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known. About their total number of digits there are only rough estimates. It occurs in connection with the Tewissen multiplicity of certain finite spin quantum systems, which could be suitable for generating encodings that are stable against quantum computers.
Last digits of the Meyer number:

…6052 85712 86660 41830 39168 95550 70170 55522 25889 04430 72588 04507 43209 59827 51738 61455 99447 29600 62225 14947 41660 65387 09588 69562 32258 38146 59082 60373 60233 66486 62668 77818 67003 12254 30769 29549 71827 12639 03224 02361 11514 91365 95566 09400 35597 50917 91375 22932 73037 04987 63862 72933 16159 70796 07966 20074 96314 12222 29583 38605 25514 11061 91470 71416 40340 70698 69457 42096 24544 64701 84802 04985 84253 97455 17795 71913 63215 97375 88978 16295 55462 75766 12349 85817 07848 54789 30460 73577 12458 32345 24621 12873 66923 03885 07535 88114 46344 04470 25995 61950 21228 24086 41298 43377 79194 03249 64610 52562 46791 45081 07774 46676 25369 65701 62072 74287 19015 44915 94306 39161 81920 78122 50971 30284 75366 06792 54025 97298 37370 69207 77840 14653 20863 24744 77313 32785 53368 84157 35672 41773 81122 69656 73919 74993 07900 70000 02332 90879 18531 06634 38985 43475 42406 33123 12964 13708 25396 94777 87632 88384 45421 58487 79491 27388 70024 45816 98505 86876 06174 98336 05669 20763 72263 87952 75360 22694 57448 08945 95592 30761 17577 93906 64092 02973 83326 66082 80406 33279 65707 67231 06962 44898 18509 51681 94250 20214 35713 82490 34743 91563 91929 79180 48835 58873 20304

Mathematics on the one hand and love, eroticism, sexuality and fetishism on the other hand are closely connected by many similarities. Let us take the following words as associations: secret, discovery, devotion, longing, fulfilment, fertilisation, cognition, tension, imagination, position, conversion, calculation, development, relation, potency, curves (-discussion), thighs, unresolved, hide, show, prove, grasp, experience, treat, empathise, solve, penetrate, open up, explore, fill out …

Thus it is ultimately easy to understand why mathematics, numbers, ciphers have such a strong effect on many people, stimulating, exciting them. In the abstraction of numbers there is a great deal of room for interpretation, and at the same time their interrelationships are as brittle as they are willing. Mathematical problems are always available, but they are often not so easily cracked, as well an attractive combination.

'Real fortune' is actually not so easy to create on classic computers. You need sufficient entropy from the outside. Sequences of some irrational numbers or their fractional bit patterns can be valuable starting points for pseudo-noise, pseudo-random bit patterns, if a reliable algorithm is available to generate a fractional bit pattern or bit sequence correctly. However, it is often tedious to find out the statistical properties of a bit sequence derived from an irrational number, such as the irrational root of an integer.

However, a significant improvement of random generators in computers would be a measurement of observables of a quantum system, for example a system with only two eigenstates, such as a spin measurement of an electron or another particle with a spin of one half. A measurement causes a projection onto an eigenstate. In order to be statistically useful, it is necessary to avoid disturbances and influences on the quantum object. For example, a magnetic or electric field gradient would align a spin, and a measurement result of observables would therefore no longer be random. Therefore, alternating measurements in orthogonal coordinate systems could be relevant, where an eigenstate in one coordinate system corresponds to a mixture of both eigenstates with equal weight in the other coordinate system.
Consequently, the production of a quantum random generator for unattended mass use is still a hard nut to crack, which is why random generators in computers have so far mostly been based on mathematics and user interaction in the classical sense.

Writing Systems

Nowadays, numbers are often written down and distributed digitally. More extensive calculations have long been carried out in writing or by machine anyway. There is an essential connection between the type of notation of numbers and the possibilities of performing equally extensive calculations, as well as the amount of different ciphers used and the accuracy of a calculation.

The common Indo-Arabic notation of numbers, for example, is far superior to the ancient Roman notation, with the latter it is hardly possible to make simple written additions without further aids. The old Roman notation can therefore be considered clumsy compared to Indo-Arabic notation, and was therefore quickly replaced by the latter in Europe, after the Indo-Arabic system had diffused from India, Arabia and Spain to Europe.

Within the framework of the international financial system with its enormous speculation bubbles, the shifting of numbers at breakneck speed is even being paid homage to, detached from any real connection, like a religion. Closely connected with this is the fetish of an illusion of unlimited growth, which is trivially impossible to realise in the real world, but nevertheless in abstract ideas of mathematics, a system reduced to bare numbers. In the worlds of fantasy, wishful thinking and dreams of speculators, money trees and donkeys of gold still grow into the sky, while in the real economy of mankind on the planet, the sell-out has long been announced, mass extinction of species, rapid extraction of mineral resources, all-encompassing environmental destruction and pollution, right down to the air we breathe and the water we drink every day.
In order to exchange, negotiate these virtual growth numbers in nanosecond intervals, it is necessary to be able to digitally exchange numbers in written form, for example to be able to analyse, evaluate, use, manipulate and trade automatically with algorithms.

