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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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26. The ambush


"Don Massimo, shall we go check the warehouses today or tomorrow?" Xander ask me while I'm busy typing on my laptop.

"We can go today and please if it's just the two of us call me Massimo because i consider you my new friend so.." i say and he nods.

"Okay than Massimo if you call me Xander!" 

"Sure man, so what time you want to go?" I ask him and he looks his watch. 

Well i have a list and we can start from the most further away to the ones who are close by?"

"Sounds like a good plan to me man, how many do you have in total?" 

"In total 12 but we will not go visit all 12 of them today, only 4 needs to be done so i thought of two options, or we split them 2 in the afternoon and the other 2 after dinner or all 4 at ones, what do prefer?"

"Hmm, let's split them!" I chose.

"Cool well I'm going to change and than we can go, meet me at the car outside?" 

"Sure Xander I'll also go change then." I say and walk behind him to go up to my own room. 

10 minutes later we are in the back of his SUV as one of his guards is driving us.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask Xander curiously.

"Well the first one is were we stash our wapons, the second is kind of empty but i use it for now for multiple things, sometimes i bring the bad guys there for interrogation or i organize a gambling night, that one doesn't have a permenent role yet, as for the other two, well one is for were i keep my white stash if you know what i mean and the last one is where the $$$ are and I've got word that there was a problem with one of the girls who's doing the money counting, so that's the mane reason but i decided to check up on all 4 since it has been a while ago I've done that because I've been very busy lately you know!" He explains to me and i nod in understanding.

"Xander can i ask you something?, What do you know about the you know the Don personally?"

"The Russians??.....ehhm well I've tried to do some bussniness before with them but they didn't like my rules instead of that i ahd to obay theirs without question Wich i didn't like either!......why you ask?"

"I have a feeling.....a bad feeling that they are up to something......a Russian guy, the one that asked my woman to sit next to on the gala came to my house while i am here!! The bastard wanted to make a deal but i told her to wait till i am back and i hope she listens and that he will leave her alone!" I say.

"Really wow!, What's the guys name, maby i know him?"


"Whattt!!!....that devil!?.....shit you wife and tell her to lock the whole house and tell your guards to keep all eyes and ears open to protect your Donna and your family!" 

"Ok now I'm scared.....what's with him??"

"Massimo, trust me that man has a reputation and it's not a good one!! When he was younger he was even worst and deadlier than now.....and you know that he's the official Russian Don right? He's playing that he's not so he can roam around doing his thing but he's the brain behind everithing......but he has a weakness though what nit many know about but I've seen him and i know.....his weakness is his only son! His son suposed to be the next Don but he's a weak boy, he doesn't have it in him so what i think will happen is that his second in command, Sam will take over so that his son can life a normal live!"

"Hold hold on!.....did you just say SAM??"

"Yes i did why?"

"My second in command killed him but we've seen him sneaked in our house very much alive and we don't know how!!" I say and Xander looks at me shocked.

"Shit!!....well that's not good!, Aniways we are at the first stop so we talk about this later over dinner is that okay?"

"Yeah sure, let's focus now!" I say as we get out of the car and walk towards the first wearhouse of Xander.


Some hours later....

"Well that went smoothly, i think it was a good idea to do the 3 one as well before dinner so we only have the last one to now, with a problem to solve!" 

"Yeah i was just thinking Xander, so that we can talk some more in the evening Wich a nice whiskey!"

"Ah you enjoy my collection good now worries I'll give you a nice bottle for you and the misses!"

"Thanks, i apreciate Xander!"

The driver parks at a deserted road where a huge building towering in the dark night.

We get out and we walk towards the front but suddenly in the corner of my eye i see something like a flickering light on the second floor!....

"Xander!....wait!."....but he's on his phone and doesn't seem to hear me so i run to him and push him out of the way and than u huge loud explosion follows and than the world arround me turns slowly into a deep black darkness.......

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