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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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Uriel, who was the keeper of his knife, had made sure that it was razor sharp, so cutting off each of Donnie’s fingers was like slicing through butter. By the time he cut the last one off the table, rivulets of blood were running down from where each finger had been sliced away, and made their way into the drain.  Kane reached down and grabbed a handful of hair and brought Donnie’s face closer to his.  “We took you in, we gave you a job that pays you well, you were protected under the family, we trusted you, and this is how you repay us?  May the devil welcome you into the depths of hell for your betrayal.”  Kane said, dropping Donnie’s head and jabbed the knife into his chest and cut his heart out.  Dropping the heart onto the table, he turned to everyone present.  “Family first.”

“FAMILY FIRST!”  Everyone yelled.

Walking back to the table, where all the tools were laid out, Kane picked up a towel and cleaned some blood off his hands.  It was not something Kane wanted to do on a daily basis, but enforcing the code of loyalty was a necessary evil and it felt good.  “Take Sebastian down and strap him to the table.” 

Jack and Kevin lowered Sebastian; once his feet were on the ground, they pulled the meat hooks from his body.  Sebastian’s face went deathly white and then his head fell forward.  He had passed out from the pain.

“Oh, no, we won’t have any of that shit; wake that motherfucker up!”  Kane barked.

Daniella rushed forward with the syringe of adrenaline and jabbed it into Sebastian’s leg, pumping in a large dose.  Sebastian’s head began to sway back and forth as he began to wake up. 

“Once he is strapped down, remove his gag.  I want to hear his cries.”  Kane smirked. 

They carried Sebastian over to the table and strapped each wrist and ankle to the table.  Once secure, they lifted the edge of the duct tape and ripped it from his mouth taking the ball gag with it.  Sebastian cried out in pain. 

Kane picked the cat o’nine tails and walked over to the table.  “You have boasted that you are a Dominant, but you are not.  You don’t put the needs and desires of your submissive before yourself and do not care that you inflict damage to your submissives.  As a Dominant of good standing in the community, I am here today to right this wrong.  I will be dealing out the punishment for your many sexual transgressions within and outside of the community.  Then, I will report to the community that no aftercare was given.” 

Kane took a step back and with all his strength, he snapped the cat o'nine onto Sebastian’s chest.  The razor sharp teeth cut into the flesh and, as it was ripped back out for another strike, it tore the skin into deep gashes.  With each strike, Sebastian’s cries grew louder and louder.  Finally, after the fifth strike, Kane admired his handy work.  The gashes were all over his chest and legs, which were bleeding quite profusely.  He smiled down at Sebastian and then spit on him.  “Fuck you to hell for the pain and suffering you have caused, asshole.”

As Kane walked away, Zachary Morotti walked up to the table.  “You have brought great shame to this family.  Your soul is as black as night and I do not consider you my son.”  Zachary said, and then pulled a black handled knife from his pocket.  “You planned and tried to harm my wife, your own mother.  That you would even entertain the idea of harming a single hair on her beautiful head is unbelievable, and for that I am going to remove the hair from yours.”  Making several quick semicircular cuts on either side of Sebastian’s head, and grasping a hand full of his hair, Zachary yanked it back quickly, removing the scalp from his head.  Once the scalp was removed, Zachary poured a cup of sulfur over the open wound.

Sebastian couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t think of anything but stopping the pain.  The world was spinning and he didn’t know what hurt worse at that point and he just wanted it to end.

“MERCY!!!!” He finally screamed in agony.

“We will show you the mercy that you have so graciously shown your victims.”  Kane spat.

Elizabeth walked over to stand beside her father and Sean.  As Lisa’s family, she and her father would be administering the last part of Sebastian’s torture.  They walked up to the table, one on each side.

Peter looked down at the bloodied face of the monster who had robbed him of his daughter.  “You took away a bright light from this world.  My daughter, Lisa, who you abused, and brutally murdered, then threw away like a piece of garbage, had a long life ahead of her.  She was intelligent, beautiful, and loved, until she met you.  As her father and sister, we invoke the right of revenge.”  Peter said, trying to hold it together. 

He nodded to Elizabeth, who had been told that she and her father would be sharing in ending the life of the monster who had robbed them of their sister and daughter.  It was not a reunion for the two of them, but a common goal, getting justice for Lisa.  Picking up the cattle prod she rammed it up Sebastian’s ass in one swift motion, and turned it on.  Sebastian screamed out in pure agony. 

Peter walked around to the head of the table and bent down to Sebastian’s blood filled ear and spoke, “Che tu possa bruciare all'inferno.”  (may you burn in hell)  It was an Italian phrase he had asked Kane to translate for him.

