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Forty nine

"You changed your hair",I say, trying to make small talk,I can feel that our relationship will never be the same again,but I'm glad to see him doing so well.

I ask him further about school and if he has made new friends but he is a little evasive about it,I don't mind as long as he is here with me.

Later during the day Giovanni is moved from the ICU and we can now visit,we have to make sure to wear protective gear so as to not infect him with any germs .

I slowly enter the room and walk towards him. It is heartbreaking to see the arrogant Giovanni so helpless with so many tubes sticking out of his mouth and some on his chest.

Only the beeping of the machine that keeps track of his pulse can be heard as I stand there and look at him.

He was so helpless and defenseless,like I've always been before him.

"You have to wake up", I say and hold his hand.

"I wish I can hate you for everything, I really do, you've hurt me so much and made my life a living hell,you destroyed my family,but I can't hurt he as much as I don't want it ,I don't want you to die and leave me,you have to fight Giovanni for us ,for me,for our redo, I'm ready to forget everything and start over", I sob, " cause of you I saw my dad shoot himself in the head because of the humiliation you put him through,you took away everything, everything he worked so hard for and spat all over his dignity pushing him to the breaking point where he took his own life, you made me watch as someone put a bullet in my mother's head,she may be the worst person to exist but she was mother Giovanni,you locked me up with her rotting corpse,I should hate you ,I should just turn off your life support and watch you die but I guess I'm a sick bastard just like you , I'm sick in the head and I don't feel bad about,maybe like Mason I should start seeing a therapist too,but you can't die ,you owe me too much,so I won't let you ,you can't die".

I managed to get everything off my chest and just sat there holding his hand when I saw his fingers move.

Giovanni didn't show any other signs of responsiveness after that and the doctor who later examined him , said it is normal for comatose patients to show such reflexes when in a coma.

We all were disappointed after that,and Lydia had a hysteric crying fit and so Flavio had to send her home,I sat next to Lucas when a rush of footsteps was heard drawing my attention,it was Mercelo and other officers.

"What are you doing here you bastard,I thought I specifically asked for you to be taken off this case", Enzo angrily says.

" Well you thought wrong Mr Salvatore,now if you'll excuse me I'd like to talk to Mrs Salvatore",

" What else do you want to ask her , didn't she already answer all your questions already,why don't you just leave us alone", Lucas chimes in, the air shifted to a violent one and it looked like a fight was about to break, Flavio was not here and Leonardo just continued to type away on his laptop.

"That's enough guys ,I don't mind speaking to him",I said and got in between them.

We walk away from everyone else and a man next to Mercelo tells him to remember not to say more than he should.

"How have you been?",he asks.

"I thought I made it clear, I won't work with you to take my husband to jail",

" Husband?! Husband?!, Do you hear yourself right now? Nithia think about it carefully, Giovanni is a crimal and murderer,you know it very well".

" Look Mercelo if this is what you came to talk about,then you're wasting both yours and my time",

" Nithia I'll protect,if you're scared that Giovanni will hurt you I won't let that happen,you and your brothers will be safe,if I can get Giovanni in prison for arms trafficking,I can also get him for my father's murder",

" Look I'm sorry for your father's death,but I'm not going to betray the man I love period",.

" It's normal for you to feel this way,many victims do,I can get you help and if you're scared you and your brothers won't have anywhere to go , I'm get you under witness protection and half of Giovanni's assets,think about your father and mother",

" You didn't know my father and as for that woman I don't care one bit that Giovanni had her killed!", I say before realizing what I just said. My mother's death was ruled off as a robbery gone wrong and since she began working as a sex worker they didn't care much about it.

"What did you say? He really had her killed?", Mercelo says, grabbing me by the elbow.

" Let go of me,I have nothing more to say to you",I try snatch my hand away from his hold but he won't burge.

"Let her go, bastard!", Enzo, who I didn't notice said, and Mercelo lets go of me.

"Think more carefully about it Nithia", he says and walks away.

" What the hell is going on between you and that moron,are you planning on giving us up to the police!", Enzo yells, startling me.

" What are you talking about?",

"I hard someone look into the last calls Giovanni made and he found an unknown number that apparently belongs to Officer Mercelo, that was minutes after Giovanni was shot,so tell me ,are you planning to take advantage of this time to give us up to the police?!", He yells cornering me.

" Let go of her!", Lucas yells trying to push Enzo away,who retaliates by pushing Lucas violently to the floor,now Enzo is a huge man and Lucas is no match for him.

"Stay out of this kid, it's between me and this canga,now I ask again what is going on between you and that officer?",he says seriously.

" Nothing! Nothing! I haven't said anything to him and I won't! Now move away you asshole!", I yell and manage to push him away to get to my brother and help him up.

Enzo frustratingly yells and smashes a vase "Enzo we all are worried about Giovanni and I know that you're upset that you can't even find the person that did this", I say and take Lucas away.


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