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Book online «Yes, Master by Marwa M (e novels for free .TXT) 📖». Author Marwa M

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Valerie stared at the woman with wide pitiful eyes. Liza slowly looked up only to find the familiar face staring at her with sympathy in her bright green eyes.

She wanted to chuckle at the irony. How she ruined this woman. How she destroyed her for her selfish feelings and still this girl was giving her sympathy.

"V-Valerie." She whispered letting out a harsh cough. Valerie was frozen. She had no idea what to do. She wanted to help her but she knew there is no way she could help someone when she can't help herself.

"C-Come." Liza motioned her with her tied up hand asking her to come closer to her. Gulping down she walked towards the injured woman before kneeling down in front of her.

Her eyes widened more watching her condition from closer. She looked like blood had sucked out of her. Pale. Bruised. Broken.

"You shouldn't feel bad. I was ready to destroy you." Valerie said nothing but stared at her with pitiful eyes.

Liza's eyes went to Valerie's hand that was placed on her stomach. Even though it doesn't hurt much. But still, she didn't want to hurt her wound so she decided to sit on her knees.

"Your stomach. What happened?" Liza asked in confusion. Valerie frowned as well. All this time she was thinking that Xavier would have done this heartless thing to his every mistress too.

"Don't act like you don't know. After all, you must have his mark too." Liza's swollen eyes widened slightly in shock.

"He branded you with his name." She whispered while Valerie nodded with a frown.

"Why are you acting like you don't have one?" Liza shook her head.

"Because I don't." Valerie felt her body freezing up in shock.

"He has never done this to any of his previous mistresses Valerie." Colour drained out of her face as she silently stared at Liza. If he didn't do this to his previous mistresses then why her?

"Valerie. I know I am going to die soon. But take my advice." Liza said making Valerie to look at her with a frown.

"Runaway from him. Far away. Or all of this. The feelings he has started growing up for you. It will ruin you. This is nothing, Valerie. He has become worst than I used to know him. Leave him."

Valerie chuckled in sadness. "You have no idea how deeply I want to. But I can't. I know I have nowhere to go. To hide. He will find me with a snap of his fingers. I am helpless. But I know." She nodded her head repeatedly convincing herself.

"He will soon get tired of me. Just like he got bored of his previous mistresses. I am sure soon he will kick me out himself. I know it." Liza shook her head coughing a little.

"Your living in an illusion Valerie. Your own made delusional decision. He's not the Xavier I used to know. He has turned worst. He's obsessed. He has turned into a psycho! Whenever someone even takes your name he turned violent. He even punched Chris. The Chris! His closest friend when Chris said that you don't deserve this much attention from Xavier."

"Xavier became barbaric and doesn't care where he is? Who he is beating? All he cares about is to show the person that you're his. He's obsessed! He is crazily obsessed with you, Valerie. And this obsession will only turn him worst."

Valerie's breath hitched as she felt her body going numb. Her hands started trembling hearing her words. No! It can't be true right? He will leave her soon. Right?

"You can convince yourself as much as you want Valerie but soon you will see this with your own eyes. He wouldn't let you go. And he doesn't have to say it. His actions speak louder." Valerie flinched standing up from the floor.

"No! I am just a mistress nothing else. It's not an obsession. It's just obstinacy. Which will soon be fulfilled and he will let me go." Liza chuckled looking up with her bloodshot eyes.

"You're not a mistress Valerie. He doesn't see you as one. Just leave him. Runaway. He will --- Ahhhh." Valerie flinched stepping back in horror as soon as she heard Liza screaming out in pain.

Her electric chair has been turned on. Valerie looked around wanted to help her but there was nothing She could do. Her heartbeat accelerated as she breathed heavily.

"L-Liza." She started panicking when the electric chair kept on giving her shocks. Her screams echoed in the room making her tear up.

Her eyes widened watching life fading out of Lisa's eyes. She took a step forward to find something to stop the shocks but gasped out when a loud gunshot echoed in the room.

The electric chair turned off. She gasped out in horror watching blood oozing out of Liza's forehead. She covered her mouth letting the tears freely stream down her chubby cheeks.

She felt her head spinning at the horrifying sight in front of her. "Mia Angelo." She flinched turning around only to find the monster with an angelic face staring at her with a smirk.

"You shouldn't have come here, love." He said manically before stepping towards her. She was frozen in her spot.

Standing extremely close he held his hand up which was holding a gun. He traced the edge of the gun against her jaw making her tremble uncontrollably.

"Look, my angel. This is what happens when someone tries to provoke you to disobey me. This bitch deserved it." He whispered snaking his veiny arm around her tiny waist roughly pulling her against his chest.

Her trembling body got completely engulfed in his arms making her close her eyes in fear. More tears escaped her eyes. Xavier chuckled wiping her wet cheeks using his gun.

"Shhh save them. Your gonna need them soon." Saying that he grabbed her wrist and harshly started dragging her behind him. Her heart started beating vigorously in fear.

She watched him opening the door with his fingerprint before dragging her towards his room. The room was fully dark making her tremble more as he pushed her inside making her stumble forward.

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