammed into Elizabeth’s heart and mind as if an explosion had occurred. Tears began to flow and she gasped back a deep painful sob. She knew exactly what Jack was saying, she was completely destroyed.

Sebastian had killed her sister and stuffed her into the suitcase.  That sick bastard had killed her baby sister. She would never be able to talk to her again, never to laugh and enjoy being around Lisa's wonderful vivacious personality.  She suddenly felt so cold and alone, so vulnerable, then she felt a set of strong arms pull her into their embrace.  Looking up, she saw the man who had been beside her, comforted her, stood up for her and his green eyes were filled with tears.   He, too, understood what the purchase meant.  He also knew what this would mean to her.   Sean O'Leary may be the Don of the Irish family, but, in this moment, he was just a man who was providing her with his love and support and she never wanted it to stop. 

"What does that mean?"  Peter asked.  He was totally confused by Elizabeth and Sean’s response to this news.  Did they know where Lisa was? 

"Sir,” Jack responded to Peter’s question, “before this whole situation happened, we had acquired surveillance footage of Sebastian taking a large black suitcase with him from the hotel,  down to the pier, and throwing it into the ocean.”  He waited for a moment to see if Peter had come to the same conclusion as the others. When it was apparent he had not, he continued.  “I am sorry, sir, but we are almost positive that the suitcase Sebastian discarded contains Lisa's body."

Peter repeated what the young man had just said to him several times in his mind, before it finally sunk in, causing him to lean over, placing his head in his hands and begin to sob.  His little girl was gone.  She would never call him to just chat, or run over to do her laundry.  What was he going to do now?  His baby girl was gone, and although his oldest was not but a few feet across the room from him, he lost her years ago due to his own stupidity and narrow mindedness.  He didn't think she would ever forgive him.  He was all alone.  His baby girl was gone.  As the pain began to embed itself deeply into his heart, he suddenly felt a new emotion rising to the surface, rage.  He was suddenly overwhelmed with loss and outright fucking murderous rage.  That bastard killed his baby girl.  Turning to the room, Peter raged, "I want that sadistic motherfucker, Sebastian Morotti dead."  He seethed. 

"Peter, trust me, we have a plan that will make the bastard wish for death."  Kane sneered.  "A quick death is too good for him.  We plan to take away everything that he holds dear, after which he will be repeatedly tortured to death, only to be brought back to suffer even more. I promise that you can have a hand in his torture, and eventual demise." 

"Thank you."  Peter sunk back into his chair, where he remained immersed in the pain and rage for his younger daughter, Lisa, and the feelings of loss for his older daughter, Elizabeth.

Sean continued to hold tightly onto Elizabeth, hoping that she could draw strength from the love and support that he was sharing with her.  Her sobs continued, but somewhat subsided.  If he knew anything about Elizabeth, it was that the pain she was feeling now would soon give way to anger and need for revenge.  He would be by her side every step of the way.  He would be anything she needed during this time, whether it be a friend, a protector, a shoulder to cry on, or something more.  This woman had captured his heart and soul.  He leaned over and whispered gently to her, "I am here."

Snuggling even closer, Elizabeth laid her head on his chest and was comforted by his strong and steady heartbeat.  "Thank you," she whispered with another sob.  She knew that this nightmare was far from over, but with those around her, she could find some small sliver of solace.

Anthony and Monica were on the other side of Elizabeth, rubbing her leg, letting her know that they were there for her.  She was their daughter and they would always be here for her.  They may not have known Lisa, but were acutely aware of the pain her loss was causing their daughter and friends.  Elizabeth pulled away from Sean’s embrace, wiping the tears that were flowing down her cheeks, and looked at her parents, "I love you both so much."

"We love you, too, my dear."  Monica said.  "We will be here for whatever you need."

Kane had wrapped his arms around Ara, who was also very upset about the turn of events.  Sebastian caused so much physical and emotional pain to everyone he came in contact with.  She just hoped that their plan would give the sadistic bastard an interminable amount of pain in return. 

"Thank you, Mama and Papa.”  Elizabeth embraced both of her parents once more before turning to her associate.  She felt the pain and sadness that Jack must have felt in delivering this news, but it was time to get down to business.  “Jack, update me on anything you may have been able to salvage from Sebastian's hotel room."

"We didn't know how long we had to gather Intel, but we were able to install hidden cams in the smoke detectors, the dummy outlets, the coffee pot, and the room thermostat.  We also have an audio feed on the room, as well as a tap on the room phone.  We took photos and cataloged his medications, vitamins, body wash, shampoo, and toothpaste.  We also replaced several buttons on the shirts in the wardrobe with GPS trackers combined with audio link.  If he sneezes, we’ll know it.  No matter where he is when he does it.  The man is completely at our mercy, 24/7."

"Why the fuck are you taking pictures of his shampoo?"  Peter barked.

Elizabeth had just enough of him.  "Well, Peter, let me see if I can dumb it down for you.  First, you need to know, intelligence gathering is my expertise.  My team and I know exactly what we are doing, and why we are doing it.  We do

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