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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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"I feel sorry too, Isa. Rejecting him so many times, but I can't reciprocate it."

"Yes and more now when someone else has your heart," she elbows me mischievously.

"Isa, don't say that. Nobody has my heart." I feel my face burn.

"Yeah aha, as you say, Paula. You don't even believe that, and you still haven't told me anything. Don't forget that you owe me the gossip with details."

"Come on Isa" I deny, passing her.

The morning passed by so quickly and as we drew closer and closer to lunch my stomach started to turn because I would see him again. I would see Dante and with that knowledge, I was dying of anxiety and shame. "Friend, let’s have lunch together?" Isa asked, arriving next to me.

"Mmm, I can't Isa" I replied sadly and she raised an eyebrow

"And why is that?"

"Dante invited me to lunch today" I shrugged, Isa squealed excitedly.

"Really, friend? Oh! What a thrill. This is serious, then" she raises her eyebrows, amused.

"Enough already, let me change and wait for him. And I don't know, we'll talk about it later, Isa. Let's not rush things."

I check my cell phone only to find not a single message. I would have liked him to at least say good morning. but hey, today we will discuss everything that is happening between us. I need to stop being so desperate. He is a busy man. He must have a thousand things on top to remember me.

I have already spent half an hour waiting for him and he doesn’t come. I only have an hour for lunch. I take out my phone and dial his number but nothing. He sends me to the mailbox, is he going to stand me up?

No, no, Paula. He will come in a moment. I'll wait for it a little longer. I try to convince myself that he didn't make fun of me.

An hour passed and he never arrived. His phone turned off. My heart was beating fast. A lump had formed in my throat and the pain began to surface. I am going to change. My spirit ha shattered into pieces.

 "Paula, friend, what happened? ? "Isa appeared. I just looked at her sadly. I shook my head.

"I got stood up, friend, that’s what happened," I said reluctantly, putting on the uniform.

"What, did you call him? There must be an explanation.”

"Yes, I did. But his phone is off."

Calm down, friend. There must be an explanation for why he did not arrive. "

"Yes, of course, there is, Isa. He used me. Last night we had sex. He used me and made fun of me and there is nothing more to say." Tears are not long in coming.

"Friend, don't cry,"  Isa hugs me, in an attempt to console me. I can't hold back my tears. He mocked me. Everything was a lie, and of course, like a  stupid I am, I fell for it even after repeating to myself a thousand times that I wouldn’t. Now, I'm stupidly crying for him while I knew from the beginning that this would happen.

But it's over, Dante. You can go to hell for me. You won't make fun of me anymore. We spent all afternoon and part of the night working. At night, we went to my house. I told Isa everything and I felt worse because I felt more used, but I knew that he was a damn womanizer. what maDE me think that with me he would be different?

Santiago has just arrived for Isa to take her to her house, at least he seems to be in love with her. I hope one day, I will meet a man like that, who loves me.

I go into my room to lock myself up to cry. I don't want Katy to see me like this. I feel so stupid.

My phone rings. I grab it, immediately, hoping it's Dante but I was wrong. It was Iam.

"Hi, Iam." I greeted without enthusiasm.

"Hello, Beautiful, how are you?”

"Well, and you?

"Well, better after listening to you. mmm, listen I want to have dinner with you tomorrow. What do you think?"

For a moment I forgot this damn deal that I have. For a moment, I dreamed of having a perfect life. For a moment, I thought someone really cared and again I was wrong. And now, I am here, suffering for a man who made fun of me in the worst way. He used sweet and beautiful words, said the sky and the stars lower for you and did everything to achieve one thing, just to take me to the bed.

"Are you there Paula?" I heard Iam's voice on the other side.

"Emm yes, yes.  Iam, IT is fine with mE," I answered, coming out of my thoughts.

"Great, beauty. I'll pick you up at the restaurant, tomorrow."

"Alright, have a good rest." He says


"So, do you," I answer reluctantly. The truth is I just want this nightmare to end. Since my mother left, I have not been happy again and the only thing that allows me to continue is my little sister Katy, whom I love with all my soul.

see the light on my phone come on again and it was an incoming call from my friend. I frown before answering, a little surprised.

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