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Book online «Lust And Revenge by Reginah Shadreck (book reader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Reginah Shadreck

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Forty seven

Mercelo's POV

Damnit! I can't believe this is happening, Nithia is a very important ally in this investigation.

Most victims go through this,I can't blame her,but I promised myself that I'd bring Giovanni to justice,the night my father died ,he told me he had enough evidence to put him away for arms trafficking.

I drive to the station to see if there is any news about the shooting,the outside is surrounded by the media.

"Do we have anything?",I ask James as soon as I manage to get into the station.

"Everyone caught on the  surveillance cameras are accounted for",

"That means our shooter is one of the people that were attending the party",I say and go through the report.

" Exactly,there is something else I know you'll be interested in seeing",he says walking to my desk.

He takes a file that came from the and gives it to me. I can't believe what I'm reading,the bullet taken out of Giovanni is the same that was found in Federico.

"This means the gun that shoot Giovanni is the same that shot Federico, but I don't understand the team that investigated Federico's death ruled it off a a suicide using a pistol", I had asked James to reopen Federico's case file.

"Yes, that's right it was forged,the real coroner's file stated that the gunshot wound  Federico suffered was from a close range, no one looked into it because a day after the lab had suffered a fire,but some of the files that u was able to suvage on the coroner's computer stated otherwise and even if he had shot himself which he didn't,the wound would have been in the left side and not on the right because Federico was left handed but do you know what was on the right? A window through which someone in the next apartment building would have shot Federico through".

This is all too much , the gears in my head start turning,this rewrites the whole case.

"We need to talk to the coroner ,why did he end up changing the original autopsy results",

I see his face change and I know there is bad news " that's the problem Mercelo, he's dead,been dead for a week now ,found last night in his beach house".

" Could the person that shot Federico be the one that shot Giovanni,if so why?"

" That's what we need to work one,but from the shooter of Mr Salvatore we have no leads , everyone is accounted for ,which means someone among the guests is lying",

I frustratingly run my hands through my hair. I really need to talk to Nithia,this is all in shambles now that it turned out that Federico didn't kill himself because of Mrs Kent Nithia's mother.

Who shot him and why? Why did the person frame the Kent family? This is all too confusing.

The person took advantage of the affair between Federico and Susan Kent and took the opportunity when they broke up to murder Federico and stage it as a suicide.

I grab everything and take it to my boss and she rolls her eyes as soon as she sees me "What do you want Mercelo?",

"I have new information on Federico Salvatore"

" I have no time for your obsession with the Salvatore family, Mercelo,the deadline for enough evidence is running close". She gave me two months to gather enough information on Giovanni otherwise she's closing the case.

" Federico did not commit suicide,the coroner changed the real autopsy results and the team that investigated his death lied,he didn't die from a shot from a pistol but a MAS FR-F1",

" What the hell are you talking about?",she says, putting on her glasses and grabbing the file from me. After reading through she turns to me in disbelief.

"But the autopsy said...",

"I know the coroner lied but still ended up keeping the original autopsy results, I'm guessing he kept it to use later on",

" But what would he gain in changing the autopsy results and why did someone murder Federico",

" For the same reason someone shot Giovanni" I say and take my cigarette out for a smoke.

" An old enemy maybe", she says, taking my cigarette and crushing it . "Any suspects?" 

" No but whoever did it was someone close to Federico, someone that knew the happenings in his life to take advantage of his devastation after his break up with Susan Kent", I say.

" a friend or family member? I want you to assign a team ,to reopen the case of Federico and find the coroner",

" Already dead",I tell her and she looks at me surprised.

"Our suspect is beginning to tie up loose ends,do you think last night's shooter is our guy?" She asks.

" Maybe ",I say.

After a small discussion with her ,I walk out of her office where James is waiting for me,since our suspect is someone close to the Salvatore's,we decide not to let them know immediately,but  I need to let Nithia know about this, she more than anyone needs to know about this new information.



Don't forget to also read my book "Taming The Heiress". You're encouragement and support is appreciated.

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