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Book online «Lust And Revenge by Reginah Shadreck (book reader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Reginah Shadreck

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Forty two

It'd been three days since we came back, and Giovanni left yesterday on a business trip. Ever since he got back he has been really nice. He even lets me go out if I want to but I have to have Olivia with me always, whenever I leave the house.

I somehow can't find the charger to the phone Mercelo gave to me ,maybe I lost the charger but I can't give Olivia to take it to him because before all the workers leave they get searched and she'll get in trouble because she didn't come to work with a cellphone.

"Don't you find it suspicious that Giovanni is letting you go out suddenly?", Olivia asks as we drive to the restaurant Mercelo said he'd meet us at .

I won't lie at first I did but , it's not that big of a deal maybe he feels sorry for trying to kill me "I mean yeah but it works for us doesn't it?",I respond and continue driving,I can't get that old woman's voice from my head,but I'm just thinking too much.

We arrive and find him already waiting. He's changed since i.last saw him,his beard has grown thicker and he has ear bags looking like he hasn't been sleeping properly.

"You're finally here, it's good to see you",he says while drinking his coffee.

" You don't look so good Mercelo",I can't help but say.

"There is some new information that turned up,it was brought in by your father's driver",he says, taking out an envelope.

Uncle Frank? I haven't seen him since the day my dad killed himself,he was a really nice guy but he didn't even come to my dad's funeral.

"What relationship did your parents have with the Salvatore family?".

"What do you mean? nothing that I know of ",

" What about Leonardo,most especially him do you recall ever meeting him at some point?"

" No I don't, what is it? What did you find out?",I ask at this point I'm so confused I'm sure it can show on my face.

He looks at Olivia and tells her to leave "he opens the envelope and takes out the photos and papers within.

He hands me a photo and the first person I see is my dad I'd recognize him anywhere without intention my eyes year up and I control the tears that far as I lightly touch his face ,we left all our stuff at the apartment we used to live in,I don't know who lives there now or if they threw our things away.

There are other people there as well apart from my young parents there are other people,a young Lydia and the man standing next to her who is a replica of Giovanni with two little boys,whom I'm guessing are Giovanni and Federico,this is the first picture I've seen of Federico who looks to be about the same age as Mason and Giovanni looks a little bit older maybe 12 or so. 

The other couple that I don't recognize stand next to a young boy who looks a little bit older, maybe already in his teens.

"Why are you showing me this?" I ask .

"Your parents met the Salvatore's and Lucci's before you were born",he says " your grandparents had just died in a car accident who were the original partners of these two families",he continues.

" But you're not answering me ,what connection is there between these people and my parents?"

" I'm getting there ,later that same year Leonardo's also lost his parents after there house was broken into,so the Salvatore's took him in ,the encounters between him and your mother would increase as she would frequent the Salvatore's house in hopes to have a close friendship with Mrs Salvatore",he said and I got a bad feeling " she then started to have a sexual relationship with the 17 year old Leonardo",he continued and the glass in my hand broke,the shrade cutting into my palm.

This can't be,it must be a lie ,this is impossible,it can't be happening,I looked at the panicked Mercelo who was calling the waiter and asking for a first aid box then looked at my hand, that's when I felt the stinging pain.

I felt bile raise up my throat and I had to stop myself from retching the breakfast I had this morning. I stayed there motion less as he bandaged my hand.

"This isn't true right?"Now I know why Lydia hates me so much , I'd hate me too. She was there around her kid when he was growing up, then she had an explicit relationship later with him when he grew up. And Leonardo? Oh my god? What kind of a monster was she?. "She was a monster,she was a perverted woman",I said with the difficulty of keeping myself from vomiting.

"She later ended it with him when Giovanni's father found out about it,then he stopped doing business with your family",he continues.

" Did my father know? Did he Mercelo!?".

" No he didn't",he shook his head.

No wonder he spoke to me like that in Colombia,I was beginning to feel light headed,this was all too much for me,how will I look Leonardo in the eye,when my mother took advantage of him .

I hope she rots in hell ,I thought even though she did those things she was still my mother after all ,but this is too much she knew them when they were just kids ,she knew their parents.

"Does Giovanni know about my mother and leo?",

"No, nobody apart from his father, Leonardo, your mother and Frank Martinez knew about it"

" How did uncle Frank know about it?",

" He once saw them kissing in the garden,he kept his mouth shut for fear that he'd get killed if they found out he knew, because some of the house servants that knew about later disappeared without a trace",

" Why has he spoken up now?",

" He heard about your marriage to Salvatore,so he felt that you needed to know"

" This doesn't make any sense",I say and get up ,I can't handle this so I grab my bag and storm out of there with Mercelo calling out to me,I quickly get into the car and don't bother about Olivia.

I'm going beyond the speed limit but everything Mercelo said keeps playing in my head. I'm hoping it's not true, it's not true that she had a relationship with Leonardo.

As soon as I get out of the car after reaching the house I'm on my knees retching. Flavio who was leaving runs to me "Nithia are you okay, what's wrong with you?",he says holding me up.

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