He nodded once again to Elizabeth, who yanked the cattle prod from Sebastian’s ass, as Peter took a piece of barb wire into his gloved hands and wrapped it around Sebastian’s throat, pulling tightly.  The spikes cut deeply into the skin and Sebastian gasped for air.  “Che tu possa bruciare all'inferno” Peter repeated.  Sebastian gasped and gurgled as he choked on his own blood, thrashing about until his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped upon the table.

Sebastian Morotti was dead.

Chapter 20


After ridding the world of the demented Sebastian and the delusional Donnie, everyone who attended, or been in contact with the bodies in anyway, were required to remove all clothing, to include shoes, and take a sterilizing shower.  The Coven’s cleanup team had been dispatched to remove all traces of DNA and evidence of the prior events, leaving no traces of Sebastian and Donnie’s existence, just in case the pigs started nosing around. 

Once Kane had changed into the spare suit and shoes that had been brought along, he returned to where Ara was standing with Nazario. 

His father had his arm wrapped protectively around her.  She had remained strong during the torture, maintaining the perfect facade of a true Donna, but he knew, from past experience, that she was going to be need him as much as he needed her.  The extreme emotions that one experienced either by participating or simply witnessing torture and eventual deaths, needed to be vetted.  Once they were alone, he could finally come down from the adrenaline required to deliver the punishments, either as the man who just delivered a death sentence, or beat another.

He would soon find and give comfort wrapped within the arms of his beloved.  She was his center; his affirmation of all the wonders life provided. The connection they had was strong and growing with each passing day.  He couldn’t wait to spend a very long life with her.  She was still blissfully unaware that, each and every morning, he would awaken before her to lay beside her and watch her sleep.  She was so beautiful and so caring; she was his own personal angel.  However, she also possessed a steel fortitude that enabled her to install fear with compassion required of the position of Donna.  His Ara was a loving angel and a badass Donna.

When he reached her and his father, she immediately made her way to close the distance between them, and wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest.  Kane placed a kiss upon her head and wrapped his strong arms around her, embracing her tightly.

“Let’s get out of here.” 


Nazario stood and admired the couple before him.  He couldn’t have more prouder than he was at this moment.  He knew for sure that the family was in better hands than it had ever been.  Kane had handled Donnie Newton with a level head and strong hand. His Dominant training showing through; where others would have lost their cool, he remained in complete control.  No member steals from the family.  Then, his beautiful daughter, Ara, stood on the side, dedicated to the task and unwavering, she didn’t flinch once, even when Sebastian was finally killed.  She had once told him that she considered him her one and only true father, and that the other men who had been in her life were insignificant, meaningless.  Stepping up, he placed his hand on Kane’s arm.  “Sono così orgoglioso di voi due . La famiglia non è mai stata in mani migliori .”  Nazario declared.  (I am so proud of you both.  The family has never been in better hands.)

“Grazie, padre. Prima la famiglia.”  Kane exclaimed. (Thank you, father.  Family first.)

Zachary walked up and placed his hand on Ara’s arm.  “Tu sei l'unica cosa buona che è venuto da mio figlio . Sono così grato di averti nella mia vita e di essere il capo della famiglia .”  (You are the only good thing that came from my son.  I am so thankful to have you in my life and to be the leader of the family.)

“Grazie, nonno . Prometto di prendersi cura di loro con la mia vita .”  Ara said. (Thank you, Grandfather.  I promise to take care of them with my life.)

“We will see you tomorrow, once Elizabeth and her father have made plans for Lisa’s funeral.  I want everyone that is not needed here to be in attendance in Boston.  Elizabeth needs the family’s support during this difficult time.”  Kane said.  “Zachary, I hope that you can make it as well.”

“Do you think that is wise?”  Zachary asked.

“Elizabeth knows that you had nothing to do with it.  She and her father witnessed the punishment that you doled out to Sebastian.  You are most welcome; please come and support her, because she is part of the Leone-Morotti Family.”

“Then Claudia and I will be there.  I need to return home to inform Portia that she no longer has to worry about Sebastian.  Please let me know of the plans.”

“We are headed home.” Kane said, and then turned to Uriel.  “Take care of my little friend.”  He instructed with a smirk.

Uriel had always been in charge of Kane’s knife.  He took great care in making sure it was cleaned and no traces of blood were left.  “Sure thing, Boss.”

Kane took Ara’s hand and left the warehouse.  Seth went out the door first and checked the area; when he felt it was safe, he motioned Kane and Ara to exit.  Once he opened the door to the SUV, they entered and snuggled

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