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Book online «Yes, Master by Marwa M (e novels for free .TXT) 📖». Author Marwa M

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Valerie stared at the woman bewildered at her sudden words. What is wrong with this woman. That's the only thing that appeared in her mind.

Even though she dislikes Xavier. She doesn't want to be with him. She hates his touch. But still.

She's not that of an idiot to escape from a monster like him.

She knows the consequences well. She knows that there is no way he wouldn't be able to find her. Moreover, only a stupid woman would believe this woman who is practically her Master's ex and still wants to be with him.

Valerie never thought of escaping why. Because she already knew there will be no success even if she tried. There was no way Xavier would let her go or wouldn't be able to find her.

She's nothing against him. He's a well known respectful billionaire and her. Just an unknown person who doesn't even the people of her orphanage would have to remember.

How much time will it take him to find her? A day. Or one hour. Without the help of a well-known name like Xavier, she knew there is no way she would be able to run away from him and would stay free without getting caught.

She roughly pulled her arm out of Liza's grip stepping back. Liza looked at her in surprise. She wasn't expecting Valerie to not give in.

"You're getting it, wrong Mam. I am happy with Ma-- Xavier. I don't want to leave him. You must have been mistaken. I have to go now. It was nice to meet you." With that, she nodded at Liza and hurried away from a wicked beauty.

Liza chuckled staring at Valerie. She didn't expect this. In short no one had. Who would want to let an opportunity to get what you want go? Well, simply Valerie did.

Because she knows better than to get at the wrong side of a man that owns her.

Liza smirked at Valerie's figure that roamed around the people trying to find a place where she could hide without anyone noticing her. But too bad a young man approached her.

A playboy specifically. Valerie flinched moving away from the man who tapped her shoulder. The guy smiled at her. Not at all innocent one.

"Ciao bella what are you doing here alone." Valerie wanted to scream on his face 'digging my grave by letting you speak to me' but she decided otherwise. (- Hello Beautiful.)

Without giving him any answer she bowed a little before turning around to go. She seemed too disrespectful but she obviously preferred being disrespectful instead of disobeying Xavier.

But to her bad luck. The man refused to let her go. He blocked her way making her look at him with wide eyes. But he only smirked at her.

"Dove stai scappando? Bella. It's rude to ignore someone who is trying to talk to you." He said stepping closer to her making her step back in fear. (-Where are you running off Beautiful)

"I-I. I need to go please sir." She again tried to walk past him but instead, he again blocked her way making her step back at how close he stood.

She looked around only to find everyone busy in their conversations, sucking faces or dancing. No one even cared about how this man was practically forcing her attention on him.

Her heart started beating badly she wanted to cry out loud. She felt so helpless. She just wanted this party to end so she could go back to her room. All of this environment was suffocating her and that woman Liza.

She fears what she would do with her. Because it was clear that she wasn't going to let Valerie go easily.

"Signore, sono con qualcun altro" She whispered stepping back with her weak legs coming in contact with a chair behind her. She looked up only to find him standing there looking at her with a small smile. (-Sir, I am with someone else)

"Don't worry I was just playing with you. I know you here with Xavier. I am his friend. He asked me to bring you to the backyard. He had a surprise for you. Come." He said motioning her to follow him.

She stared at him for few minutes. A minute ago he was all over her and now. The guy understood and let out a small laugh.

"Don't worry if I wanted to touch you I would have already done. Your Xavier's not anyone else's." He said with a serious face this time.

She finally gulped nodding her head. She turned around only to find Liza sitting near the bar with a drink in her hand and looking straightly at terrified Valerie.

Valerie looked away as soon as she shot her usual wicked smile. She followed the man to the back yard keeping a good amount of distance.

As soon as they reached the back yard he turned around with a small smirk making her step back in realization.

There was no one in the backyard. Only darkness and him, her alone. She took few steps back in fear while he only smirked at her.

"Sembri terrorizzata Bella. Be assured this is nothing against what you will face soon." (-You look terrified Beautiful)

With his words, she tried running away but before she could even move an inch she felt a hard thud against her head making her eyes rolled back and fell towards.

She was engulfed in the arms of the same man who tricked her as he chuckled viciously before picking her half-unconscious figure and bringing her to God knows where.

Master. Letting out a small whisper she let the darkness fill her senses.

Darkness. That was the only thing she could see as soon as she opened her eyes. No, it wasn't the darkness in her eyes but it was the only thing present in the room.

No matter how much she blinked her eyes every time she comes to contact with only darkness. Holding her aching head she pulled her body up sitting on the broken cement floor.

Her eyes moved all over the place and the only source of the light was a small hole from which the light of the moon was enlightening the room. 

She was petrified. Liza. The man. She was tricked. How could she be so naive to follow that man? She knew she was afraid of what if Xavier had sent that man to bring her to him. She was afraid of disobeying him.

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