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They reached haveli and Irtaza parked the car outside of the haveli gates.

"Go inside. Some work came up I'll be coming late at night."

"Ok," she said and left the car and he drove off somewhere.

The sky was dark and starry as she gazed at the sparkling stars adorning the sky. It was a cold night as she walked onto the porch, heading towards the main door.

A sudden sadness bloomed over her heart making her depressed. It was her birthday today and her father was no more with her to celebrate her birthday. He used to give her surprise birthday parties and the whole day he would act as if he didn't remember her birthday and at night when he would come back from work, he always had a cake and a lot of gifts in his hands for her.

She smiled recalling those sweet moments with her father as a tear escaped her eye and she wiped it instantly.

It's all just because of that Asim! My baby died because of him!

She thought and her heart clenched at that. A fire of revenge was growing in her heart day by day. She wanted justice so her heart could find solace. How could she live so freely when her father's killer was freely roaming around? This mere thought was enough for fueling the fire of revenge in her heart.

Moving she reached the main door of the lounge and twisted the knob before opening the door. There was dark inside the lounge. She wondered why all the lights were turned off.

"Koi hai?" she said moving into the lounge.

(Someone there?)

Her voice echoed into the whole lounge but no one answered. There was an eerie silence. She moved inside heading towards her room but it was so dark all around that she couldn't figure out the way to her room.

"Koi sun rha hai?"

(Someone's listening?)

She called again but still, there was no answer.

She was getting fearful now. Horrible thoughts clustered around her mind as she begin to think of the worst possibilities. Her family might be in danger! Her mind accumulated the worst of scenarios.

She began to think about the rival mafias' attack on the haveli, kidnapping all of the members and killing them. This mere thought made her nearly cry.

She was a pessimist, a very big pessimist.

"Dua! Mama! Haya!" she cried aloud but no one answered.

"Mama! Are you there?" She called again but still in silence. Her fear shot up as she was confirmed about her family being kidnapped.

She heard a rustling sound behind her as a maid appeared with a worried expression on her face.

"Where is everyone?" Zahra asked, worriedly.

"They... they took them,"

"What?! Who?!!!"

"Osmanis madam,"

"No! No! Mama! Mama!!!"

She cried again and again but no one answered and at last, she sat down on the floor, bringing her knees close and resting her head on them as she began to cry. Her mind was jammed as nothing positive was getting into her brain. Her mind was surrounded by negative thoughts about her family. She was clueless about their whereabouts and situation.

Suddenly all the lights turned on and a loud voice boomed into the whole area.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone screamed with unity making her instantly stand up.

Her puffy eyes absorbed the scene around her. The whole lounge was decorated with balloons, streamers, confetti, centerpieces, cutouts, and banners on which it was written prominently,


Her family members were standing behind the sofas where they were hiding. All of them had a big smile on their faces and then the whole room filled with a booming sound as Dua, Haya, Haseeb and Saif blew the party poppers in the air at the same time.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They screamed again and rushed towards her, immediately settling the birthday hat on her head and then taking her to the table which was filled with a big chocolate cake and many other snacks and desserts.

Zahra was astonished. She had no idea that her cousins will even know about her birth date and here they've arranged a whole big birthday party for her.

"We're sorry, Zahra. I planned it to shock you that way and everyone followed behind," Dua apologised with a smile.

"Cut the cake, Zahra, before it melts." Asma aunty said.

She cut the chocolate cake, which was her all time favorite. Her father always used to bring her chocolate cakes on her birthday. Everyone was smiling and singing their birthday song for her. She was so overwhelmed as she took Dua and Haya in a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you for all of this." She said still hugging them. She thought both of them have arranged a birthday party for her.

"Oh stupid, there is no need to say thanks to us. It's Irtaza Bhai who told us about your birthday and arranged this whole birthday party. Some important work came up that's why he didn't join." Dua said while pulling back.

Zahra was shocked to the core as her eyes widened with surprise.

Am I hearing it right?

"Did Irtaza arrange all of this for me?" She asked, pointing towards herself.

"Yes he did else we didn't even know about your birthday," Haya replied making Zahra more shocked.

'How does he know about my birthday?'

"So pay your thanks to him when he will come," Haya advised.

"And you know na Haya, Irtaza Bhai has his special ways of taking thanks from Zahra." Dua winked at Zahra making her blush.

"No there is nothing like that!" Zahra retorted with her red face making both of them laugh heartily.

Soon their grandfather also joined the party. Shehryaar as usual was in Lahore, handling his business there.

The party was going in full bloom as Haseeb and Dua's usual fight was going on and as always Haya supported Dua rather than her brother. The elders were discussing business, the mafia, and what more while the ladies were busy discussing the marriage of Irtaza and Zahra. Every member was present enjoying themselves. Zahra was happy seeing them all together but a sudden pang crossed her heart as her father came into her mind she suppressed it by thinking that he will happy by seeing her happy so she diverted her mind somewhere else.

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