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Book online «Lust And Revenge by Reginah Shadreck (book reader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Reginah Shadreck

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forty three

" Where did you hear that from? '' he asks calmly while he slowly walks close to me, making me take a step back.

" Open this door, Nithia!"Flavio keeps banging on the door.

The look in his eyes scared me to the core, he kept walking towards me slowly " you look just like her, even Mason looks like her,you have her smile,her beautiful eyes",he says.

I didn't notice it but tears streamed down my face,my back hit the door,now I knew I was cornered " you're scaring me Leo", I say and he stops in his tracks,just a foot away from me.

" I'd never hurt you Sweetheart",he says closing the distance between,he held my jaw and tilted my head up to look at him "I loved her just as much as I love you that is why I can never hurt you because unlike her I know you love me it's just him stopping us but don't worry I'll take care of everything",he says and gives me a feather light kiss ,the strength in my knees gave out and I fell into his arms.

 He chuckled and unlocked the door, Flavio came rushing in with Enzo behind him " what did you do to her?! Nithia are you okay?", He asks and takes me from Leonardo's arms.

" I didn't do anything to her,she came in and almost fainted", Leonardo says " she must have not been getting enough sleep or caught a stomach bug from Colombia, but careful Flavio how worried you are will confuse others about how you truly feel about your sister- in- law", he says and walks out.

Flavio wants to go after him but I hold him by the arm and stop him " don't go, don't leave",I say.

I'm beginning to feel light headed, it's true, it's all true.

Leonardo stepped out to call the doctor who later came to examine me and gave me to calm my nerves and stop the nausea.

I needed to speak to my brothers, now more than ever we needed to get out of this situation away from the Salvatore's and Leonardo. But the question I have is does Giovanni know about this, does he know my mom once had a relationship with Leonardo? How many victims are there?.

I wanted to call my brothers so I dug into my purse for my phone and found the phone with the pictures.I was supposed to give it to Mercelo but I was so upset and stormed out before I could even give the phone to him.

I'll set up another meeting so I can give it to him.

I sat down on the bed and called Lucas. It rang for a long time before he finally picked up,I released the breath I didn't know I was holding for so long.

"Why do you keep calling me,I don't want to speak to you".

" I'm sorry,I just want us to go back to the way we used to be"

" You always want to act like they didn't do anything wrong, you want us to believe that, you want to believe that, but that's not true Nithia, Mason and I already know what Mom did to Giovanni's brother,all he wanted was revenge on her that is why he took us in,we should be grateful that he did",

" Grateful? Grateful?",I laugh " he pushed dad to commit suicide,Lucas I watched him do it!" ,I grit.

" He killed himself because he was selfish,how did he think we'd survive,huh?"

" What do you want me to do?",

" Move on and just be happy forget about them,Mason is now happy I'm happy too ,you should also do the same, when you're ready to do that Mason and I will be there with you",he says and hangs up,what is he even saying,all because of the material comfort and security,I should forget all Giovanni's revenge put me through,how he hurt me and my family? He locked me in the same room with my mom's corpse,for f**k's sake.

I angrily threw the phone and hit the walk, its screen cracking and turning white.

Olivia then came into the room with a tray " you need to come down,here take your pills".

" I don't want to take those stupid pills!"

" You'll soon get out of this but are you sure when the time comes you'll be able to put Giovanni in prison and testify against him, Giovanni is powerful, invincible but at that time he'll be vulnerable and his enemies will take advantage of that, Nithia he may get killed or spend the rest of his life in jail",she says.

" Who's going to jail?", Giovanni says as he enters through the door.

I look at Olivia then at him " who's going to jail?",he asks again smiling.

It is `` My uncle Sir,he embezzled some money and now is going to jail".

" How does that have anything to do with my beautiful wife?",he says, pulling me into his arms.

" I was a little bit distracted and the Madam just asked what was wrong",

" It is like her always worrying about others",he says and kisses my forehead,I take in his familiar scent and relax a little.

"Leo said that you weren't feeling well",he says and I stiffen in his arms.

"I feel much better",I say and smile.

He leads me to the bed, placing me on his lap facing him " I got you something",he says reaching for his pocket and taking out a small gift box.

" I was serious when I said I wanted to be better for you, I'll forgive you for what your mother did and you ,Mason and Lucas and my family can be one ,they want it too",

I had to stop myself from laughing sarcastically, again with the forgiving me for what my mother did,my brothers want this too ,so he is the one feeding them that nonsense about being grateful, grateful my ass.

But when Olivia talked about his enemies possibly killing him ,my heart stung a little.I wasn't comfortable with him dying,why,when I shouldn't care and just care about me and my brothers.

He opened the box and took out a beautiful butterfly diamond necklace. It had a blue diamond infused in between the wings of the butterfly , it's the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

"Giovanni this is beautiful",I whisper as he puts it around my neck.

"I want you to always wear it",he says.

Always wears it does he want me to get robbed.

" Thank you it's beautiful",

"How about a redo,we start over",he says and kisses my cheek "

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