Without writings, codings, automatisms such fetishes would not be imaginable, realisable.
A massive additional attraction of the financial fetish results from the fact that trading in nanosecond intervals, executed by undisclosed, poorly thought-out algorithms, can cause surprises at any moment, if due to incomprehensible fluctuations a sales avalanche is suddenly set off until a speculation bubble bursts. The main attraction of this number fetish is the uncertainty about when, not if, such things will happen.

Despite that detachment, decoupling from the real world, even in today's financial system there is still a weak association with the original basis, an economy with trade in real goods, a common society with a common culture. The basis of any culture is language; global exchange of information requires a writing system that is shared and understood by the participants in communication. There can be no communication without a basic consensus on the coding of information. Writing systems or related forms of recording are a prerequisite for complex societies with many participants, which must be organised and managed.

Not only are there many languages, there are as well completely different writing systems, such as how language was recorded, written down, knotted, drilled or carved in order to separate it from its oral form, from the respective speaker, and thus to keep it accessible independently of the speaker over long periods of time, to exchange information between people who can be separated in space and time, especially who never have to deal directly with each other. Nevertheless, written texts make it possible to transfer ideas into the future in a fixed form, unchanged and independent of fleeting personal memories of a brain.
While time itself is the metaphor of change, or rather change is the observable that makes time graspable, writing opposes change, it wants to conserve, but is of course ultimately subject to the ravages of time. Because nothing is forever.

Language in oral form is first of all the possibility to socialise ideas at all, especially to get them out of one's own head, to reflect on them with others, to implement or develop ideas together. An oral tradition has the characteristic feature that the people who pass on their memories and their own experiences always include changes in the tradition. This can be an enrichment, but it is a disadvantage when it is important to have an original source of a concrete idea available, to assign this idea to a certain person in order to be able to discuss these formulated thoughts more precisely. Extensions and additions can be made without any problems, regardless of the source and author, without falsifying the original statement itself. Furthermore, if the medium with which writing is fixed is more or less permanent, this results in a far-reaching independence of such a preservation of original ideas from certain persons.

Writing probably developed from slightly abstracted drawings of concrete objects. This occurs in the form of pictorial writings or ideographies, idea writings. A writing is composed of core ideas, represented by slightly abstracted symbols, in which the intended object is still recognisable, depending on the degree of abstraction, even with little prior knowledge of this writing, but knowledge of the writers' living environment. If, for example, an entity has never seen a human being, it will have problems identifying a stick figure with a human being, correspondingly a serpentine line with a snake etc. A pictographic writing therefore needs at least a basic common or at least acquired cultural basis, which writers and the reading public have to share, so that a transfer of ideas can work.
A well-known example of pictographic writing is ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, in which, however, further levels of abstraction of meanings have developed from the former pictographic writing in the course of cultural development.

Pictographic writings represent objects in their basic units, not sounds, as with phonetic or syllable writings. Now it is relatively tedious to develop a new pictogram for each object which represents it unambiguously, it would be very difficult to learn such a writing with millions of pictograms. If activities, especially verbs, are to be represented, it usually becomes already complex or ambiguous with pictographic writing, especially if persons are represented during their respective activities. Similarly tricky are properties, adjectives, which often have to be referred to indirectly via characteristic objects and their special representation.
With completely abstract ideas such as world-weariness, climate change, idea, entity, universe, a representation is even more tricky. Nobody has ever seen or recorded the entire universe in order to be able to represent it adequately.
Therefore, pictographic writings ultimately prove to be a dead end with regard to the representation of complex, abstract ideas, conceptions, concepts. A writing system with a higher degree of abstraction is needed to represent complex, extensive ideas.

Correspondingly, temporal developments went from writing to more abstraction. In logographic writings, this abstraction is carried out in a first step, in that symbols represent basic ideas, no longer merely concrete representations of objects. Ancient Chinese scripts, for example, have more than a hundred thousand characters, so they are also difficult to learn, and new ideas require completely new symbols.
Also here it becomes bulky with more abstract ideas. As a natural consequence, a further abstraction also arises here over centuries, millennia.

A completely different approach is taken with syllable writing or phonetic transcription. In these, the point is that symbols represent only sounds of spoken language. A phonetic transcription requires significantly fewer symbols than a pictographic transcription. All symbols are called an inventory of syllabary or syllabar. Depending on the language, there are usually a little less than a hundred to a few hundred symbols or sounds, because a typical language manages with such a small inventory. By combining sounds, syllables, morphemes, phonemes, words are created which represent ideas. Since sounds can be combined in any way, it is not necessary to extend the syllabary with graphemes, signs, symbols for new ideas. It is sufficient to define a new sequence of sounds in the vocabulary, as it is necessary to do simultaneously with the pronunciation in spoken language anyway.

A further level of abstraction is achieved with alphabet writings. Here, representations

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