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Book online «My Sweet Punishment by Amelia Brooks (books like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Amelia Brooks

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Chapter 29


       On the way home, my mind was full of conflicting thoughts. On the one hand, I felt relieved that soon this pure madness would finally end, and I would return to my former quiet life, and on the other… For some reason, I didn’t want Henry to give up on me so quickly.

       Henry… So strange. It was the first time I’d called him by his first name in so long. Even to myself. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say it out loud anyway.

       No! He should remain just Collins for me. You can’t turn into jelly just because he helped you a couple of times... He is your friend’s love, your boss, the man for whom I will be just a passing memory in a few days.

      We flew to Spain on his private plane. But not surprised. ‘Cause, that’s who Collins is. He will not like to be crowded with other people, even in business class.

      On the way to the airport, we exchanged only a couple of routine phrases and no more. He didn’t allow himself anything extra: no glances, no touches… It was as if an unbreakable wall of ice had sprung up between us in an instant.

      On the plane, I sat directly across from a scowling man who was intently studying something on his i-pad. I tried not to stare at him for more than a couple of seconds. But as if sensing my ill-concealed interest in his person, he looked up sharply at me with questioning dark blue eyes.

      Collins stared at me in silence for almost a minute, and I was afraid even to breathe or move. Then the man turned his attention back to the i-pad and began to talk to me dispassionately:

      “In half an hour, we will land at the airport of Valencia. Then we’ll go straight to the hotel.”

      To a hotel? I tensed. Doesn’t he want to wait until night? Or at least, until evening. Anxiety began to creep into me again. But it immediately retreated to a far corner as he continued.

      “We’ll only have twenty minutes to settle in since we’re going to a conference after that. Have you prepared the documents that I asked you for?”

       “Of course, Mr. Collins,” I quickly responded. But there was only one thought in my head. The thought of the night ahead. This means that it will happen after the conference. I wonder how long it will last.

       “Good,” He nodded approvingly, indicating that this was the end of our "entertaining" conversation.

       A black Mercedes was waiting for us at the airport exit. The man opened the passenger door for me and sat down next to me in the back seat. We were far enough away from each other that we didn’t touch in any way. But the strong vibrations that came from his body, and which I felt with every cell of mine so clearly that I literally huddled against the window of the car.

       But fortunately, I soon managed to get distracted by the fascinating views that opened up in front of me in the window with each new second. Monuments, cathedrals, a huge number of fancy buildings. I think I could spend hours walking the streets and just looking at the old houses.

       I’ve never been abroad, but I’ve always wanted to go. Even in the first university years, I saved my scholarship to visit some European city. It doesn’t matter which one. Just break out and see the world.

        But between a trip abroad and at least some help for my family – the choice was naturally obvious.

      While I was drooling at the window, we were already approaching a luxury hotel with the flashy name “The Palace”. The building really looked more like a palace that only the highest of the world could enter, rather than a girl who had first left a small town for the capital a couple of years ago.

       And what was my surprise when the man handed me the key to my room. Personal. So I’m not spending the night with him?

      “I’ll meet you in the car in twenty minutes,” and he went into the next room, leaving me completely baffled.

      When the moment of numbness finally passed, I opened the door to my room and froze. A huge bed, covered with fine white linen, immediately caught my eye. High windows with cream curtains and a balcony with constant access to the incredible beauty of the city. You can freely accommodate even ten people here. But today it’s all for me alone… I jumped onto the soft bed and closed my eyes. The room was luxurious.

     But the dreamy smile immediately faded from my face when sanity entered my head: “Don’t flatter yourself, Mia. Don’t you think that he would have put you in a barracks? It’s just for one night, anyway.”

        I quickly changed out of my traveling clothes for a black skirt and a light pink chiffon blouse. And exactly twenty minutes later, I was sitting in the car, where Collins was already waiting for me. He also changed his clothes. He was wearing a steel-colored business suit and a crisp white shirt.

      “Put it on,” I jerked unconsciously when I heard his commanding voice.

       I turned to face the man and saw him calmly handing me a black tie. At first, I stared at him in disbelief. Why do I need a tie? But then it finally dawned on me. Does he... want me to tie it for him??

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